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Pirates in Puntland are IDP'S

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u should be proud of it homie...why dizz it! aint nothing wrong with it, i mean u aint stealing from somalis! go 4 it.


how long have they been stealing from us!! pay back is baitch but so be it. its our time.

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Rudy, i never said i wasn't proud of them. Infact the African Union President Qaddafi lended their support for them.


Verify here m/hostednews/afp/art icle/ALeqM5gjcLix8M8 Q0Xx6bKZz_7t9unI4LA


And hollywood has also by making a movie proving true that toxic waste and illegal fishing has occured in the area's of puntland coast and making the somalis be defender's of their water and environment protectors.


Verify here /15/somali-pirates-n egotiator-hollywood- movie


It is not matter about who is doing it. Puntland piracy account's for 40% of the piracy occuring the horn of africa. The one's who are planning and coordinating are most likely to be natives, but the people who are doing the hijacking's in real-time is appearing to be idp's.


I just research the fact's, the truth shall set you free. U can't follow propaganda and expect to solve something. U need to get to the bottom of it by researching the facts and not going by what u hear in the merfish or cafe.

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It is not matter about who is doing it. Puntland piracy account's for 40% of the piracy occuring the horn of africa. The one's who are planning and coordinating are most likely to be natives, but the people who are doing the hijacking's in real-time is appearing to be idp's.


I just research the fact's, the truth shall set you free. U can't follow propaganda and expect to solve something. U need to get to the bottom of it by researching the facts and not going by what u hear in the merfish or cafe.

:D what research?, Ma jaadkii NZ baad ka dheregtay, U are fast!


It is foolishnes, and stupity to talk about your somali brothers/sisters like this, last time I check Puntland was part of Somalia, so what IDPs you talking about?


Walle soomaali belo baa haysata, Kuwa secessionists ka baanu la yaabaneyn, Ilayn Puntland na waa joogaan. :eek:

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Rudy, and your totally correct. They are not harming somalis or killing and looting them. They are taking their fight out on the international ship's. Now the source of the piracy was illegal fishing and toxic waste dumping. Once Qadafi policy drafted by the african union and is put into effect and somalia water's are monitored im sure the piracy will end.


Let's just hope the world take's notice and put's african union plan into effect.


The illegal ship's toxic waste dumping before and the illegal fishing has stopped due to the multi-national ships monitoring the sea, the pirates are now just wanting a solution to be done that is long term not short-term like multi-national navies.


Thank god african union has answered,

Once a full-time A.U naval monitor take's over their role guarding somalia's and if this implemented and a coast guard set up, so those pirates can have a job after they give up the piracy which thousands have already. Then the piracy is over.

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Qaddafi...u gotta be kidding! just read history before u go to hell with the the laughing stock of this world. word homie. See this what happens to your brain when u listen to fox, cnn or your clan cheerleaders 24/7.


this man is a luantic. Woow, looks like younger generations have no clue wats up?? god save us.


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Dabshid..this is the research, the white house has done a congressional reports on the towns and clans responsible for piracy. This an expert report from the white house..


Read it here on the seattle times newspaper

http://seattletimes. litics/2009015383_ap ml


As you can see puntland represent's only 2 towns of the 5 towns conducting in piracy. 2 out of 5 is 40%.


Now that 40% of piracy in puntland's areas it has been revealed that idp's of puntland are being involved by bbc special investigaton report


Read that here k/2/hi/africa/807218 8.stm


So the piracy that come's out piracy idp's are doing it and being recruited by native's. In other word's the native is providing the strategy and getting the idp to do the dirty work.


So plz study the fact's and don't gone by what u hear the merfish.

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Diriye, Qaddafi is the head of the African Union, The African Union is internationally respected organization and with more then 50 members states.


If u think noone will listen to him with that sort of position, your very sad. And The west always listen to the regional watch-dog organization's in most part's of the world and this is known fact. When America want's to make a decision on a country say for example thailand. They will look at APEC the regional watch-dog for their input first.


See whenever u take measures in the international world u need to take into consideration the countries neighbour. America has to take into consideration what 52 nations will be drafting up in the African union because they have diplomatic, economical, strategical ties with member states of the A.U and wouldn't want to jepordize that.


Diriye i am not a school instructor and going to teach u international politics.

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homie..we somalis and know the fact. So leave the reading for them empty headed pple.


tell us me something how many pirates u know in and where they from. hello.

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Rudy, what fact do you know? what u hear at merfish? your source for any claim can be debunked on the weakness of it's credibility.


War baan meeshaas ku maqley socon meyso. U might fool the jahiil but not the well-informed.

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Merfish is khat eating place in london. When i went there for holiday and mind u i was there for 2 weeks..the men eat khat in the basements of a cafe...And they also eat it in public as it is legal in that country's law.

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so they eat leaves in london like u koala bears do in nz!! looooool. what the hell. try to convert to eating salad homie.!!


salad will do you good. lol.

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I don't chew khat anyways. I find it disgusting, tasted it once and has no taste whatsoever for me. I now know why they drink alot of tea while chewing, so they can drink something a bit sweeter to wash out that disgusting bitter taste.

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