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For Immediate Release: Greetings from the President of Somalia H.E. Abdullahi Yusuf..

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For Immediate Release: Greetings from the President of Somalia H. E. Abdullahi Yusuf Ahmed to Muslims everywhere and the leaders of the Islamic world, celebrating the Eid Al-Adha,

Saturday, December 30, 2006



For Immediate Release

Office of the President

Dec 30, 2006


Greetings from the President of Somalia H. E. Abdullahi Yusuf Ahmed to Muslims everywhere and the leaders of the Islamic world, celebrating the Eid Al-Adha,


The President sends his warm greetings to the people of Somalia and to his Muslim brothers and sisters all over the world the as they celebrate the Eid al-Adha holiday and join in spirit with the millions of Muslims gathered in Mecca to uphold the traditions of one of our most sacred duties of Islam: the Hajj


As fellow Muslim brothers and sisters celebrate the annual Hajj, the fifth pillar of Islam, they honor the great sacrifice and devotion of Abraham as recognized by Islam.


Islam is a religion that inspires its followers to lead lives based on justice, compassion, and personal responsibility.


During these times we, Muslims, give thanks to Allah for His bounty and mercy, celebrate the holy days, and wish each other well.


“May every year find you in good health!"


“On behalf of the Government of Somalia and on my own behalf I take this occasion in sending my best wishes for this joyous celebration.”

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What it was obviously meant to say



For Immediate Release: On the order of the President of Ethiopia H. E. Meles Zenawi to loosers everywhere



Greetings from the governor of of the 12th admistrative province, H. E. Abdullahi Yusuf Ahmed to new Ethiopians everywhere and the leaders of the Occupied world, celebrating our victory,



The governor sends his warmest gloatings to the people of the 12th admistrative province and terrorists all over the world the as they celebrate the Eid some-thing-or-other holiday and join in spirit with the millions of terrorists gathered in somewhere in the vicinity of Mecca to uphold the traditions of one of their most sacred duties of some religion : the Hajj we think


As residents of occupied territories celebrate the annual Hajj, the fifth pillar of terrorism, they honor the great sacrifice and devotion of some one or other as recognized by terrorists.


Unlike us, terrorism is a religion that inspires its followers to lead lives based on injustice, humiliation, and personal irresponsibility.


During these times you, terrorists, give thanks to some one or other for His lack of bounty and mercy, celebrate the holy days, and wish each other well happy jidah, while we plan to our next strategy to irradicate them with the help our principal donor, and God's very own favourite people.


“May every year find me in good health!", and with more of your loot.


“On behalf of the Admistration of the 12th admistrative Province and on my own behalf I take this occasion in sending my best raspberry and wishes of joyous celebration to my sponsor.”

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Bal dadkaan shaqo la'aantooda daya waa waxa Soomaaliya dagaal uga dhacay.


Xoghayn jinni-ku-xaqsay ah? Yeah Office of the President which is an old Russian Helicopter. dhulkii bay socon la'dahay@lol.

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