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Xaaji Xunjuf

ladies and gentlemen the new president of the republic of Somaliland

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War deg deg ah:Madaxweynaha cusub ee Somaliland Axmed Maxmed Siilaanyo oo helay 49.9%.

Warkii 01-Jul-2010 iyo Qormadii: NEWS

Gudoomiyaha gudiga doorashada ee Somaliland Ciise Xamari ayaa mar dhoweyd ku dhawaaqay natiijadii kama danbaysta ahayd ee doorashadii 26-ka jun ka dhacday Somaliand,iyadoo xisbiga Kulmiye uu helay 49.9% codadkii dad weynaha Somalilaand.meesha uu xisbiga UDUDB uu helay 33.6%,iyadoo xisbiga UCID uu helay 17.18%,taasoo muujinaysa inuu si weyn ugu guulaystey xisbiga Kulmiye,madaxweynaha cusubna uu noqon doono Madaxweyen Siilaanyo,isla markaana Cabdiraxmaan Maxamed Cabdilaahi [saylici] uu yahay ku-xigeenkiisa.



Waxaa halkaas lagag dhawaaqay doorashada fadhiyey madaxweyne Rayaale,faysal Cali Waraabe iyo madaxweynaha cusub ee Somaliland Axmed Maxamed Siilaanyo,oo ah ruug cadaa siyaasi ah o xilal badan ka soo qabtay dalkii soomaaliya iyo Somalilandba.


Hadaan nahay bahda Afnugaal,waxaan leenahay hanbalyo madaxweynaha cusub ee Somaliland Axmed Maxamed Siilaanyo,iyo dhamaan taaageerayaasha xisbiga Kulmiye.


Madaxweynaha cusub ayaa xilka hayn doona shanta sanadood ee soo socota,iyadoo la filayo inuu sameeyo isbedel weyn oo ka muuqan doona dalka.


Natiijada doorashada ee rsamiga ah ayaa ah sidan hoose:


Xisbiga Kulmiye 266, 906 Cod oo u dhigma 49, 59%.


Xisbiga Udub 178, 081 Cod oo u dhigma 33, 23%.


Xisbiga Ucid 92, 459 Cod oo u dhigma 17, 18%.


Madaxweynahan cusub ayaa haysta kalsoonida dadka Somaliland,isagoo helay badh codadkii shacabka Somaliland,uu marka la isku daro labda xisbi ee kale uu la mid yahay.


Afnugaal news Desk.

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It we go by the numbers Oodka gave us, it seems with that margin there is nothing to complain about on the ruling party side, if they ever doubt any irregularities, that is. Congrats to Siilaanyo and Kulmiya party, indeed.

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Opposition wins Somaliland vote



Opposition leader Silanyo won 49.59 per cent of all votes casted in Somaliland elections [AFP]


Ahmed Mohamed Silanyo, the leader of the opposition, has won presidential elections in

the breakaway region of Somaliland, northwest of Somalia, electoral officials said.


The head of the Tulmiye (Unity) party won 49.59 per cent of all votes cast, while the party of Dahir Rayale Kahin, the incumbent president, managed just 33.23 per cent, the National Election Commission (NEC) said on Thursday.


The Justice and Welfare party was third with 17.18 per cent of the vote.


"There's a lot of jubilation on the streets today as the country is also celebrating 50 years of independence from Italy," Al Jazeera's Mohamed Adow, reporting from the Somaliland capital of Hargeisa, said.


"[silanyo] is a very well-known figure and somebody who is clearly held with high esteem since he won the majority of votes in the elections.


"He is an economist who graduated from the University of Manchester and also has a degree from the London School of Economics.


"Afterwards he joined the government of Somalia in the capital Mogadishu, but then led the Somali National Movement, a rebel group which liberated the northern territory on which Somaliland now stands."


'Step towards democratisation'


International observers said the election had been largely free and fair despite some irregularities, such as the ruling party using public funds, state media and vehicles for its campaign.


"This is an important election for the people of Somaliland. It is also one more step toward the democratisation of the country," Essa Yusuf Mohammed, the NEC chairman, said in announcing the results.


"The election was free and fair as witnessed by the international observers and this is a step that will lead to the recognition of the country."


Somaliland, colonised by Britain while the rest of Somalia was under Italian administration, declared independence in 1991 as the remainder of the country disintegrated into anarchy.


Despite its relative stability and the establishment of democratic institutions, Somaliland has yet to be recognised internationally but hopes a smooth transition of power will help its international image.


There were 1.09 million registered voters in the region of 3.5 million people, and 538,000 valid votes were cast.


The supreme court must endorse the results within 15 days and the incumbent president hand over within 30 days.


Source: Al Jazeera and agencies

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