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Baydhabo 29, Oct. 07 ( Sh.M.Network)- Ra'isulwasaaraha dowladda KMG ah ee Somalia, Cali max'ed Geedi oo maanta soo gaaray magaalada Baydhabo ayaa ku dhawaaqay in uu iska casilay xilkii ra'isulwasaare nimo ka dib markii qoraal istaqaalo ah uu u gudbiyay Madaxweynaha dowladda KMG ah ee Somalia sida ay ku soo warmeyso wariyaha shabelle ee magaalada Baydhabo.


Ra'isulwasaare Geedi ayaa is casilaadiisa ay timid ka dib markii kulan uu la qaatay Madaxweynaha dowladda KMG ah ee Somalia C/laahi Yuusuf Axmed, iyadoo kulankaasi ay goobjoog ka ahaayeen wafuud ka socota dowladda Ethiopia oo saakay la timid Ra'isulwasaare Geedi.


Ra'isulwasaare Geedi ayaa kulankaasi ka dib ku sheegay qudbad uu ka jeediyay xarunta Baarlamanka ee magaalada Baydhabo in uu ka tagay jagadii ra'isulwasaare nimo.


" Idinka ma tagin mana idinka dheeri, kamana safrayo halkaan, waxaan ahay xildhibaan, Istaqaaladeyda waxaan u gudbiyay Madaxweynaha, wuuna iga aqbalay" ayuu ku yiri Geedi Mudanayaasha Baarlamabka qudbad uu iminka ka jeedinayo Xarunta ADC ee magaalada Baydhabo.


Geedi ayaa ka hor inta uusan ku dhaqaaqin is casilaada waxa uu kulamo la qaatay mudanayaasha ku fikirka ahaa isaga, waxaana uu ku war galiyaya in uu is casilayo

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Somali PM Gedi to resign


BAIDOA, Somalia (Reuters) - Somali Prime Minister Ali Mohamed Gedi has arrived in Baidoa to resign in front of the parliament later on Monday following a lengthy political feud with President Abdullahi Yusuf, officials and diplomats said.


"He is going to resign. It will be done in front of parliament," the minister, who asked not to be named, told Reuters.


The Gedi-Yusuf split had weakened the government as it faced an Islamist-led insurgency this year. It had also frustrated foreign backers including the United Nations and United States

Three foreign diplomats who follow Somalia also confirmed Gedi would quit,And a second minister allied to him, Sports and Youth Affairs Minister Maulid Maane Mahamud, told Reuters Gedi had handed in his resignation to Yusuf and parliament Speaker Sheikh Adan Madobe when he arrived in Baidoa on Monday.


"He raised the issue of his resignation. The president and the speaker of the parliament requested the prime minister to say it officially in front of the parliament. He is due to arrive shortly," Mahamud told Reuters from parliament.


(Additional reporting by Bryson Hull in Nairobi)



SOURCE: Reuters, October 29,2007

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" Idinka ma tagin mana idinka dheeri, kamana safrayo halkaan, waxaan ahay xildhibaan, Istaqaaladeyda waxaan u gudbiyay Madaxweynaha, wuuna iga aqbalay"

ayuu ku yiri Geedi Mudanayaasha Baarlamabka qudbad uu iminka ka jeedinayo Xarunta ADC ee magaalada Baydhabo

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Originally posted by SheekhaJacaylka:

what is next tolow ?? ,,, someone must be ready for that post

Yes , Duke. :D:D

Well literally not him, but certainly a yes man like him

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BAIDOA, Somalia, Oct 29 (Reuters) - Somali Prime Minister Ali Mohamed Gedi resigned on Monday after a long feud with the president that frustrated Western backers and split the government while it faced an Islamist insurgency.


"Today, I want to state that I am going to resign, that I am leaving the government," Gedi told parliament in the south-central trading town of Baidoa.


His remarks brought applause from legislators who for weeks have been poised to vote on what would have amounted to a no-confidence vote in Gedi pushed by President Abdullahi Yusuf.


His resignation came as shells struck the capital Mogadishu for a third day, in the worst fighting in weeks between Islamist rebels and allied Ethiopian-Somali government troops.


The rift between Gedi and President Abdullahi Yusuf had hindered progress by the government, the 14th attempt at installing central rule in Somalia since dictator Mohamed Siad Barre's ouster sunk Somalia into anarchy in 1991.


It was unclear who would replace Gedi, and if it would help the government unify or start a new round of wrangling.


Gedi offered his resignation to Yusuf and parliament speaker Sheikh Adan Madobe when he arrived in Baidoa on Monday, but was asked to do it formally in front of parliament.


A veterinary surgeon by trade, Gedi rose from obscurity three years ago to become prime minister at the end of Somalia's peace talks in Kenya.


Although he and Yusuf have both enjoyed Addis Ababa's support since they came to power in late 2004, the two have differed almost from the start. They began to work together earlier this year until the rift widened again when they backed separate parties interested in Somalia's oil potential.




Yusuf's allies say the president, with some Western support, decided in September that Gedi must go and set out to force him from office with a constitutional ploy that would have effectively been a no-confidence vote, if successful.


Gedi tried to garner support from his powerful ****** clan in Mogadishu. But he never got the unified backing he needed -- especially since many ****** have complained he was not their choice to take the clan's top position in government.


Yusuf hails from the rival ***** clan, and as such the prime minister had to be a ****** as part of a power-sharing agreement reached at the peace talks in Kenya that gave birth to the government.


Distrust of Yusuf as a ***** and dissatisfaction with Gedi as prime minister has kept the ****** mostly against the government since its inception.


Those factors, diplomats and analysts say, made it difficult for the government to return to ******-run Mogadishu until the Ethiopian military helped them over the New Year, only to be met by a ******-backed Islamist insurgency.


That rebellion has challenged a government that has struggled to keep itself together in the best of times, while citizens of Mogadishu have fled the fighting by the thousands.


On Monday, students and teachers fled shelling that struck the Hodan and Hawlwadag areas, witnesses said.


Many diplomats and Somalis hope that if the ****** get their say on the prime minister this time, the insurgency may cool.


Speculation about who would replace Gedi has been raging, but diplomats and Somali officials say no clear candidate has emerged yet.

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He finally agreed with Ethiopians, who wil be next? will loyal Ethiopian,just like Geedi. most likely Hussain Aiydid,lol

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Originally posted by me:


loool.....I heard the guy haddana suits buu u tolanayaa in laga dhigo Ra'iisal Wasaare, last time bay ka ciideeyeen intuu u soo dhartoshay. Jagada W/Arrimaha gudaha xitaa in laga faniiniyo ayaa laga yaabaa oo Maxamed Dheere loo magacaabo, maybe Casmara ayuu mar dhow ku biirayaa.


Xuseen oran in laga dhigayo.



Prof Caddoow...where is he at horta?


Whatever happens horta Cali Mahdi un yaan loo magacaabin kolleey waan ogahay C/llaahi wax isaga ka liita ma ahane qof kale ma keenayee awal buusan kii Soomaali barwaaqo u horseedi lahaa magacaabayn. Itoobiyaankuna hadde ninkooday markaan wataan, haddii aan kan Maraykanku markaan ka orod badin illeen hadda iyagaa shaashadda ku jiree.


I heard Buubaa inuu raajicinayey.


Aniga haddii talo la iga maqlayo waxaan dhihi lahaa C/llaahi iyo 275-ta Call box inta xabsi lagu ogaado Soomaali dad dhibka ka saari kara dalkana raba oo aan dembi ka gelin ha doorato.



laakiin waan dareensanahay inaan tani hadda dheceyn!

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