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Faysal Waraabe: I see Riyaale in my dreams

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Originally posted by xiinfaniin:



Lets leave the odayga marka.


Waraabe gets the last word:


“ Waxa dalka soo galo oo dhan isaga ayaa afka u dhigta,wuxuu heshiis la galay Shirkadaha badda Somaliland xaalufiyo,lacagtii Shidaalka ma aragno,tan Xoolaha meel ay marto ma naqaano,wax walba waa iibsadeen qolada Reyaale,dalka oo dhan waa Forsale,doorashadii dib ayaa loo dhigayaa,banaanbaxyo ma sameeyn karno dadkeenu waa dad hadeey kacaan wax walba u nugul,inqilaab ma sameeyn karno,wax allaale iyo waxaan yeelno ma naqaano.laakiin midbaan kuu sheegayaa dadkaan arkay ee Somaliland ee dagaalka galay,qofkii xaqooda cunay hadeey nolosha ku uri waayaan,waxba waligaa ha igu xasuusan,maxkamad ayaa la horgeeynayaa caadila”ayuu yiri Faysal Waraabe.

Faysal Cali Waraabe oo wareeysigii ugu dheeraa taariikhdiisa


Ok. I'm going to bite. Tell me what is it you disagree with there?


Duke, did I not tell you to come back with sense? I'll only end up mentioning Galkacayo and other stuff, saaxib. Leave the SL clowns alone. They're doing better than your Phd president. :D

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NG, I thought you said lets leave odaga :D


In the quote above, I like the part where he says,


banaanbaxyo ma sameeyn karno dadkeenu waa dad hadeey kacaan wax walba u nugul,inqilaab ma sameeyn karno,wax allaale iyo waxaan yeelno ma naqaano.laakiin midbaan kuu sheegayaa dadkaan arkay ee Somaliland ee dagaalka galay,qofkii xaqooda cunay hadeey nolosha ku uri waayaan,waxba waligaa ha igu xasuusan,


In the underlined sentence, Waraabe resorted to cursing Riyaale :D

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^^ Isn't that (in your opinion) what many average SL people think? Is he not saying what he hopes the voters are thinking? Is it not POLITICS? What did Hillary say about Obama? What did Obama say about Hillary? What did Bush say about Al Gore? Did Faysal invent political mud slinging and cantarbaqash?




Want me to play it your way? At least our mugger is in control. Yours has no idea what he's doing. :D

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Duke, did I not tell you to come back with sense? I'll only end up mentioning Galkacayo and other stuff, saaxib. Leave the SL clowns alone. They're doing better than your Phd president.

NGOONGE, adeer our economy is booming because we have a better Finance Minister.


The oil exploration is making strides.


We have proved we can elect and change leadership smoothly.


Galkacyu's armed exchanges is nothing compared to the murder and mutiliation of corpses in Gebilay.. Thus your clowns are not doing a good job, they are enetertaining the Hargaysa crowed. :D

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NG, in last election, and run up to the healthcare debate, we had in America a lunatic preacher that prayed Obama’s demise :D


But no Waraabe is just venting his frustration doing what he does best which is share his gut feelings.


ps. I told you you are shorthanded today, so why dont you give this thread the final rite

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Ngonge there is no mugging taking place in our domain. :D But what will you do to get yourself rid of this mugger as clearly Faisal showed that the mugger is mugging no ends and living largely.


He is consuming all the goods and eating it all up Faisal is being quoted there.


So will you use habaar as Faisal did and curse the man and his mugging activities or will you just do something tangible about it, as the Faisal you clearly support :D in this thread at least :D , said we can't do anything and resulted to curse the mugger at the end.


'We can't even do a coup d'état :D . There's nothing at all we can do but to do habaar on him.'


Where will it get him tolow?

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^^ No doubt that Waraabe shot his own foot many times by his inability to shut his mouth up whether he did it on purpose so he can be a relevant to the SL political scene or his madness/foolishness. However, as NGONGE said, Odayga ha la daayo.


Originally posted by Aw-Muuse IsmaciilPL:

Alien I believe Xaji Xunjuf is also a supporter of ina Cali Waraabe
. Remember the thread whereby Faisal Cali supposedly said that he will be sending out 'special forces' according to Xaji Xunjuf in order to stop the airport strip being build in Buuhoodle.




Aw-Muusow, Xaji Xunjuf is the only person I found in SOL that has many commonlities with Waraabe so no surprise if he is his fan.

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Originally posted by NGONGE:

^^ Isn't that (in your opinion) what many average SL people think? Is he not saying what he hopes the voters are thinking? Is it not POLITICS? What did Hillary say about Obama? What did Obama say about Hillary? What did Bush say about Al Gore? Did Faysal invent political mud slinging and cantarbaqash?




Want me to play it your way? At least our
is in control. Yours has no idea what he's doing.

^ Ngonge sling back some mud!


Saaxiib is daji, meeshan tartan laguma jiree!


Waraabe has proven himself an intolerant poseur, ignorant xenophobe, vindictive jerk -- and an outright joke -- again and again. If you are touting him as your last great hope against the dictatorial rule of Daahir Riyaale over Shankaroon, then I urge you to please pass me some of that wicked stuff you've been smoking lately. :D

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Originally posted by NGONGE:

I like Faysal (don't agree with most of what he says) but still like him. He plays the game well.

One thing about Faysal is that he comes off as an honest politician. It is also possible that he makes up things because he enjoys the limelight and the public interest.


NGONGE, you should be enjoying this because you are a Riyaale fan. :D:D

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FCW is so funny. Everything he says makes it to the headlines. I wish he was our President. These buntlanders would not be running their mouth on daily basis. :D

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War ninkaan Riyaale ah oo xittaa dadka riyada ugu imaanaya maa laga qabto. :D Faysal iyo warbadidiisa wuxuu rabo ayuu iskaga hadlaa...As some people call him The Muuse Suudi of Northern Somalia. :D

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