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Howlwadaag, Huriwaa, Shaaqshiid ...

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I agree with Juje.


I don't think the ICU should start killing these "gudoomiyaal degmo". Not a good military strategy.


For one, these "gudoomiyeyaal" are almost certainly considered "important leaders" by their sub-clans and since Somalis are a mixture of sub-clans, such decapitation would only fuel more anger on the part of "reer hebel" to work with the TFG and defy "the murderers who killed their leader". That is just how things are back home.


Popular support = clan is happy.

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Originally posted by The Duke:

The deaths of these individuals should lie squirley on groups such as one led by Ahmed Diriye, the various clan webmasters of sites such as Wadanka, and others who glorify these murders.


Others groups like New SYl and HAG. Should also be careful. The days when one could write anything to incite others are over.


In other words praise the stooges or be damned eh..! :D

Saas ayad rabtaan in aad wax ku xuquntaan so ma aha?

Saxiib just keep watching the TFG is slowly is been dismantled by those who bank rolled its keepers (Ethiopia).

The TFG is now only nominal and will soon be extinct...

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Originally posted by BiLaaL:

AY and his thugs wouldn't have brought the occupiers by themselves without an army of collaborators to sustain it. The resistance have been discreet in their approach to the collaborators. They've all been warned that their actions will not be tolerated.

In what form do these warnings come? No doubt many Somalis sustain the occupation but some are more guilty than others. A misdemeanor collaborator is not the same as an occupier or a felony collaborator.


Unlike Yey and his thugs, it seems these men being killed are easily accessible and therefore are being used as warning signs to others not to join the TFG. Too many of these killings though and the population may turn on the resistance.


Palestinians have been lynching their collaborators for decades and there's no evidence to suggest Israelis are having any harder time recruiting spies and traitors among the Palestinians. About the only thing this does is create even more enmity and distrust among the population and, unintentionally, maintain the occupation.

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Originally posted by Castro:

Unlike Yey and his thugs, it seems these men being killed are easily accessible and therefore are being used as warning signs to others not to join the TFG. Too many of these killings though and the population may turn on the resistance

I take your point saxib. Let us remember though; that these so-called 'cheap' targets could have been committed by groups with different motives. Sure, sites identified with the resistance may report such killings and link them to the resistance but that doesn't prove anything. The only bombings and attempted assassinations that the resistance have taken responsbility for have all been of high value targets.


No doubt, there are grey areas. However, I for one, give the benefit of the doubt to the resistance until such time as undisputable evidence arises. Nonetheless, your point about the case of Palestinian collaborators down the years is a potent one.

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^^^^ So far, and overall, the resistance has been honorable in my view and I too am willing to give it the benefit of the doubt. Its success, however, may squarely hinge on the public perception of its actions. The TFG is already seen as an utterly incompetent rogue client regime. It is in their benefit to tarnish the reputation of the resistance, as some on this very forum shamelessly and short-sightedly attempt everyday. They will do so by attributing every incident to "terror" and implicitly to the resistance. It's a game as old as war itself.


As the TFG undoubtedly knows, the resistance must also be aware it's nearly impossible to refurbish a reputation once it has been impaired.

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What does one expect?

These clowns were used to killing retired old officers, business men and others like activist A-Yahya of CRD.


Are they not the ones who sent children to their deaths?

Who used suicide bombings first in the history of Somalia? Are their members and supporters not those who cheered and kicked dead copses of fallen police men?

It is expected that they would kill anyone who they get their hands on. However they will be hunted no matter what.




These organizations that spew hate will have to live with the new reality. If you step out of line you will be dealt with. You know how thinsg are doen in every state around the world. Tjose who incite hatred and call for such mindless violence should be targeted. Thus the webmasters, the organizers of these pseudo political clan parties have to be careful. Old Darwish is watching.


People dont start having consciousness now, some of you celebrated when the dead corspses were butchered and now you acre for these civil servants


Funmny that.

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Originally posted by Juje:

Allah uu Naxariisto inti dhimatey....however the act of killing people who work for the TFG should be condemned....waa dad masruuf iyo hunguri uu raadsanayo carrurtooda..killing them is despicably out of order and does not bear any logical reason. Nin qof aan waxna ka galabsan diila uu maleynmaayo in uu dan Soomaaliyeed iyo mid diinba uu adeegayo.

There are many ways you can opposse this TFG and confronting it, murdering minor workers is certainly not one of them.

Sidaan horey u iri, hunguri iyo jago raadis ayee ka tahay. Waa baahnaan karaan ama ma baahnaan karaan. Qoys iyo reer baahan ayaa sugaayo. Waxaas iyo wax lamid ah waa jiri karaan. Haddee saas yihiina aad ayaan ugu xumahay dilkooda iyo ugaarsigooda, waana taas aan ugu tacsiyeeye, oona u furay threadkaan.


Inkastoo aan violence iyo wax lamid ah si walba ugu soo horjeedo, haddana iskuma dhigmaan dadka la qaarjinaayo.


Kuwa dibaddaha ka tagay, minankooda iyo qoyskooda oo ku nabad qabaan ka dhaqaaqay, oo iyagoo qabyaalad caabudaayo, damiir Somaalinimo iska tirtiray, inay Xabasho occupation u shaqeyaan u tagay dalkooda, kana doorbiday inay ku sugnaadaan dalalka shishe ay deganyihiin, jago, jeeb buuxis iyo wax kale raadinaayo -- kuwaas habayaratee -- let's just say kuwaas waa another case.


Aan kala saarno dadka marka.


Iskuma dhigmaan masaakiin hunguri raadsanaayo dalka ku sugan, oo saan first post ugu qoray, iyo kuwa uus buuxis u tagay dalka, qabyaalad caabudana, oo dal iyo danta guud aanba waxba ka galin. Kuwa dambe -- waa kuwa dibaddaha ka tagay, calooshood u shaqeystiyaal qabyaalad caabudo -- haddee wax ku dhacaan iyagaa isku geystay, dadka dalka jecel Soomaaliyeedna naxariis kama sugayaan saan u maleeyo. U tacsiyeey xataa ma iiga suurowdo kuwaas.


Kuwaas -- aan ku celiyee mar kale, waa kuwa qurbaha ka tagay qabyaalad caabud u tagay inay ugu shaqeyaan Xabasho -- let them lay the sariir ay gogladeen. Or other words, let them eat the doolsho they made, as unmacaan as it is.

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