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Suicide bomber targets government 10 dead

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Qarax Ismiidaamin oo dilay 10-qof

24 May 24, 2009 - 7:29:31 AM


Ugu yaraan 10-qof oo 6 ka mid ah ay yihiin askarta dowlada ayaa ku dhintay gaari miinaysan oo ku qarxay saldhig ay ku sugnaayeen ciidamada dowlada oo ku yaala xaafada Xamar-jajab, iyadoo qaraxaas laga maqlay inta badan Muqdisho.


Gaariga qarxay oo la sheegay inuu ahaa TOYOTA SURF, waxaana uu qaruxu yimid markii askari ka mid ah kuwii albaabka xeradaas ilaalada ka hayay uu xabad ku dhuftay ninkii gaariga waday kadibna uu gaarigu qarxay.


"Lix askari oo ka mid ah ciidankeena ayaa ku dhintay qaraxa ismiidaaminta ah ee lala beegsaday xeradan, waxaana ku jiray askarigii xabada ku dhuftay ruuxa isqarxiyay iyo dhowr askari oo waardiye ahaa" ayuu yiri Col. Cismaan C/llaahi Cagey oo ka mid ah taliyeyaasha xarada la weeraray oo ku taala kaydkii hore ee shidaalka.


Dadka kale ee dhintay ayaa waxaa ka mid ahaa ruuxii isqarxiyay, laba qof oo goobta marayay iyo haweeney waayeel ah oo qayb ka mid ah qaraxa uu ugu tagay gurigeeda oo ku yaala agagaarka xerada.


"Sagaal qof oo afar ka mid ah ay yihiin askartii xeradaas ku sugnaa ayaa ku dhaawacmay qaraxa ismiidaaminta ah, midi waxay ahayd haweeney inta kalena rag" ayuu mar kale yiri Col. Cagey.


Wariyeyaal booqday goobta uu qaraxu ka dhacay ayaa sheegay inay arkeen qaybo ka mid ah jirka ruuxii qaraxa fuliyay iyo suunkii uu xirnaa oo ay ku tixan yihiin gumacyo loogu talogalay inay qarxaan, balse aan qarxin.


Askartii ku dhaawacmay qaraxa ayaa la gaarsiiyay Isbitaal ay ciidanka AMISOM ku leeyihiin garoonka diyaaradaha ee Adan Adde, iyadoo dhaawacyada qaarkood la sheegay inay yihiin halis.


Gudoomiye ku xigeenka gobolka Banaadir C/fitaax Shaaweye oo saxaafada la hadlay ayaa sheegay in qaraxaas ay ka dambeyso kooxda Al-shabaab, looguna talogalay in lagu gumaado shacabka Soomaaliyeed.


"Ruuxa qaraxa fuliyay wuxuu ahaa ruux cadaan ah oo aan dalka u dhalan" ayuu yiri Shaaweeye oo sheegay inay hayaan cadeymo ku aadan arintaas, ayna saxaafada u soo bandhigyaan markii uu dhamaado baaritaano ay wadaan.


Qaraxan ayaa kusoo beegmay xili ay labadii maalmood ee lasoo dhaafay ka dhaceen Muqdisho dagaalo u dhexeeya mucaaradka iyo dowlada, kuwaasoo geystay dhimasho iyo dhaawac gaartay dad badan oo rayid ah.



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Faah Faahin dheeraad ah oo ka soo baxaya Qaraxii Ismiidaaminta ahaa ee Maanta Muqdisho ka dhacay(Daawo Sawir).


Muqdisho,(WNT):-Faah Faahin dheeraad ah ayaa ka soo baxaysa qaraxii Ismiidaaminta ahaa ee Maanta ka dhacay Magaalada Muqdisho ee lala beegsaday Ciidamo ka tirsan dowlada KMG ah ee Somalia.


Sarkaal ka tirsan Ciidamada dowlada oo waraysi gaar ah la yeelanay ayaa inoo sheegay in qaraxa uu fuliyay ruux naftii hure ah oo si xoog ah ku soo jiiray ilinta goobta ay Ciidamada ku sugnaayeen.


"runtii waxay aheyd xili duhur ah oo Ciidamada lagu waday diiwaan galin mar kaliya ayaynu ka war helnay gaari Ronet ah oo soo jiiraya ilinta xerada kaasi oo ku soo gambanayay gaari ciidamada dowladu leeyahay oo xiligaasi xerada soo galayay"ayuu yiri Sarkaalka.


Sarkaalka oo hadalkiisa sii wata ayaa yiri"Markaas kadib ayay Ciidamada albaabka xerada ku wargaliyeen gariga in uu joogsado taasina keentay in darawalkii dhahaga ka xirtay Isla markaana soo abaaray goob ay Ciidamada ku sugnaayeen,Markii tasi dhacday ayuu askarigii rasaas ku riday darawalkii oo dhaawac soo gaaray isagana si xoogan ku ku jiiray dhismo ku yala gudaha xerada isla markaana uu mar kalia qarxay.



Isaga oo sarkaalka hadalkiisa sii wata waxaa uu sheegay in marka gaarigu qarxayay guud ahaan ciidamada goobta ka firxadeen isla markaana ka baqi qabay in waxyeelo ka soo gaarto waxyaabaha gaariga uu damacsan yahay.


Sarkaalka ayaa cadeeyay in halkaasi ku geeriyoodeen in ku dhaw 6-Askari halka tiro intaasi ka badana dhawacyo kala duwan soo gaareen.

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Somalia: Suicide bomber kills 10 in Mogadishu, incl. six soldiers

24 May 24, 2009 - 11:23:54 AM


MOGADISHU, Somalia May 24 (Garowe Online) - At least 10 people were killed Sunday including six government soldiers in the Somali capital Mogadishu when a suicide bomber targeted a military installation, Radio Garowe reports.


