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Sool and Sanaag : Disputed Territories ?

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Originally posted by NGONGE:

Marc, you're a smelly student, saaxib. You are allowed to call me old.

Seriously what’s happened to the Great NGONGE that we have come to know and love. Seriously sxb, I am getting concerned that dementia has hit you harder than your fellow SOLers, who are also in the grip of a dementia epidemic. You could possibly be the first victim of this unfortunate disease, claiming the lives of those who cross the MARC.


Name calling is not your style. We have all become accustomed to your dignified and pache way of expressing your ideas, with such clarity and irony.


This is truly a tragic day for the once great NGONGE. I suggest we have a 2 minute silence in memory of NGONGE.



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Originally posted by xiinfaniin:

One last question: do you speak Somali?

Yes I do sxb! though i wish I had more opportunities to speak somali. The only opportunity is at home with the family.

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:D:D:D Ahahahahaha. NGONGE, u remind me of my school age. How did you get this picture? Kabtii uun ayaa hadhsan. School kids smile.gif

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Originally posted by MARCUNIAN:

This is truly a tragic day for the once great NGONGE. I suggest we have a 2 minute silence in memory of NGONGE.




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Lol..Ngonge there is a saying in swahili for this kind of scenerio.."Usicheze na umbwa atakufata msikitini".. :D:D

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^ :D , So who is going to translate that for Oday NGONGE, I think we need to find smelly student... :D



Originally posted by MARCUNIAN:

quote:Originally posted by Emperor:

Surely you are one of the few that makes me laugh more often, I hope that's a compliment for you...

I am not here for your amusement sxb. I am here on a mission to inform out of touch SOLERs (Self-Hating Somalis) and to articulate a neo-somalism perspective advocating social justice, peace and tolerance. Yet my warnings have not been heeded.


Marco Like Xiin said, I too am begging to like your character, you got me laughing so hard by the Out of Touch SOLers comment, I can whole-heartedly agree with you on the existense of Out-of-touch SOLers.. Shaqo kaqabo :D

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Originally posted by MARCUNIAN:


This is truly a tragic day for the once great NGONGE. I suggest we have a 2 minute silence in memory of NGONGE.



:D:D I have also joined the Marc fan club

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Originally posted by Malika:

Lol..Ngonge there is a saying in swahili for this kind of scenerio.."Usicheze na umbwa atakufata msikitini"..

Sumu ya neno ni neno...



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