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4/10/03 Plans still in place for British anti-war protests


4/10/03 Protesters say anti-war demos go on


4/10/03 Spanish unions in anti-war strike


4/10/03 "America's sovereign right to do whatever it pleases"


4/10/03 Anti-war protesters to march Saturday


4/10/03 GM pulling plug on electric cars


4/10/03 Sydney anti-war protest to go ahead


4/10/03 Russia's largest rally against Iraq war brings out tens of thousands


4/10/03 Save me, save me from fog of U.S war coverage


4/10/03 Massive anti-war protests in Moscow


4/10/03 The executive producer of a CBS miniseries about Adolf Hitler's rise to power has been fired after giving an interview in which he compared the current mood of Americans to that of the Germans who helped Hitler rise to power. Sort of what Hitler would have done in the same situation, isn't it?


4/10/03 The New York Times and the Peace Movement


4/10/03 Mill Valley City Council votes to oppose USA Patriot Act


4/10/03 Speaking out against war


4/10/03 Citizens protest USA Patriot Act


4/10/03 Cash-strapped New York sues to claim taxes 'owed' New York City, desperately short of cash, filed lawsuits against Turkey, the Philippines, India and Mongolia yesterday, claiming that the countries owe $100m in back property taxes.


4/10/03 US warns Syria over Iraq Picking a fight.


4/10/03 March, street theater take on FBI, Patriot Act


4/10/03 Ad urging Bush impeachment angers


4/10/03 We said it would be a nightmare - And yes, that's exactly what it is


4/10/03 Much Lies Outside Control of Allies U.S. and British forces have largely destroyed the capacity of the Iraqi military to mount organized resistance in more than a dozen cities, yet huge expanses of Iraq remain outside allied control.


4/10/03 Through a Screen, Darkly


4/10/03 Robbins, Sarandon cited by Hall of Fame


4/10/03 Why I hate Microsoft


4/10/03 Killing the Messengers Deliberate or Accident: It Doesn't Really Matter Either the U.S. is targeting journalists to punish those who are reporting honestly about the horrors of the war (the bombing of the Al Jazeera office) and to send a message to others not to get to close to the conflict (the tank blast at the Palestine Hotel, home base for most of the foreign press corps), or else these were simply the kinds of mindless, accidental yet inevitable atrocities that are going on all over Iraq, and especially Baghdad.




4/10/03 Sony leads charge to cash in on Iraq


4/10/03 Don't Mess With Texas


4/10/03 Columbia: The search for a scapegoat goes on.


4/10/03 Hawks in U.S. Eyeing Syria As Next Target


4/10/03 Were these deaths mishap, or murder?


4/10/03 After Iraq, US may 'reform' Saudi, Iran


4/10/03 Police Stop Collecting Data on Protesters' Politics


4/10/03 Despite cheering crowds, Army unit sees urban combat in Baghdad


4/10/03 Iraqis Now Waiting for Americans to Leave Saddam is gone, the regime is changed, the Iraqis are liberated, and there never were weapons of mass destruction. So why are US forces still there?


4/10/03 Jubilation In Iraqi Streets Whole Story? What Comes Next?

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