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The shame of lying: How a friend of mine was over taken by his own lies.

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A year ago a friend of mine who was a member of forum emailed me to ask if I thought our moderated ******** believed his own lies. Knowing that at one time or another most human beings will make up one or two things I simply ignored the question from the curious friend and decided to give the moderator the benefit of the doubt.


And then I thought about the entire stories brother ********* posted in, the site he moderates, and I could not count how many times I felt like he was making up stories and passing them as facts to his readers. I honestly think ******* ******** believes that if you make up something false, no matter how whacked-out it is, it’s worth spreading such garbage for the cause of helping Somaliland to become a separate country from Somalia. And when I realized that ******* and few of his friends used the forum at, one of the worst run Somali sites with so much profanity and name calling mostly directed at certain clans, I left the site for good.


Not long ago ******* ******* went back to home, to Northern Somalia, and upon his return I sent him few emails to welcome him back to North America. He didn’t reply back to me but nevertheless other members of the forum have contacted me to let me know that the brother’s stories are getting much more, if I try to phrase it the best way I can, out there!


And so when I read the shocking allegations from ******* ******* posted in many sites about the Transitional Federal Government of Somalia buying Hiiraan Online it didn’t surprise me at all for I know the man better than anyone else. I have visited HOL many times and contrary to what Mr. ******* wants you to believe it’s a fair site that posts articles from various sources. Perhaps ****** ******** and his friends in the secessionist camp that run many sites including can learn few things from HOL in the future.


For all intent and purposes no one should believe anything Mr. ******** writes for he is an expert of the art of lying and he would say anything and everything just for the sake of helping further his own secessionist campaign. If you don’t believe me just go ahead and read his postings in It’s a shame as well that he didn’t mention to his readers that he helps run that hateful clanastic forum in which the moderator, ******* *******, is the worst poster. I warn you ahead of time that you may not like reading what he and his friends post in that site but in order to understand the man’s thinking and how hate over-took a friend of mine’s heart go ahead and read just few of his messages in his own site of



Abdi Adan (Idba)

Minneapolis, Mn USA



Let's not allow SOL become where personal frustrations and allegations from another site and its members is aired. It is even better to leave the names [whether nick or not] out, which I edited.


[ February 09, 2007, 01:07 AM: Message edited by: Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar ]

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So what in the heck does that have to do with Somaliaonline.


If those are your thoughts to counter his, then please go over there and respond to his post. That would be apprioriate in my opinion.


As far as i can tell, he is just a member of forum, just a member, if he lied, so do many pro TFG supporters in here. If you dont' what I am talking about, then stay tune.


I dont' get this at all, if someone believes in something, they will say whatever it takes to make YOU believe also.


No suprise there sis/bro.

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Baddacase, that is called truthiness -- believing one's own lies and crap, regardles what the actual fact, reality, logic, reasoning says otherwise.


The term is popularized by Stephen Colbert Show, in his mocking of neocons, who feed and believe their crap one another daily.


We have our own entertainers, sadly if I could only read waxee qoraan.

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