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Berbera Bossaso to benefit from renewd livestock trade with Saudi Arabia

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Dawlada Sucuudiga oo xayiraadii ka qaaday dhoofka xoolaha nool ee Somaliya.


Jeddah, Nov 05 - Xayiraadii saarayd dhoofka xoolaha ee dawlada Sucuudigu ay saartay xoolada nool ee Somaliya ayaa la qaaday.


9-kii sano ee la soo dhaafay ayaan wax xoolo nool ah oo ka yimid Somaliya aan loo dhoofin Sucuudiga, iyada oo sababtuna ay ahayd baqdin la xiriirta cuduka Rift Valley oo lagu tuhmay in ay qabeen xoolaha Somaliya.


Xoolaha Somaliya ayaa la cadeeyey in aanay qabin wax cudur ah oo khasbi kara in la kaarantiilo, laakiin maadaama aanay jirin dawlad Somaliyed oo u dooda xuquuqda ganacsatada Somalida ayaa ay qaadatay 9 sanno in la bedelo go'aankii hore ee xayiraada dhoofka xoolaha Somaliya ee Sucuudiga.


Geela, ariga iyo lo'da ayaa ka mid ah xoolaha nool ee laga dhoofiyo dekedaha Somaliya, loona suuq geeyo dalalka Khaliijka oo suuqa ugu weyni uu ku yaal dalka Sucuudiga.


Qaaditaanka xayiraada dhoofka xoolaha Somaliya ayaa lala xiriirinayaa maxjaro laga dhisay Somaliya, gaar ahaan Bossaso iyo Berbera oo ay maalgaliyeen sharikaad ay leeyihiin maalgabeeno u dhashay dalka Sucuudiga.


2-da maxjarad ayaa lagu baaraa, laguna kala soocaa xoolaha nool inta aan la beec geyn.


Xoolaha nooli waa isha keliya ee dhakhliga ugu badani ka soo galo Somalida, oo u badan xoolo dhaqato reer guuraa ah oo nolol maalmeedkoodu ku salaysan yahay xoolaha nool iyo manaafacaadkooda.


Ganacsatada Somaliya ayaa soo dhawaysay go'aanka Sucuudiga, sheegayna in ay wax weyn ka badli doonto nolosha, dhaqaalaha iyo ganacsiga Somaliya.


Diiwaanka Wararka,

Idaacada Daljir.

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Duke, I doubt berbera is going to benefit. When I was in somalia in 2000, when i was leaving we did a pit-stop in berbera to refuel before on my way to dubai.


No joke there was only 1 ship docked there and like 5 people at the deked and 2 cars. The place is a ghost-town.

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Well bro, not from what i saw in year 2000 that is for sure. The place looks like a Ghost-Town. However I might've of been their on the week-end I can't remember. However I do remember it was dead, however we were only there for like 1 hr.

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This will feed many people and help NW and NE Somalia's local economies. The lifting of this ban would not have been possible without the development of the live stock quarantines. Building these facilities was essential to opening up our most vital trading export to Saudi Arabia.


For those that were against the livestock quarantine, I hope you realize how important it really is to the people living in Somalia and that they were in fact happy with its construction, regardless of what some media outlets with political motivations might have reported. We need more development done and the time of complaining and arguing that the time isn't right, is over.


This is good news indeed.

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