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Sool and Sanaag : Disputed Territories ?

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You are too funny for your own good walaal

Looooool@ "Bad grammar is the online equivalent of having a gap in your teeth and a heavy Southerner accent - it doesn't matter what you say, everyone is just going to think you're istuburdh."


Still, Tuujiye made a point

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Why some people keep engaging in irrationality is beyond my understanding unless some people truly and vicariously rejoice the caustic theme of this topic, which depicts one clan as powerful and capable of achieving this worst case scenerio, when in fact they have been relatively weak and the victims of historic injustice.


This topic shouldn't take 8 or 9 pages.


But to give an overview (to clear confusion) of the kind of belligerancy the Sanag community had already experienced includes a prolonged warfare of 4 years from (1989-93) but it was the inhabitants of this region who put an impregnable fortress for this type of tribally motivated aggression and finally overcame unlike the Awdalites who have submitted to their tribal cause.


The Maakhiris and the Dervishes are known to have always maintained dominant strategy both historically and to this day in their dealings with their neighbors, We don't however want to stoop so low to their Base level of depravity.


The topic should have been deleted by the Admin long time ago.

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^^ LOL

Do share with us what sort of history books you have been reading? B/c in my books, all the land grabbings was a one-way-traffic. :D


Sidi-sidiidaada mooye dhul u dhacaaga hubsu, Caamirow. ;)



Mr. Marcus,

Your post reminded me of a "call to duty" made by well known poet Mahamud Jama "Daallin". Abwaan Mahamud is from the clan of Eastern Burao. And in those days, the clans of Western Burao were in a land-grabbing frenzy and were conquering lands from neigbouring clans left, right and centre. The clans of either banks of the Togdheer river, namely Eastern and Western Burco, are friendly rivals at almost everything.



Feeling left out of the conquest, Poet Mahamud composed the following poem telling his Suldaan the following.


Dohda Siraw duggii Faafan iyo degeladii Dhiito

Habaryonis way durugsatee Doollo malahayne

Dalal iyo haddaa reer Ugaas deriso qaateene

Dalkii aragte qayrkeenna waakaa Dannood tegaye

Dayrtiyo diraacdaba miyaan Doox la qabanaynin

Dixiyaa Madheedhka leh miyaan Debec la geyneynnin

Intaad Daba Wareeg iyo Yanqarax dib ugu guureyso

Miyaan Ina Ducaaloow Nugaal daniba kaa haynnin



Siraw's gully, the warmth of Faafan and the open plains of Dhiito

Doollo never belonged to West-Burco kinsmen, but they pushed out.

And the Dalal and Rer Ugaas clansmen choosed peace over war

You see the country oh Suldaan, our peers are in Dannood!!

Are we taking the family to Doox this coming rainy season?

Isn't Debec gonna taste the sweetness of fruits on banks of the dryrivers?

Isn't Nugaal in your Maps, dear Suldan Ducaale??


Following Abwaan Mahamud's poem, the clans of Eastern Burco captured the upper Nugaal areas including Cayn district, Garadag District and BuurDhaab and Oog villages. These events ignited the well known Guba Poems.


Those were the days when the clans were fighting and the game was zero-sum - winner takes all - looser walks empty handed. Like Qamaan Bulxan said:


Indinkuba darkii Caynaba ayaa Daris ku taaline,

Dagaalama nin doorkkii la laa duubcadkii Hgare

Ama na daaya waa wada Qabnaa Daawasho iyo ceebe


Those were the old days.


That said, Mr. Marcus, today is a different game. Today, it is not about zero-sum game. It is about creating a multi-clan Somaliland where every clan is equal before the rule or law.


Somaliland was built on consensus and understanding between the many clans that live there. It is that reason why Somaliland is thriving and peaceful.


Sool and Eastern Sanaag are part and parcel of Somaliland territory. Somaliland will not force anyone to stay or move out. That is something the indivitual himself/herself will decide whether they want to stay or move on.

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... adiga wiligaa banlee maa ku fadhinee

LOL, ban ku dil, nin waalan.


Tuujiska, xididka qosolka aa dadka qaarkood ka go'ay, why else uu bandhiig kasocdaa ilaa iyo hada?


As far as the rest of you are concerned, has it occured to you that maybe wiilka typo ayuu sameeye?


When will these islaano learn that they need to grow up at some point?(islaamo isku camiraayo waa fadeexo)


Haven't you learned anything from your passed mistakes? Fadlan, isku noqda, sidana wax isku dhaama.

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^Fanaxleey faceeda karoon maa tahay adi, anigu yaabayee? LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL...


