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London: Tacsi Xirsi Magan passed away

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Xirsi Magan oo ahaa Suuggaan yahan kuna xeel dheeraa Af-Soomaaliga oo ku geeriyooday London

Posted to the Web Aug 21, 22:36



London:-Allaha u naxariistee waxaaa maanta ku geeriyooday magaalada London ee cariga Ingiriiska Xirsi Magan oo ahaa Suugan yahana kuna xeel dheeraa Af-Soomaaliga ,Abwaan Xirsi Magan ayaa in dhawaale ahba waxaa lagu daweynayey Isbitaal ku yaal wadanka Ingiriiska oo uu ku jira in mudo ah.


Allaha u naxariistee Suugaan yahan Xirsi Magan ayaa ka mid ah dadka fara ku tiriska ah ee lagu yaqaanay in ay Af-Soomaliga si xeel dheer u yaqaanaan, Xirsi Magan ayaa waxaa uu ka mdi ahaa dadka fara ku tiriska ah ee lagu yaqaanay xagga Eryo bixinta Afka Soomaaliga.


Allaha u naxariisto Xirsi Magan Aaaaaaaaaaaamiiiiiiiiiiiiiin




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Ina Lillahi wa ina ileyhi rajacuun..!

Allah u naxaristo ..amiin!


The irony is in his burial in London yesterday (Friday) he was burried next to his teacher who died approximately 42 days ago ( Alla uu naxariste). They were very close. People of all walks and backgrounds from the Somali community attended the burial and it was clear the man was well revered and had a insurmountable reputation.

An iconic who has never had the chance to serve his nation and his people to the best of his ability due circumstances beyond his control.

Allah u naxaristo - samir iyo iman dadkiisa Allah ka siyo..amiin!

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Inaa lilaahi wa inaa Ilahyhi Raajicuun...


He will be greately missed, he was articulate and inteligent wise old man, Ilaahyow Kuu naxariiso, Aamiin.

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