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Blair is leaving and the race to the top job is on

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27 June: Blair sets departure date

By Jon Smith, PA Political Editor

Published: 10 May 2007

Tony Blair today announced the date on which he will stand down. He told an emotional meeting in his constituency: "The party will now select a new leader. On 27 June I will tender my resignation from the office of Prime Minister to the Queen."


He was speaking to a packed meeting at Trimdon Labour Club and told his supporters: "I have been Prime Minister of this country for just over 10 years. In this job, in the world today, I think that is long enough for me, but more especially for the country.


"Sometimes the only way you conquer the pull of power is to set it down."


He defended his record, including Iraq, but said others would make the final judgment.


And in an emotional moment, he said: "Hand on heart, I did what I thought was right."


Deputy Prime Minister John Prescott today also announced formally that he was standing down.


The Prime Minister, MP for Sedgefield in County Durham since May 1983, told the audience: "There are obviously judgments to be made on my premiership and in the end that is for you, the people, to make."


Mr Blair began his long-awaited speech with tributes to his long-standing agent, John Burton, and his wife, Cherie.


Then he said: "I have come back here to Sedgefield, to my constituency, where my political journey began and where it's fitting that it should end."


Mr Blair conceded that expectations of his new administration in 1997 had been "too high" - but set out what he said was an unbeatable post-War record.


"1997 was a moment for a new beginning - the sweeping away of all the detritus of the past," he said.


"And expectations were so high, too high probably, too high in a way for either of us.


"And now, in 2007, you can easily point to the challenges or the things that are wrong or the grievances that fester."


But to massive applause, he boasted: "There is only one Government since 1945 that can say all of the following: more jobs, fewer unemployed, better health and education results, lower crime, and economic growth in every quarter.


"Only one Government - this one."


He insisted: "Britain is not a follower today, Britain is a leader. It gets the essential characteristic of today's world - it is interdependent.


"It is a country comfortable in the 21st century, at home in its own skin, able not just to be proud of its past but also confident in its future.


"I don't think Northern Ireland would have changed unless Britain had changed."


He tackled the thorny issue of Iraq by saying that removing Saddam from power in Iraq and the Taliban in Afghanistan had been done with "relative ease", but the "blowback" from "global terrorists" had been substantial.


"For me, I think we must see it through," he said. "The terrorists who threaten us here and around the world will never give up if we give up.


"It is a test of will and belief and we can't fail it."


His remarks were heard in silence.


Mr Blair - who made no reference to Gordon Brown in his address - spoke of the lessons he had learned as Labour leader for 13 years and Prime Minister for 10.


"What I had to learn as Prime Minister was what putting the country first really meant.


"In time you realise that putting the country first does not mean doing the right thing according to conventional wisdom or the prevailing consensus, or the latest snapshot of opinion.


"It means doing what you genuinely believe to be right."


He said that bringing about change in the country - particularly to "monolithic" public services - was "hellish hard to do".


Sometimes you knew you were "fighting public opinion", but you were "content to do so", he added.


He insisted: "I did what I thought was right for our country. I came into office with high hopes for Britain's future, and I leave it with even higher hopes for Britain's future."


He went on: "People say it is a tough job. Not really. A tough life is the life led by young severely disabled children and their parents."


Mr Blair said he had been "very lucky and very blessed" during his time in office.


"This country is a blessed nation. The British are special. The world knows it. In our innermost thoughts, we know it. This is the greatest nation on Earth, so it has been an honour to serve it," he said.


He ended the speech which begins his long goodbye from Downing Street by saying: "I give my thanks to you, the British people, for the times that I have succeeded and my apologies to you for the times I have fallen short. But good luck."


Earlier today, Mr Blair told the Cabinet in Downing Street of his intention to make his announcement.


Mr Brown paid tribute to his "unique achievements" and his "unique leadership" of his party, Britain and the world, according to the premier's official spokesman.


Mr Blair then flew by plane to Teesside Airport before being whisked by motorcade to Trimdon.


After his speech, he was flying back to London and No 10.


Labour will now plunge into the process of choosing successors to Mr Blair and Mr Prescott.


Potential left-wing candidates to challenge Mr Brown for the party leadership, backbencher John McDonnell and ex-minister Michael Meacher, will announce this afternoon whether they have mustered enough support for one of them to stand.


Six candidates have announced they want to stand for the deputy leadership - Education Secretary Alan Johnson, International Development Secretary Hilary Benn, party chairman Hazel Blears, constitutional affairs minister Harriet Harman, Northern Ireland Secretary Peter Hain and backbencher John Cruddas.


Labour's National Executive Committee will meet to draw up a timetable for the contest.


Mr Burton said he expected Mr Blair to remain as MP for Sedgefield for the rest of the Parliament unless a major international post was offered to him.

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It the Iraqi curse which made him turn the tail - just like his old frineds - The former Spanish Prime Minister Felipe Gonzalez, and the dodgey former italian Prime minister Berlusconi. Yo Tony lost the plot and it definetly costed him his prime ministership. am wondering why Bush didnt conceded defeat in most of the collision of the willing departed the political scene one by one, how hard is that SOB, to hang on to the presidency.

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You are ciyaal ingriis too, all the akhyaar xagaas ayey joogaan ileen. waan gartay.


As for the topic. I sometimes watch the British parliament debate, it's the most entertaining bloody political shout out now compare that to the U.S congress or senate meetings, boring.


I think the guy is just tired of the critism, and why shouldn't he?


It's Britain after all, I am sure Bush would have resigned long ago, if he faced the same critism. But bush's critics critise him over the media while in the UK, it's face to face, I don't think Bush is inteligent enough or as intelectual or even as good of speak as Blair. However Blair and the UK have to be there for their aliances such as the U.S, that includes making terrible decision such as joining war along side the U.S which had no bases whatsoever, the Iraqi war. Ms. Toni Blair is resigning as a result of this.

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Originally posted by Sharmarkee:

It the Iraqi curse which made him turn the tail - just like his old frineds - The former Spanish Prime Minister Felipe Gonzalez, and the dodgey former italian Prime minister Berlusconi. Yo Tony lost the plot and it definetly costed him his prime ministership. am wondering why Bush didnt conceded defeat in most of the collision of the willing departed the political scene one by one, how hard is that SOB, to hang on to the presidency.


warninku magacyo badana starting from Redsea, to Mujahid, and now Baruud what will be next Badar-Wanaag. :D

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"I think the guy is just tired of the critism, and why shouldn't he?"


As for Mr Blair, the Anti-Islamic sentimement and Islamophobia rhetoric he was trying to spread came back to him as arunaway train and crashed him, his biggest mistake was believing the Bush/Cheney pirate and highwayman policies, the british people are well experienced liberal lot and by no means buy cheap nonsense. where ever he geos, they come around and told him pointblank that he is a war criminal.

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The British are special, the world knows it, in our innermost thoughts, we know it. This is the greatest nation on Earth. It has been an honour to serve it."





They demand the elimination of Israel; the withdrawal of all Westerners from Muslim countries, irrespective of the wishes of people and government; the establishment of effectively Taleban states and Sharia law in the Arab world en route to one caliphate of all Muslim nations.

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^^Lol Geel-Jire, Isagaa ka koofiyad wayn yahuudka!


Anyone who dont serve them will be terminated easily.


Need to read more about them they terrorise the world before and after: Jewish Watch


Now you will realise why more than quarter of the quraan is talking about them.

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Sharma'arke, Not all Zionists are Jews and not all Jews are Zionists. Infact, some orthodox Jews believe that they shouldn't return to the Palestine until their "messiah" returns.

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