Tuujiye, adi saa udhuunsantahay, meelee kasoobood, wax isku qas, hadana dhuumo? Southernerkaa tahay maxaa dhahaa!!! icon_razz.gif


Originally posted by Afromantic GirL:

Quraan saar ma ubaahna igaarkaan ....Washamsi in lagu qaado uu ubaahanyahay

Waxaa isoo xasuusisay too Somalia isku dugsi eheen oo carab la'...Washamsi markey aqrineyso "WASHAMSI WAALOOXAAHA" she used to say 'R' instead of 'H' in "waluxaahaa"...Alla ilaahoow i cafi...Muxuu macilka tumi jiray "LAQANTO QURAANKA HAKU DHEELIN"...


Shabiiqleey iyo basbaas makuu keenaa hee, noo biloow...Adi xaga kasoo gal, ana intaa ka bilaabaa...

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looooooooool@neph... I thought you would make a better come back than some english lesson lol.. bajaq yahee wee kaa dhamaatay runtii.. Tuuiye please iga ganbiso maa iska dhahdid lol...


Next time you try to write some BS like that remeber that you can't get away with your Cajuusnimo.. as always I got an eye on ignorent people in Sol and I plan to flush them... Call me the truth bajaq yahee qaabkeeda aad u qabti goome dhamaad ah!.........


Sool and Sanaag are lands part of somalia just like how Hargeysa and burco are part of somalia and will always be... Somaliland is a beautiful peaceful place part of somalia and not some place that belongs to special somalis that know how to write and read English lol..



Layzi waa u jeedaa meeshaan hiilis nooc kale aa la wadaa nooh.. dhiig dhaqaaq iga dheh lol I guess cunugaan marko waa lasoo dhisay yaah lol...I knew he was a little smarter than what he wrote....pupet on string iga dheh!



Wareer Badanaa!!!

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^^^ lol...kk policeka sol oo undercoverka eh in aan ahay ma ogidmiyaa adiga.. ticket in aan u jora waaye islaamaha fooda la baxay oo isku qabo in ee dadka kasareeyaan markaste ee is iloowaan... did you see what she wrote lol yeesiree fay kutubee mise siciid baradho shiiiiiiiiiiidh fooqul shidha!!


Nephy sorry but I think your laiiiiiiiiiiiiim way of thinking needs some aalamiinto, bax shiishada aad ku gubatay isku soo waal then come back with a better shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiidh to write than puting others down and I'll go and work on my grammer ooooooooookeeeeeeeeeeeeeey??? gooooooooooooodh!!!



Wareer Badanaa!!!

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ahaha :D @ Tuujiye. Alla muxu oohin iyo cabaad isku daray! War, hadaa is og tahay inaa saas u ooyneesid, dadka afka lalama soo galo marka hore.

Aniga hal kalmad oo caay kuma dhihin, go back, re-read my earlier post. I only called you out on it when you started to insult my caqli first L0L. Waxa adiga waxanoo af-xuma kaa keenaayo, ma fahmin? I've done nothing wrong to you for the xaar shots you gave me. I of course, do not have the same amount of time to dedicate to insulting you as you have. I'm sorry if I touched a sour spot, and hurt that one feeling you have. I so sorry, brother. AddEmoticons0808.jpg

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^^^ lol don't say you don't have to post things here lol.. THIS IS YOUR LIFE!!! lol.... with online life, I don't think you would be living long enough walaal 4real....


you know ME DON"T CARE ABOUT GRAMMER OR ENGLISH!!! and you know I never get mad or take any shiiiiiiidh in here personal like you have always in the I don't think anyone in here ever seen me write a complain note to admin unlike you and bajaq yaasha isku qaabka tihiin....


Like I said abaayo, next time you wanna write something smart, make sure the only thing your worried of aint your grammer lol.. because I will flush your sticking xaar comments all over this website as I always have....bax ilaah soo bari ilaaheey in aan busy nolosheeda (which is a real life one)ku noqdo this comming week lol....


don't start shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiidh you can't finish bajaq yaahee goomaha eesatara leh!!!



Wareer Badanaa!!!

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^ lol and who are you? oooooooo I get it, your trying to get to know me too since you have never got any attention from me lol... wrong way to intro your self to me sweety; I take resume only and please send to my pm... Like you would say "I can only please one person per day. Today is not your day" because nephy aan luuqa iskula jirnaa hada lol...


Waraa ina diiriye lool waa kusalamay aqyaarka!


Wareer Badanaa!!

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Tuujiye, bajaqa maxaa adi labadaan bari karbaashkaaga waa batee? Naga kala yaree hee karbaashkaan, caruurta sanadka maanta eh nanac iyo shukulaato iyo chips aa lagu sasabaa nooh abaa see camal adi... :D:D

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