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Sool and Sanaag : Disputed Territories ?

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^^^ Bajaqda sawirkaan maskiinta is getting played out..get another pic please lol...4real walaahi I used to see this pic back in 2003!!shiiiiiiiiiiiiidh!!


Layziegirl, kaalay adiga meelkaste ma dagaal baad ku jiraa ciyaal bacaad yahee subxaanalaah!!



And why y'all hatting on Somaliland? leave somaliland alone people!!! you bunch of hatters!!! leave my Qalddaaaaaaaaaaaaan beeeeeeeeeeeeooooooooooooles alone shiiiiiiiiiiiiiidh!!!!!!!!


But Marko I won't be on your side if you keep on picking on Aaliyah416 oooooooooook leave her alone!! istuburt yahooooooooo!! gabarta waa maasha allah iyo badh!



Wareer Badanaa!!!

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Originally posted by Juwairiah:

Lazie G, I am entitle to my opinion and i can say whatever i want. Plus why would I e-mail emans to ask such nonsence question that some ***** posted. I ask the eman islamic questions that need some clarifications. Just liitle advice if you want make fun of someone get a better way :rolleyes:

You email your imans. wow that quite impressive. In London most imans are either foreign or dont make any attempts to engage with their constituents. This is perhaps the reason for a spate of terrorism in the UK. Iman need to keep up with the times and must reach out to a wider audience of people, not just stay in the mosque and pretend everything is all normal.

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Originally posted by Tuujiyee:

Marko I won't be on your side if you keep on picking on Aaliyah416 oooooooooook leave her alone!! istuburt yahooooooooo!! gabarta waa maasha allah iyo badh!

I have never heard so much bile in my whole life. This guy is beyond being pathetic. Why does he write like he is in the ghetto. Then again he probably lives in Dixon so i am not surprised to see this type of behaviour. I have nothing against Aaliyah except her neo-feminist extremism and her inability to acknowledge that without men, women would be reduced to mere beings deviod of any self-gratification and resort to feministic practices like artifical insemination to bear fruits of undeserved labour.


Dont ever write any of that bile again, you bigot.

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Ibti, markaan idin leeyahay wiilka quraan saara ma dheel baa iiga mooday? Quraansaar buu inanku rabaa ee wax u qabta...

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Nah,he is just venting his frustration with exams on SOL..self opinioneted biles kinaa makadaysaan wilka! :D

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^^^I agree with Malika, I too might start doing that between now and the end of my exams. It might help me a bit, who knows it may even boost my grades.

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Originally posted by Kool_Kat:

Ibti, markaan idin leeyahay wiilka quraan saara ma dheel baa iiga mooday? Quraansaar buu inanku rabaa ee wax u qabta...

Quraan saar ma ubaahna igaarkaan ....Washamsi in lagu qaado uu ubaahanyahay


PS: MARC. What a big pile of bull shit you have just done here! Why don't buy yourself a cheap ticket to visit Mali.... it is cheap and safe to travel

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Originally posted by MARC:

We need to take people from the heavily populated parts of Somaliland, i.e. Hargesia and Burco and other urban centres and relocate them to these disputed territories. We need to put in place a policy of displacement and make sure that somalilanders constitute the majority of the populations in these regions. That way there will be no calls for these regions to secede into their own federated governments. We must not compromise the territorial integrity of Somaliland.

I don't know what kind of documentaries that they've been showing you, but that is very wrong on many levels! Invading the Territories is bad enough, but it's far worse to send trucks full of 'squatters' and illegal aliens for your own tuulo's expansionism. That's called jumping with both feet right into the pile of shit that will eventually swallow you!


A piece of advice:

Horta let me say this, you're so pathetic Marcus, pathetic..that I'm even ashamed to respond to your pile of xaar.. :D . pheeew! OK now my advice to you: don't come after me with your usual shades-wearing, four-eyed tirade rants. ;)

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^I think likes of you, who take Marco serious, very similar to Marco's caqli...


I have a good reason to feel that this thread will drag and drag on much like the Troll corner, if and/or unless Marco dissappears for a while...

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^ FYI, Marcos is a very intelligent young man. All I can say is that I'm very honored to be compared to his caqli.


Aduse, yaad gashaa oo ku caqli tahay? Lemme guess.. ummmmmm :D .. the ostrich family?

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That's called jumping with both feet right into the pile of shit that will eventually swallow you!

Nephy adiga wiligaa banlee maa ku fadhinee dhoore yahee? atleast xoogaa yar oo waxa la yiraahdo caqli isku yeel uffff...pile of shit? how could someone talk like that? I don't understand!!



Marco waraa dhageyso cunugyahoo foosha xun, Dixon looks better than anyplace in UK 4real....

you like to get attention so much that is getting sad... reer baadiye baad tahay..some punk kid who couldn't fit in the real life in the west.. I bet you if you was in Canada or US you would feel like you are still back in Africa and in Somalia with your ****** qabiil mebtality..


your a Somaliland supporter and their is nothing wrong with that but do not point fingers at does that are like you who do support were their people are from.. Ailiya loves Sool and Sanag defend it but unlike your ignorent mentality and lack of knowledge, she is not qabiiliiste and everything she says is the truth...


I would sugest you to stop chewing Jaad with people older than you and does that are sick minded.. you are in europe and not in Somalia or should I say Somaliland and in europe your black azz is somali madoow not SOMALILANDER or your qabiil what ever...


and I'm tuuuuuuuuuuuuuuujiye nice to meet you qashiin yahoo qaabka daran!!!



Wareer Badanaa!!!

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Originally posted by Tuujiyee:


That's called jumping with both feet right into the pile of shit that will eventually swallow you!

Nephy adiga wiligaa banlee maa ku fadhinee dhoore yahee? atleast xoogaa yar oo waxa la yiraahdo caqli isku yeel uffff...pile of shit?
how could someone talk like that? I don't understand!!



Marco waraa dhageyso cunugyahoo foosha xun, Dixon looks better than anyplace in UK 4real....

you like to get attention so much that is getting sad... reer baadiye baad tahay..some punk kid who couldn't fit in the real life in the west.. I bet you if you was in Canada or US you would feel like you are still back in Africa and in Somalia with your ****** qabiil mebtality..


your a Somaliland supporter and their is nothing wrong with that but do not point fingers at does that are like you who do support were their people are from.. Ailiya loves Sool and Sanag defend it but unlike your ignorent mentality and lack of knowledge, she is not qabiiliiste and everything she says is the truth...


I would sugest you to stop chewing Jaad with people older than you and does that are sick minded.. you are in europe and not in Somalia or should I say Somaliland and in europe your black azz is somali madoow not SOMALILANDER or your qabiil what ever...


and I'm tuuuuuuuuuuuuuuujiye nice to meet you qashiin yahoo qaabka daran!!!



Wareer Badanaa!!!
Dude, caqliga aduu kaa batay uu weliba kaa daa'daanayaa koo dheh, hadaba tell me why in God's name can't you tell the difference between "does" and "those"? ["how could someone talk like that? I don't understand!!] :D . Bad grammar is the online equivalent of having a gap in your teeth and a heavy Southerner accent - it doesn't matter what you say, everyone is just going to think you're istuburt. [Apologies to the gap-toothed Southerners in the audience ;) ].


Marka nin aad u caqli badan aa tahay, waa kuu qiray. Aniga ha ila qabsan hadaba, haddii kale ku soo biir "reer ila qabso" aka "desperately craving for Nephthys' attention" crew.

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