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Addis Ababa: Urgent meeting + plans to defend Sheikh hotel's government

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LOool @ NG, waad saad sheegtay A&T Saaxib maleh, I tried to help him identiy his enemies in SOL lol, never took it from me but instead you turned him against me in miliseconds, I don't know maxaad siisaa :D

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Context dear FU-FU. Context matters. And opinions can shift over night. For a xayaysiis of a Somalia state run by Alshabab, please click Kismayo and see. Nimankaas waa in la iska qabtaa. But if foreingers join the war, I will still tend to support them. If US joins sheikh Shariif today, don't be surprised if I wear cumaamad cas. Somali's must defeat Alshabab.

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^You live in la la land AT-yow, Sheikh hotels government will be history unless foreign intervention gets in the way, the fact that he's there now because of foreign forces from Uganda....


Let's not delude ourselves from the reality, Alshabaab's victory and rule in the south is guaranteed should there be no foreign element, in other words its either foreign forces or Alshabaab, markaa waxaad isku dhaxqasaydid jooji oo either follow and cheer for the crazy boys or embrace the foreign forces that will help defeat them in the south, its simple logic...

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I tend to disagree. I believe Alshabab is very much defeatable by a decent Somali army. I don't think foreign troops can beat them. Anyway, I will not be happy if a Ugandan soldier kills a somali boy who is Alshabab. I prefer Alshaba to abuse me than a Ugandan to kill a fellow Somali.


Arinta kale ee Ngonge aad waydiisay, gabadh baan ka hayaa oo waa seedigay. When you decide inaad minyaro ii dhisto, we will be fine.

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^Adeer where is the decent Somali army you talking about and who can create them, the only man who came close to that was Yusuf Yey and he's failed in the end because of clanish folks, I don't think Sheikh Hotel and any of the crazy lords you have in the South are capable of creating a decent Somali army, if that was the case then halkaanba la islama soo gaareen. One should not fear to confront his weakness to find other alternatives, the Somali people of this current condition cannot and will never create a decent strong Somali army.... taasaa run ah


PS: Gabadh kusiisan mayno :D

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Yusuf ma wayso qabin and it was a non-starter from the get-go. The analogy would have been if I call for arming Mohamed Dheere. This is a different situation. plus, he made the mistake of relying on enemy army. Public opinion was very much against him. It is still better to see Alshabab in control of Moqdisho than Ethio's raping women. It hurts the somali pride. So, the going of the old fart is good riddance.


The tide is against Alshabab now and if there can be 10,000 men (not necessarly highly trained) with the right aramaments, they will bring this to an end. Let us not mystify Alshabab's strength. We know they couldn't defeat the carniverous in Galguduud.

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^ War kolayba Soomaaliya kumaadan soo noqon lahayne maad iska daysid Soomaalida xalaasha ah oo wadankooda difaacanaya?

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A&T Yusuf wayso cidina ugama baahna adeer, and he doesn't care about public opinion along two other men which I highly rate and respect for their courage and audacity to achieve results, all they care about is resutls and not opinion, for god's sake we are talking about Somalia, warzone Mogadishu and not downtown Toronto.... Yusuf Yey, and the Hassan's (Turki and Aweeys) careless about public and more of acheiving results for what they believe in... It is such men that would control and run the south, Yusuf Yey ayaa dhagaha katumi lahaa labadaan kale but since, like a comrade of SOL said, he was red carded by the international community and opted to retire, then two Hassan's will rule supreme in the south, no matter about public opinions....


Adeer two Hassan's never blink, never shy away and have no wayso, and they don't care about that, you have them chasing Sheikh Hotel in Mogadishu today... Nimankaan inkastoo aan necbahay laakiin I respect them, Isma badbadalaan Saaxib....


Johnny, AT is naive and obliviuos to the current status of Somalia...

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Will you stop the propaganda for once? Shariif asking Ethiopia for help? Shariif asking AMISOM to shell the city?


Are you f*ckin serious?


Don't you realize how preposterous that is?

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^All true, the death toll is 125 the injured is unaccounted for, the displaced in their tens of thousands, all this is because of the war between men of the same ARS, Shariif Ahmed and Hassan Dahir, yet you call it propaganda, have some shame....

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Your opinion of who is gallant and who is not is not differnt than what the average somali saaxibul mirqaan utters in mafrishes I frequent. And by the way, not having regard to the opinins of the masses is not a strength but a weakness. What did the three men achived with it, if it is a vrtue?


There is a difference between wishes and facts. Wuu tumi lahaa is not synonymous with wuu tumay, and if is about our wishes, I could have been married to heartless CARA for your information, but I am not! So is Abdullahi Yusuf. Muu tuhim anybody ever!!


By the way, I beg to differ on the status of the wayso of the two Xassen's. I am reliably informed it is on 24/7. I can't say for Yey.

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There is no way through this, the untimate decision will lie with the TFG sponsers, either they help him by sending more firepower and troops to 'crush' the Shabaas and co. ( as Zenawi would have said ).


Or the Shariif somehow miraclously makes deal witht the Shabaabs & co and his Sponsers agree to it ( this is the only option that suits the Somali people )


the Shabaabs win before re-inforcements come and Shariif government collabes but give 6 months and anotehr war will begin to topple the Shabaab goverment.

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