The suicide bomber drove a Toyota truck laced with explosives into the military installation, killing six soldiers and three civilian bystanders, military officials said.


"Six of our soldiers were killed by the suicide bombing including the soldier who shot the suicide bomber," said Col. Osman Abdullahi "Agey," commander of the military facility that was attacked.


At least nine people including four soldiers were wounded by the blast, which occurred in Hamar Jajab district of central Mogadishu but the blast was heard across town.


The wounded soldiers were being treated at a private hospital operated by the African Union peacekeeping mission (AMISOM), which maintains a major base at Mogadishu's Aden Adde International Airport.


An independent journalist who visited the location of the explosion afterwards described a horrific scene with human pieces lying around.Foreign fighters blamed


Foreign fighters blamed


Mr. Abdifatah Shaweye, the young deputy mayor of Mogadishu, told reporters that Al Shabaab insurgents are responsible for the suicide bombing.


"The [suicide] bomber was white skinned and was not a national of this country [somalia]," Mr. Shaweye said, adding that the government will present its findings after the ongoing investigation is completed.


No group has publicly claimed responsibility for the bombing, but Al Shabaab insurgents have claimed responsibility for previous suicide bombings in Mogadishu and other parts of Somalia.


Sunday's deadly attack comes after two days of fighting between government forces and anti-government insurgents, led by Al Shabaab and Hizbul Islam hardliners.


Somali government leaders have repeatedly accused Al Shabaab of sheltering foreign fighters using them to attack government targets. Al Shabaab leaders have referred to the foreign fighters as "Muslim brothers" and have in turn accused the government of being a puppet of the West.


Somalia's interim government is the 15th attempt to restore national order by the international community since the outbreak of civil war in 1991.


Source: Garowe Online



The suicide bomber drove a Toyota truck laced with explosives into the military installation, killing six soldiers and three civilian bystanders, military officials said.


"Six of our soldiers were killed by the suicide bombing including the soldier who shot the suicide bomber," said Col. Osman Abdullahi "Agey," commander of the military facility that was attacked.


At least nine people including four soldiers were wounded by the blast, which occurred in Hamar Jajab district of central Mogadishu but the blast was heard across town.


The wounded soldiers were being treated at a private hospital operated by the African Union peacekeeping mission (AMISOM), which maintains a major base at Mogadishu's Aden Adde International Airport.


An independent journalist who visited the location of the explosion afterwards described a horrific scene with human pieces lying around.Foreign fighters blamed


Foreign fighters blamed


Mr. Abdifatah Shaweye, the young deputy mayor of Mogadishu, told reporters that Al Shabaab insurgents are responsible for the suicide bombing.


"The [suicide] bomber was white skinned and was not a national of this country [somalia]," Mr. Shaweye said, adding that the government will present its findings after the ongoing investigation is completed.


No group has publicly claimed responsibility for the bombing, but Al Shabaab insurgents have claimed responsibility for previous suicide bombings in Mogadishu and other parts of Somalia.


Sunday's deadly attack comes after two days of fighting between government forces and anti-government insurgents, led by Al Shabaab and Hizbul Islam hardliners.


Somali government leaders have repeatedly accused Al Shabaab of sheltering foreign fighters using them to attack government targets. Al Shabaab leaders have referred to the foreign fighters as "Muslim brothers" and have in turn accused the government of being a puppet of the West.


Somalia's interim government is the 15th attempt to restore national order by the international community since the outbreak of civil war in 1991.


Source: Garowe Online




The suicide bomber drove a Toyota truck laced with explosives into the military installation, killing six soldiers and three civilian bystanders, military officials said.


"Six of our soldiers were killed by the suicide bombing including the soldier who shot the suicide bomber," said Col. Osman Abdullahi "Agey," commander of the military facility that was attacked.


At least nine people including four soldiers were wounded by the blast, which occurred in Hamar Jajab district of central Mogadishu but the blast was heard across town.


The wounded soldiers were being treated at a private hospital operated by the African Union peacekeeping mission (AMISOM), which maintains a major base at Mogadishu's Aden Adde International Airport.


An independent journalist who visited the location of the explosion afterwards described a horrific scene with human pieces lying around.Foreign fighters blamed


Foreign fighters blamed


Mr. Abdifatah Shaweye, the young deputy mayor of Mogadishu, told reporters that Al Shabaab insurgents are responsible for the suicide bombing.


"The [suicide] bomber was white skinned and was not a national of this country [somalia]," Mr. Shaweye said, adding that the government will present its findings after the ongoing investigation is completed.


No group has publicly claimed responsibility for the bombing, but Al Shabaab insurgents have claimed responsibility for previous suicide bombings in Mogadishu and other parts of Somalia.


Sunday's deadly attack comes after two days of fighting between government forces and anti-government insurgents, led by Al Shabaab and Hizbul Islam hardliners.


Somali government leaders have repeatedly accused Al Shabaab of sheltering foreign fighters using them to attack government targets. Al Shabaab leaders have referred to the foreign fighters as "Muslim brothers" and have in turn accused the government of being a puppet of the West.


Somalia's interim government is the 15th attempt to restore national order by the international community since the outbreak of civil war in 1991.


Source: Garowe Online

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Cawaantaan isqarxineyso ayaa 'political solution' soo wado dad ka aaminsanba. Diin ayee haddana sii sheeganayaan. Maxee diin iyo midba ka ogyihiin.


Markuu isqarxiska bilowdo, though, it says more about their desperation than anything. And I am sad to realize that more of this demonic act will come in the near future and in more frequent. I hope I am wrong.

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