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General Duke

After two years no alternative strategy to YUSUF

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The abject failure of Sharif Hotel, Nur Cade.

The fact that only in the last few months 200,000 civilians have fled the former capital.

The fact that Al Shabaab who’s supporters used to claim fight for the faith, are now deemed a “terrorist” group by the same supporters.

The fact that more African troops including the front line countries are being begged to come back and “stabalise” Somalia by the likes of Sharif, Tarzan, Yarisow.

That fact the Ulema who used to call for Jihad from Nairobi are now blessing deal making with Melez, as well as supporting the introduction of frontline troops into Somalia.


Why did all the people suffer so since 2006?

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Simply because they didn't like Yuusuf, they were brainwashed or they were made to belive that terrorists could bring stability.

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Duke is right and now we see what we've been saying all along since the last hope Somalia had in the short-term was cruelly sabotaged by the likes of Nuur Cadde and the West who harbour no real intentions for Somalia as if they had such attentions they would have worked with Yusuf and seen it off.


Today, Somalia the country and the people are much worse off than at his tenure.


Jacaylbaro shaatigii Xaaji Xunjuf ma kaada caadiga ahaa ayaad hadana ku badalatay?

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Originally posted by Jacaylbaro:

After 14 years no alternative strategy to CAYDIID's Salbalaadh ,,,

Afret 50 years there is only one Somalia recognised by the world. :D

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