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General Duke

Puntland State to adopt Shariah law...

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Alhamdulilah. The Puntland admin have agreed with the Ulema to put in place Shariah law. This is a great moment, a historic one for the state of Puntland.


Maamulka Puntland oo shaaciyey in dalka lagu xukumi doono shareecada Islaamka.



Gaalkacyo Wararka ka imaanaya magaalada Gaalkacayo ee xarunta gobolka Mudug ayaa sheegayaa wasaaradda war Warfaafinta maamulka Puntland ay maanta soo saartay oo shaacisay warmutiyeed la xariira wadatashi ay yeesheen culumaa'udiinka Puntland iyo maamulka Puntland.


Warsaxaafadeedkan ayaa lagu sheegay in laysku afgartay 4 qodob ay ku heshiiyeen culimada iyo maamulka Puntland ka dib markii ay maalmihii la soo dhaafay lahayeen wada tashiyo arintaas lagu lafa gurayey.


Qodobada laysku afgartayna waxay u qoraayeen sedan:


1-In Puntland lagu dhaqo Sharieecada diinta Islaamka.


2-In la dhaso guddi ka kooban Golayaasha Dowlada, Issimada, Culumaa'udiinka iyo aqoonyahanada ,kuwaas oo ka soo baaraan degaya taabo gelinta shareecada diinta Islaamka.


3-In Amniga Puntland uu yahay muqadis isla markaana la illaaliyo.


4--In wixii khilaafaad ah oo ka jira guud ahaan dalka Soomaaliya lagu dhameeyo waan waan iyo wadahadal.


Wasiirka Warfaafinta ee Puntland C/raxmaan Bangax ayaa qodobadan ka sheegay in ay si wada jir ah isugu raaceen Maamulka Puntland iyo Culimada.


Arintaan ayaa waxaa soo de dejiyey ka dib markii culumada gobolku ay codsadeen dalka lagu xumo shareecada diinta islaamka si loo helo caddaalada gobolka dhexdiisa ah loola diriro musuq maasuqa dilooday gobolka, waxaase arintaas isku deyey inay ka horyimaadaan shaqsiyaad dana gaara u iyagu ku qaba maamulka oo doonayn in si dhab ah loo xisaabtamo.


Xaruta wararka

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Dowlada Puntland oo shaaca ka qaaday in dalka lagu dhaqi doono Shariicada Islaamka.

Last Updated::2006-11-20 13:53:16


Gaalkacyo:- Wasaaarada Warfaafinta ee dowlad gobaleedka Puntland ayaa maanta soo saartay Warmurtiyeed la xariira wadatashi ay wada yeesheen Culumaa'udiinka Puntland iyo Dowlada.


Warsaxaafadeedka kasoo baxay Maamulka Puntland ayaa lagu sheegay in 4 qodob ay ku heshiiyeen culimada iyo dowlada kadib markii ay yeesheen kulamo wadatashi ah.


Afarta Qodob ayaa kala ah:


1- In Puntland lagu dhaqo Shariicada Islaamka.

2- In la dhiso guddi ka kooban Golayaasha Dowlada, Issimada, Culumaa'udiinka iyo Aqoonyahanada oo kasoo baaraan dega taabo gelinta shariicada Islaamka.

3- In Amniga Puntland uu yahay muqadis isla markaana la illaaliyo.

4- In wixii khilaafaad ah oo ka jira guud ahaan dalka Soomaaliya lagu dhameeyo waan waan iyo wadahadal.


Qodobadan ayuu Wasiirka Warfaafinta ee Puntland Md.C/raxmaan Bangax ayaa sheegay in qodobadan ay si wada jir ah isugu raaceen Maamulka Puntland iyo Culimada.


Cabdifutaax Shirwac

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^The mafia leader Cade finally listening to the demands of his people[Waqooyi Bari Soomaliya].Good job ICU..Its only the first step and very important step indeed.Cade choose to listen to his people than to flee to Bay city :D

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^^^It hurts you, I know that the clan courts could not destroy Puntland from within, and could not attack from outside.


Take some pills, relax and watch this space..

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Few questions of concern.Will Cadde Muse still be the president,in what ways will the Islamic Sharica be implemented,will it be just a name or will we witness action to be taken if one commits fault against the Sharica?

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Originally posted by Mr. Red Sea:

Few questions of concern.Will Cadde Muse still be the president,in what ways will the Islamic Sharica be implemented,will it be just a name or will we witness action to be taken if one commits fault against the Sharica?

