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Sool and Sanaag : Disputed Territories ?

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Originally posted by MARC:

Sool and Sanaag are part of Somaliland and the defined map of Somaliland is testament to this fact, yet in recent years these parts of Somaliland have had a tendency to lean towards the corrupt dictatorship of Puntland. These regions are integral to the existence of Somaliland and we should do our utmost to save guard their existence as part of Somaliland. There is even talk of these villages choosing Puntland over our government.


So what are we to do in this debacle?


There needs to be a demographic transition. We need to take people from the heavily populated parts of Somaliland, i.e. Hargesia and Burco and other urban centres and relocate them to these disputed territories.
We need to put in place a policy of displacement and make sure that somalilanders constitute the majority of the populations in these regions
. That way there will be no calls for these regions to secede into their own federated governments. We must not compromise the territorial integrity of Somaliland.


A video of this topic will be posted soon.

Marc is utterly at loss on this one! There are a lot of SOLers who smoke secessionists’ pipe but none has thus far suggested what this young man is suggesting.


With such willingness to resort to the sort of mass displacement he proposed above to restore/preserve SL majesty, Marc is officially a Diaspora Warlord! To be fair there are a lot of SOLers with disturbing views, but majority of them are followers of their own warlords. Marc is different. He is not following any warlord. He is the Warlord--- a Northern Warlord!

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HAHAHAHA looool @ an diaspora warlord! HAHAHA loool. lol


I'm kinda starting to see Serenity's point about you being a funny guy...kinda, thanks for the laugh!lol


An onlin diaspora warlord! :eek: lol

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^^^No she is stuck at work, workerholic beey noqoteh. icon_razz.gif pluz she said all the interesting people have stopped posting. Maybe if you post some more she’ll come back :D*ducks*

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I bet you she would, post few interesting threads, few of your old poems and a bit of your old views on women and their role. She'll be back in no time :D Trust me.


Trouble, you both should thank me! :cool:

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^^thier teeth have more value than my choice camels , said the nomad poet, praising and admiring Somali women! Please read yaa Ibti!


Qureeshkeeda Faadumo haddaan qaar ka mida sheego

Qaddar gabana labadeeda dhool qaar haddaad dhugato

Qaddin geella lama siisan karo iyo qaalmo goodira e

Qoortaa xaddiyan oo dhexdaad qabatin moodaaye'e

Tallaabada qallooc uma dhigtee way qotomisaaye

Qalbigaa ku faaraxa markay qaaddo laafyaha'e

Allaw hayga soo qaban intaan Qalanjo gaadhaayo.


ps. I have done my part and these verses shall oblige good Serenity to return to our company :D !


pps - -all courtesy are due to X Magan!

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I tried and tried and tried some more, but by the time I sounded-out the second verse, I've forgotten the first verse, then I start again. After so long, I've given up. This was intended for Serenity in any case.


I got the last lines

Secondly, she is not equivalently crooked, but structure straight,

My heart is overjoyed, when she struts her legs,

Oh lord, don't disable me, while I can chase a qalanjo :D

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Originally posted by xiinfaniin:

And a hip one at that! That's what will sell Marc's brand.

Marc is not a commodity to be brought and sold sxb.


I refute your allegations of being a warlord, albeit a hip and trendy one. Warlordism is the reason why millions of people in South Somalia are in abject poverty. If South Somalia adopted and made the transition towards democracy, the situation would not be as grave as it is today. I pray for all Somali people regardless of qabil, ethnicity, creed and social class to reconcile and resolve their differences and work on their commonalties.


It never ceases to amaze me that Somalis cannot differentiate between Politics and Qabil. I am not a tribalist, far from it. I am merely advocating that the territorial integrity of a legitimate country is respected. The warlords in Puntland are intent on disrupting the peace and stability that has been achieved in Somaliland. These insidious intentions are part of a wider scheme to destabilise Somaliland, which stem most notably from central government. Somaliland will defend itself against aggression by any means necessary, including the use of force.

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My heart is overjoyed, when she struts he legs, when she treads her steps! :D


Struting implies pompousness , you know.


But you got the last verses right, yaa Ibti. You are a very smart gal. Allow how ku celin!

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Marc, it’s what you wrote above that put you in warlord category, and not I! That you protest against being called warlord is a natural response, and does not surprise me at all. I have yet to hear about any warlord who happily accepted that title. But the more you write, the more you exhibit an unmistakable warlord characteristics. To begin with, just like you, warlords, particularly those in Somalia, advocate for outrageous policies--policies that are universally agreed to be heinous in nature. But the bigger scandal is the sheer fact that warlords lack the commonsense to recognize the wickedness of their ways. They are quick to claim the moral summit of any political question whilst most people can see where they, in reality, reside and live---the deep valleys of corruption and fraudulence! And there is no bigger fraudulence in my mind than proposing a policy of deliberate displacement of entire communities on a one hand, and asserting that you ‘pray for all Somali people regardless of qabil, ethnicity, creed and social class to reconcile and resolve their differences and work on their commonalties’, on the other hand! It’s understandable, though not forgivable, for an ignorant warlord to entertain such duplicitous argument will cut with Somali people, appealing and relying on, of course, the raw clannish sentiments of his tribe, but for a seemingly educated, and reasonably well versed young guy like you to immerse in such hypocrisy is quite tragic and sad adeer!


Who are you kidding adeer? Somaliland is relatively peaceful land. given the little things I know about it, your ideas, though admittedly from a young educated mind, are too old for it.


Keep it to yourself adeer, I say.

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Long time Ms Aaliyah, how have you been dear?

Hey koolkat am doing pretty good hun. How's things with you and ur lil one ??

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Lazie G, I am entitle to my opinion and i can say whatever i want. Plus why would I e-mail emans to ask such nonsence question that some ***** posted. I ask the eman islamic questions that need some clarifications. Just liitle advice if you want make fun of someone get a better way :rolleyes:

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