
Israel to Recognize Somaliland?

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No, Somaliland is not a theme park. It is a breakaway province of Somali which unlike the rest of the country is actually under a government and a broad order. For all intents and purposes, it is its own country and its own state. But the real Somali government (which isn’t much of one) does not recognize them, naturally, and neither does the international community which is trying to prop up the latter and restore order to the majority areas of Somali which are lawless and serving as grounds for Islamic fundamentalist radicals and maybe even terrorists.


Somaliland is desperate for any recognition and will accept any offer. And equally desperate nations will reach out to it in order to aid their position in the world by adding to their list of supporters. And Somaliland will certainly make itself useful to any nation that recognizes it - such as voting alongside it at the United Nations. It may finally get some recognition:


>In early February, Yigal Palmor, spokesman for Israel’s Foreign Ministry, reportedly told the Somalia media that Israel was prepared to recognize the breakaway territory of Somaliland, which split from Somalia in 1991, as an independent nation. If that happened, Israel would be the first country to recognize Somaliland, which is strategically located on the Gulf of Aden. There have been reports, all unconfirmed, that Israel has its eye on setting up a naval outpost at the port of Berbera to monitor the approaches to the Red Sea. The Soviet military established a naval port there in 1969 during the Cold War, along with an airfield capable of handling all types of military and cargo aircraft.


It is a reflection of Israel’s self-inflicted isolation and de-legitimization that it is resorting to such tactics of pointless recognition in order to add one meaningless vote (out of six) of support at the UN. That it is desperate for friends. Of course, Israeli recognition of Somaliland will be futile because it will humiliate Israel as a desperate nation while simultaneously providing no benefits toward the Jewish state since Somaililand will win neither a UN seat nor any international recognition (not even American most likely) just because Israel recognizes it.


And Israel will not be able to obtain any military benefits since Arab - not even U.S. clients and supporters of Zionism - will allow Israel to build a foreign military base anywhere in the region. And the simple Israeli statement of such an intention will further undermine Israel’s image as a war-monger and aggressive state. Why would Israel need a Red Sea base in Somililand? Is the nation now outsourcing aggression?


As a part of this story, a few months back the Israeli occupation air force bombed a corridor of trucks in Sudan is accused of carrying Iranian weapons to Hamas. The Red Sea base would be directed toward similar action.

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I swear to you- if Israel recognises SOmaliland or even discusses the matter, the embassy for Moorishland and Bladland will retaliate by recognising:




Western Sahara






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Originally posted by Karl_Polanyi:

I swear to you- if Israel recognises SOmaliland or even discusses the matter, the embassy for Moorishland and Bladland will retaliate by recognising:




Western Sahara






sayid, cafis & masaamax!

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Israel wants to establish a military base in Somaliland

Interesting story: At an Israeli request and funded by the United Arab Emirates: Israel wants to establish a military base in Somaliland, in exchange for recognizing Somaliland as an independent country and an ally of Israel

The Global Security Situation group 2:00 AM

The United Arab Emirates is pressuring Somaliland to sign a joint cooperation agreement and establish an Israeli military base on its territory. The United Arab Emirates has had a military base since 2017 and is one of the few countries that has recognized Somaliland as a country. In addition, it invests money in the country and trains Somaliland's security forces

Somaliland is part of Somalia which declared independence in 1991, but the country is not recognized by the countries of the world. The country is at the entrance to the Bab al-Mandab strait, opposite Yemen

There were reports in the past that Israel and the United Arab Emirates wanted to take over the island of Socotra in Yemen and establish a military and intelligence base there with Israel. According to reports from March 2024, Israel and the United Arab Emirates took over the island of Abdul Kori west of the island of Sokrata and established a military base there including a runway for airplanes

In the past it was reported that Israel has an intelligence base in Eritrea, which oversees the Straits of Bab al-Mandab, on a mountain peak more than 3000 meters above sea level, about 135 km south of the Eritrean capital

It seems that following the attacks of the Houthis and the discovery of Iranian warships in the Red Sea, Israel is trying to increase its military and intelligence hold in the Bab al-Mandab straits area.

Picture: UAE Air Force Chief in visit Israel 

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The uae is behind this all .but I don’t think any one will entertain this .because we don’t want houthis to destroy our coastal territories. We rather would share. Arms and logistics with the Houthi’s and arm our selves . Well unless the Israeli offer is to good which would mean training of the army . Which also could mean building a capable navy force for the nation . Full defense treaty .and to establish and anti missle system on the coast of Somaliland . Obviously full diplomatic recognition . But I don’t think it can go that way . Since the houthis are temp and muse won’t make such a decision unless  sl gains really from this . Which I doubt 

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4 hours ago, Che -Guevara said:

If this is true, secessionists want from illogical to outright crazy.

Believe me  they will even join Israel in heart beat 



  • Haha - That was funny. You made me laugh! 1

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5 hours ago, Che -Guevara said:

If this is true, secessionists want from illogical to outright crazy.

Xasan Socdaalna waa iska hurdaa. Xataa haddeenan run ahayn, why doesn't wasaaradda arrimaha dibadda summon rufyaanka Xamar Imaaraadka u joogo ee daljire ugu wacaan. They should force him and his government to deny this news. Maxee ugu aamusanyihiin. Of course, new dhul boobid ku mashquulsan yahay Xasan 

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4 hours ago, maakhiri1 said:

Believe me  they will even join Israel in heart beat 



Not really only if the Interest of SL is met ,   SL doesnt join any one, it just after its own interest.

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7 hours ago, Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar said:

Xasan Socdaalna waa iska hurdaa. Xataa haddeenan run ahayn, why doesn't wasaaradda arrimaha dibadda summon rufyaanka Xamar Imaaraadka u joogo ee daljire ugu wacaan. They should force him and his government to deny this news. Maxee ugu aamusanyihiin. Of course, new dhul boobid ku mashquulsan yahay Xasan 

Ma hurdo, he's busy robbering the country.

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