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A Y Admits --- SNM Wanted Secession

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Naxar. Historical Revisionism? What legal case can the snm faction bring to the table that is valid?


If assessed carefully you will find that jigjiga was also apart of somaliland, therefore if they don't secure jigjigga they can't use the colonial border argument?


But again, it is not good to get bogged down into false details. When they signed over the territory of somaliland to form a union, the old border they once inhabited EXPIRED or CEASED to exist. It is like saying, 1 day I sell my house to some guy and 50 years later I come back and say "That is my house" I made mistake selling it to you. You think anyone would Listen? of course not, because once you sign the dotted line on the contract, you lose the house PERMANETELY, not Temporarily. Infact their was no clause in the union that said "We can revert back to somaliland to colonial border"


Don't listen to their snm crap sxb, in international court at geneva let them DARE bring a case and watch us smash them and make the world laugh at them lol.


Till then don't sweat it, the world knows the truth and that is why their not recieving seccession.

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^ Actually, The "Hawd" and whats was called the "reserve area" or "Western reserve" of which jigjiga is part was part of British Somaliland.


Cowke, Am under no illusion that the only legit case of the Somaliland secession is the Will of the people and nothing else, no colonial borders or union treaty illegitimacy. Without going to Jijiga, the tribes of sool, buhoodle and ceerigaabo districts where not part of the signatory tribes and Britain had no jurisdiction there. This accusation of historical revision on my part is Somaliwide...

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Jigjiga is not necessary in this case because The British re shaped the border of Somaliland in the 50s, and the area known today as Somaliland is the right Somaliland., how ever the tribes of Somaliland all do want secession, from lawya cade ila yoocade. And Suldan Maxamud cali shire had a treaty with the British. The garaad also wanted a treaty but the dervishes killed him before he could make a deal with the British. When jamac jangali was the mayor of burco in 1936 he had some sort of treaty with the British

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Originally posted by Xaji_Xunjuf:

, and the area known today as Somaliland is the right Somaliland.,

and where that Right sland begins and ends - if i may ask Xaaji?

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Hadii C. Yussuf iminka qirto wixii SNM dooneysay iyo hadii uu diidaba wax macno ah sameyn mayso, waayo reer Somaliland iyaga ayaa mindida daabkeeda haya maanta. Ninkii walaalnimo iyo deris wanaag ula yimaadana wey soo dhoweynaysaa, ninkii meelahaas ka qayl qayliyaana isaga ayaa daali sida C. yussuf oo runta u soo noqon. Somaliland go'isteedu waa muqadis, waanay imanaysaa waqti dhow/fog midka uu doonaba ha ahaadee.

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