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The knight: Sultan Ahmad Xafdihullah

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He is a delight to our eyes. A jewel in the days of darkness.A man of pure noble Cushitic SOmali origin. He is a Somali elder from Muqdisho. But he is not your typical elder. La Walahi, Sultan Ahmad would not sell his religion for a dime. He would not sell his people like Rass Gobbena sold Oromos or like the SOmali elders who handed over their country to colonialism.Sultan Ahmad would not support grave worshipers, or folks who openly denied the hudood and called it barbaric(kufr duna kufr?), nor would he lower himself to support AMISOM occupiers and call young Somalis "keligis Muslims" for opposing them. The Sultan is indeed a courageous elder and, walahi, I swear to you, he is more noble and intelligent then all the degree holding nerds and self hating Somali folks around. Some of his words maybe harsh and said out of his emotion, but, sometimes a lion can unintentionally cause collateral damage. It is the fault of the foolish who provoked the lion.


Anyway, SOL meet: Sultan Ahmad of Muqdisho

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I spoke too broadly on the other thread when condemning the Suldaans/Boqors/Garaad system. Not all of them are rotten traitors. Suldaan Axmad indeed is a great example of a noble Suldaan who deserves praise for his qowl-al-Xaq in age where cowards & midgets rule the microphones.


Mad respect, yaa Suldaan Ahmed. Geesi geesi dhalay.

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The Master once said:


Wax caanataynka iyo ka fudud caarada iyo baalka

Culaysna loogu go'ay oo nafluhu caabuq ka ahaaday

Caynkaasna anigaa arkee cara'e yaa sheega

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Son, they shook...

There ain't no such things as halfway crooks

scared to death, scared to look

they shook

There ain't no such things as halfway crooks

scared to death, scared to look


livin' the live with the diamonds and guns

there's numerous ways you can choose to earn funds

some of 'em get shot, locked down and turn nuns

cowardly hearts end straight up shook ones

you ain't a crook son, you just a shook one


There's a war going on outside

no man is safe from

you can run but you can't hide forever


In these streets that we done took

you walking with your head down scared to look

you shook cause there anit no such

thing as half way crooks

there never around when the beef cooks

and my part of town is similar to Vietum

now we all grown up and hold heavy on the cops control

you better have the right gear get ready

tryin back me and get rock steady

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Unlike the confused, NINTENDO player kid above, the answer to Master’s query I cited above came from El Haji Gooni of Hobyo.


He said:


Wax caanataynka iyo ka fudud caarada iyo baalka

Culaysna loogu go'ay oo nafluhu caabuq ka ahaaday

Cilmi nimaan lahayn haatan waa la cajabaayaaye'e

Cam-camada naftiyo waa danbiga laysku caajimay'e

Nin ciqaab ka baqayaa ma falo camalka qaarkiise

Cawdiyo billee eebe maa laga cabsoonaado

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wale this guy is sick. He's like a naked man, who believes he is fully clothed; so, he arrogantly swaggers around the place, mocking those who are clothed and more noble than him in every sense.

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^^Yeah those who are clothed and more noble than him are the same those who play NINTENDO games in London yet celebrate the death and destrucion in Bakara market as devine victory and slander tireless ducaat of Islam as culumaa u doolaar.

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Xiinow, inaad qaawantahay Ciyaal & Cirroole, Culimo & caamoba waa ku aragtay!, Gaalo 7 gaalo-raac in la iska dhiciyo Diinteenna muqaddaska ah & Caqliga saliimka ah baa qaba ee adiga in tigree, African gaalo ah, American & Qubuuriyyiin loo kaashado leynta shacabka & mujaahidiinta maxaa kugu wata, kuuse daliil ah??

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Fulaynimada caqliga waxa ka mid ah, in la yaso qof kula mida, waxa kaloo ka mida caytan & name calling, & dismissive behavior markay dhi'da taagantahay :D

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Originally posted by xiinfaniin:

^^Yeah those who are clothed and more noble than him are the same those who play NINTENDO games in London yet celebrate the death and destrucion in Bakara market as devine victory and slander tireless ducaat of Islam as culumaa u doolaar.

lol, you are a funny Munafiq Walahi. Before 2006 and the ICU, Kashafa dug up your old posts showing how you were rooting for foreign troops to bring uncle Abdullahi to Muqdisho. Of course,you had a brief flirtation with being an Islamic supporter. But today you are back to your good old Munafiqself and indeed the Arab Scarf has dropped. You, my friend, are the one who fully supports and apologises for the shelling of Muqdisho markets and entire districts by your Awyliyah- AMISOM. You are the munafiq who supports he grave worshiping Ethiopian lackeys. You, my friend, are the hypocritical apologist for the puntland regime, led by a man who handed over fellow SOmalis and denied their Somaliness. You are the munafiq who said this when the Ethiopian troops invaded Beledweyn :



This incursion is not however that different in spirit than the one occurred in Gedo few months back or the back and forth invasions in central regions. Perhaps the scale is different. Generally speaking Ethiopian incursions in border towns have been reoccurring episodes for the last 15 years. It cannot be reasonably equated to the full-fledged Ethiopian invasion of the major cities in south/central Somalia, including the capital of the nation that we have witnessed in 2006. TFG leadership shall not and will not allow the repeat of such day of infamy again. For those who allowed such grand scale invasion of Somali soil by Ethiopian forces have paid for their political blunders dearly. It will not happen in shaa Allah for there is no conceivable reason to resort such defeating tactic for the TFG when the world is training Somali army and when it is getting supplies of military hardware. However, if this TFG invites Ethiopian troops to invade Somalia in the scale previous TFG blessed, it shall be up to Somalis to defend their honor, and this TFG shall be disowned. Even in such unlikely scenario alshabaab shall not be afforded any leadership to resist a foreign invasion wherever it comes from. They must not be trusted with that task again for we have seen what they have done with the little leadership they had or still have.


It’s expected that alshabaab propagandists will try their best to capitalize on the Beledweyne episode for they know that is the only card left in their hands. Their strategy has been to draw Ethiopia in so they (alshabaab) can continue opposing any efforts to revive Somali state. It’s a deliberate strategy to keep Somalia in this cycle of violence until they get their way. So it does not surprise me to hear them plea for Soamaalinimo, Islaanimo, and solidarity to form a unified front against invading forces. And that is part of their propaganda. It’s part of their strategy.


2009 is not 2006.


We have seen what cheap slogans do to a promising movement. We have seen what alshabaab bravado means and the consequence it exacts on the needy. Lets be wise. A wise Muslim should not be cheated twice, as the prophet (scw) said.

So, when I say noble, it was not meant as a comparison to between you and I. I am just a miskeen and I don't see myself as noble. Rather, I was comparing the men that you daily mock here and the men you support. You are like a man swimming in faeces who mocks men who swimm in perfume. A young nintendo playing SOmalia who helped oust the Xabashi occuption is far more superior and noble to you and all the other munafiq ridden entities you support. See, the likes of Duke and EMP openly rejoiced and proclaimed their support for the foreign troops in Somalia and everything that comes with it. I disgree with them, but these are true men.



However, A Munafiq, a chameleon with different faces would never directly do this, instead, he will come with quranic ayats, poetry, personal insults and so forth. Sxb, i think it is time you stopped this nonsense and repented from this tragic state you have lowered yourself to. Alternatively, come out of the closet, be a true munafiq, be like Sheikh Shariff, masjidada cay, say Ethiopia is my sister and say you love AMISOM.Come out and say the grave worshipers are real Ulema who taught you Islam. There is no middle way here. There aint no such thing as half way crookz.

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