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Puntland Minister Siciid Xassan Shire Somaliland was supporting Attam

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Wasiirka Xanaanada Xoolaha Dawladda Puntland ayaa ka hadlay dagaaladii ka dhacay Buuralayda Galgala ee u dhaxeeyey Ciidanka Puntland iyo xoogaga wadaadka Maxamed Siciid Attam.


Mudane Siciid Xassan Shire oo maanta shir jira’id ku qabtay magaalada Garoowe ayaa ku eedeyey maamulka Somaliland in ay qayb ka ahaayeen dagaalkaas isla markaana gacan siin jireen xoogaga Maxamed Siciid Attam.


”…Xubno ka tirsan Somaliland oo Wasiiro iyo saraakil ayaa waxaa ay ka hadleen in Ciidamadooda aan ka barbar dagaalamin Al-Shabaab,Waxaan cadeynayna in ciidan Somaliland qayb kamid ah oo 70-kamid ah joogeen buuraha Galgala oo ka barbar dagaalamay Maleeshiyaadka Al-Shabaab…”,ayuu yiri isagoo sheegay in ay mushahar qaadan jireen.


Dhegayso shirsaxaafadeedka Wasiirka


Wasiirka Xanaanada Xoolaha Puntland ayaa beeniyey in dagaalka Galgala uu ku saleysnaa arimo la xirrira macdanta.


Dawladda Puntland ayaa dhowaan ugu baaqday maamulka Somaliland in ay gacan ka geysato sidii loo qaban lahaa firxadkii Attam.


Dowlada Puntland ayaa 20kii bishii hore ee Oktoober ku dhawaaqday inay soo afjartay dagaaladii deegaanadaasii ay kula galeen kooxihii saldhiyada halkaasi ku lahaa ee uu hogaaminayey Wadaadka Maxamed Siciid Attam. Waa markii ugu horeysay oo wafdi noocaan ah booqdo deegaankaasi tan iyo intii dowlada Puntland sheegtay in dagaaladii buuraha Galgala iyo Madarshoon la soo gaba gabeeyey.


Maxamed Siciid Yuusuf


Wakiilka Horseed Media



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Garoowe:(Allpuntland)-Wasiirka Wasaarada Xanaanada Xoolaha ee Dawlada Puntland Siciid Xassan Shire oo maanta Shirjaraa’id ku qabtay Aqalka Madaxtooyada ee Puntland kadib markii uu soo dhamaaday Shirkii Golaha Wasiirada ee Puntland ayaa shaaca ka qaaday in Puntland ay soo afjartay Dagaalkii Galgala islamarkaasna uusan dagaalkaas lug ku lahayn Macdanta Mijiyahan,waxaa Wasiirku sidoo kale uu sheegey in Ciidamo katirsan Somaliland ay la socdeen Kooxdii Atam,isagoo meesha ka saaray in dagaalkaas ay wax lug ah ku lahayd besha degta Beriga Sanaag.


Siciid Xassan Shire wuxuu sheegey in inkabadan 70-askari oo mushaar toos ah ka qaata Somaliland ay kamid ahaayeen kooxdii ay Xukuumadiisu kuspo afjartay Dagaalkii Galgala,waxaana uu intaas kudaray in Wasiiro katirsan Somaliland ay hub & Ciidan la garabtaagnaayeen Kooxdii Atam iyagoo diidan Amaanka & Xasiloonida Puntland.


Wasiirka Xanaanada Xoolaha ee Puntland oo ku dheeraaday ka hadalka Dagaalkii Galgala wuxuu sheegey in uusan Dagaalkaasi wax lug ah ku lahayn Macdan ay hada ka hor Puntland & Malayshiyo beeleed isku qabsadeen,waxaana sidoo kale uu beeniyey in Xukuumadu ay si gaar ah u weeraray Beel nabadoon oo beelihii aas aasay katirsan.


“Dagaalkii Galgala wax lug ah kuma lahayn macdantii hada ka hor la’isku qabsaday,koox Argagixiso ah ayaa halkaas isku aruursaday dadka deegaanka ee kujirayna waxyar bay ahaayeen,sidoo kale Dagaalku wax lug ah kuma lahayn Beel waayo Puntland marna lagama yaabo inay ku duusho beel kamid ah beelihii Aasaasay mana jirto Sabab loogu duul beel naga tirsan”Ayuu yiri Wasiirka Xanaanada Xoolaha ee Puntland.


Wasiirku Wuxuu sheegey in imika ay dadkii degenaa Galgala & agagaarkeedu dib ugu soo laabanayaan Deegaanadooda maadaama ay Xukuumadu soo afjartay Kooxdii uu Atam hogaaminayey oo uu sheegey inay shacabka dhibaatooyin ku hayeen,waxaana uu sheegey in imika wixii ka danbeeya ay Dawladu halkaas geyn doonto Adeegyadii bulshada oo ay kala danbayntu u horayso.


Cabdiqani Xayir


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Puntland accuses Somaliland for funding Somalia’s militants





Somalia’s semi-autonomous state of Puntland on Monday accused, the breakaway republic of Somaliland, of supporting Islamic militias fighting against Puntland troops during the recent months in the mountainous Galgala village just outside of commercial town of Bosaso.


Speaking with the Press in Garowe, Puntland’s Minister for the livestock Sa’id Hassan Shire denies the Somaliland response on the allegation, saying several Terrorist militant allied with Somalia’s hard-liners Al Shabaab and Somaliland forces were killed by the Puntland security forces.


“Somaliland assists the rebels, led by Mohammed Sa’id Atom in the mountainous Galgala areas in recent month fighting,” said Shire.


The minister also accused many High-ranking government official including several ministers who are behind the fundraising of terror attacks against Puntland civilians.


Starting in mid October, operations began in Puntland to eliminate a terrorist stronghold in Cal-Madow mountain range, Bari region. Puntland troops launched attacks against extremists fighting for a local al-Shabab leader and an arms smuggler allegedly allied to Al Qaeda-linked Al Shabaab, an insurgent named Atom.


Located in northeast Somalia, Puntland is a stable state with a population of 3million people, with its own elected government, justice system and security forces.



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^^^ The minister of Live stock lol I know you feel the heat of Somaliland live stock increasing day by day but stating lies is a shame even for puntland politics lol. The CIA, and all the other intelligence survices know the facts on the ground, the duel track approach is on track, Somaliland development and rise in the region is seen from America to the far East this ploy is nothing more but like Pakistan stating India is funding terrorists or vis versa lol.


So sad lol

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Originally posted by Fiqikhayre:

Speaking with the Press in Garowe, Puntland’s
Minister for the livestock
Sa’id Hassan Shire

Apparetley, Pirateland's ministry of livestock has proved that Atom's boys used to eat goat meat from SL. Impresive stuff and nonsense. smile.gif



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I not sure if Atam was helped by NW Somalia's admin (I doubt they have the capabilities).


But he must have been happy when he heard that 300 ONLF just crossed through their enclave untouched and realized he'd have an escape route.

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