I think Ade is copycutting Riyaale on this therefore the next step of both leaders is interesting thing to watch.

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Originally posted by General Duke:

^^^It hurts you, I know that the clan courts could not destroy Puntland from within, and could not attack from outside.


Take some pills, relax and watch this space..

Come on now Duke, the last couple of months have brought about good things in all parts and regions. Most of all Sherica Law to be implemented and followed in SL, PL and Somalia.


Give credit where its due saxib, come on you can say it. Credit to the ICU :D


As for Mr Cadde, a small concession (Sheria Implementation) has got him out of a potential crater. A tactical victory i must say.

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General Duke


Alhamdulillah for the great news, I missed this wonderful PEACE of news, I knew our brothers in Puntland were up to some serious business, but to set such an agenda and get it accepted by the elders is indeed a great day.


Its through Islam and only genuine Islam that we can rebuild our nation and help our poor people, now, we need volunteers to help dig wells for the villages of Bur Ciideed and Riig Oomane, the drought has claimed many livestock and the water table is only 40-60 meters deep, shame on us for the suffering of our people.


What we need, is to pool experties and volunteer across regions to put a smile back on fractured hearts of our great people, I knew, when push comes to shove, Somalis, will set aside their differeces and come to identify themselves with their faith.


Noteworthy is the third article of the MOU: that Peace of Puntland is MUQADDAS ( Hole), before some people get confused, may I clarify that the statement is in line with a Hadeeth of the Prophet Muhammad SAWS in which he said that the Blood of a Muslim is holier than the Hole Kaaba, ( in Allah's eyes), in that context peace in Puntland and elswhere is Muqaddas, people's lives, property and dignity are all protected by the very Sharia they have accepted willingly.


A great choice for the people of Puntland!


Now inshallah Allah will bless the land, people and livestock.


"Wa low anna ahlal quraa aamanuu wa attaqaow, la fataxnaa caleyhim barakaatin mina assamaa........."


Baldatun, tayyibatun, wa Rabbun Ghafuur!


Wallahi, that news invigorated me today, Jazakallah kheiran General, your title should be upgraded to a Boqor.




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I taught Puntland and its inhabitants were muslims, who became self sufficient in the absence of a national government. Ade made a blunder in this announcement and should apologize to Puntlanders for this idiotic move.

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^they are and were very stable region,but ruled under not the Islamic law.The people are Muslims,the system which they use isn't that of Islam,therefore,that is what is being applied here.If that deserves to be refered to be as "idiotic move" then what is the right move exactly?

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It is a rejoicing news, though not in the sense others put it. It is a good sign to see that Cadde and the Puntland government to cede to the pressures from within, and thus it will hold the ICU forces to come to the aid of mass Puntland population who want a change from the current corruptive regime to a Islamic rule.

However the change does not merely stop at the announcement of Cadde to adapt to Islamic Law. Basis and fundemental changes have to be made, such as the establishment of 'maxkamamiins' in all towm, district and regional levels. That should be followed by their union and joint formation of ruling council for Puntland, and in latter stages their bigger union with the ICU. The annoucement made by Cadde to the adaptation to Islamic rule is just a catalyst to more changes to follow and will above anything cease the advancing ICU troops from attacking the Puntland state. That indeed is a good news.

The ICU forces in Baderledley have only one major task remaining now, and they have already issued their warning to the people of South Mudug. It is choose between the rule of the Islamic Courts Union or stick behind the remanant of 'dark ages', Kheyrdiid. It is up to them, if they choose to expel Kheyrdiid and form an Islamic Court of their own, well and good and if not the 'lamacelshan' ICU forces will walk into South Galkacyo and capture the whole town. They dont have long to contemplate now.

Guys do not underestimate the motivational and convincing powers of the ICU, they are going to spread like a wildfire through out the countrym ,but whether they will be able to sustain and deliver will be judged in the course of History. They are already failing in parts where they captured months ago.

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Northerner. The credit is with Allah and then the Ulema of the state who did not start a new round of war within the state. Remember it was in Bossaso that the first Al-Itixad movement took over and the state of PUNTLAND has many members of that former movement residing in there.


The aim of the courts was to takeover these areas, but the Ulema and Puntland agreement has put an end to disputes and calls for local clan based courts. The state as a whole should move forward as one.

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