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Pirates in Puntland are IDP'S

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I think we need some puntlander input regarding this bbc investigative report. It is very serious as this puts idp's who are behind the piracy..pls comment puntlanders

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fabregas...they are recruitng from idp camps..this means that the ppl who are doing the hijackings are infact idps..but controlled by puntland business men...

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Fabregas it just shows that we don't endanger our natives, and mainly send these thugs from the idp camp to do the dirty work..

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Besides the african union has called them heros the other day and sorting out the all african government supports them..

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Originally posted by osman_nz:

fabregas...they are recruitng from idp camps..this means that the ppl who are doing the hijackings are infact idps..but controlled by puntland business men...

Nowhere does it say that. It says that camps could be fertile grounds for recruiting pirates. You took that statement and>>>>>>>. Plus, don't try to tell alot of the PL aren't local teenagers from PL?

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Fabregas..wrong they already have been recruited and this one case where the mother says..."They drive around in expensive cars, they offer our sons lots of money, so of course piracy is an exciting option," she says".


"But nobody likes them any more, and now it's really dangerous. The (French and the Americans) have been killing pirates, so we think it's a really bad thing to do."


That is one case where they tried to recruit from her sons...u think she is the only one that refused..


Anyways i am doing research on this matter to see how much the idp's constitutes in the piracy..and lastly..the piracy only happening according to congressional reports from washington in two areas of puntland eyl, and garacad...the rest is hobyo, harardheere, 60% of the piracy is in your lands buddy...40% in our lands, and on top of that we still have strong case as african union and even hollywood defends our pirates not yours..and on top of that we have idps who could be constituting our piracy which i will research into the matter to concivesely prove..

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And i am sure u are going to ask me proof that 60% of the piracy is happening in the south and i always speak on solid the congressional report done by washington on seattletimes newspaper


http://seattletimes. litics/2009015383_ap ml


40% of the piracy is in puntland, the rest 60% is in the the focus is on puntland ones because they actually have strong case unlike the southern ones...


Like i said buddy, study before u get destroyed

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quote: "as african union and even hollywood defends our pirates not yours".



@Osman,You talkin to me, huh? Ya talkin bout ma pirates like that? Sxb, my pirates are better than yours. My pirates got betta milkshake than yours, ya heard.Word! Now don be messin with ma pirates, ya dig fam? My pirates is makin it big, we be on Hollywood, makin that dime real soon. Understand?


Seriously, PL, SL, blabland, jackiechanland are alL Muslims and ikhwan. So, let so stop this division and seperating upon the fake colonial tags and clan inspired names.


Ibn Taymiyyah (d.728H) – rahimahullaah – said: [2] “Everything which is outside the call of Islaam and the Qur‘aan, with regards to lineage, land, nationality, schools of thoughts and ways, then it is from the calls of jaahiliyyah. Indeed, even when the Muhaajirs (those Companions who migrated from Makkah to al-Madeenah) and the Ansaars (those Companions who aided and supported those who migrated) argued, such that one of the Muhaajirs said: “O Muhaajirs! (implying; rally to my aid).” And then one of the Ansaar said: “O Ansaar!” Upon hearing this, the Prophet (sallallaahu ’alayhi wa sallam) said: “Is it with the calls of jaahiliyyah that you call, and I am still amongst you!” And he became very angry at that.” [3]





-Tirmidhee relates from Allaah’s Messenger (sallallaahu ’alayhi wa sallam) that he said: “Let people stop boasting about their forefathers who have died, who are merely fuel for the Hellfire; or they will certainly be more insignificant with Allaah than the beetle which roles dung with its nose. Allaah has removed from you the party spirit of the days of jaahiliyyah and the boasting about one’s forefathers. Indeed a person is either a pious Believer or a wretched sinner. All of mankind are the children of Aadam, and Aadam was created from clay.” [5]



ps.Good night bro and wlc to the forum, brother Puntlandawi. ;)

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Fabregas i just like to speak on facts..whatever is facts is what i accept, what is not i reject..when someone who wants to argue against the overwhelming evdence marka its like arguing with someone who says "i am not thief but the camera that caught me is wrong" wa totally unreasonable and illogical..


Anyways when it comes down to it at the end of the day...piracy done in somalia is not just puntland phenonemen...where infact we are only responsible for 40% of it whilst the majority of it is happening in the south and this is expert's report who conducted studies from the white house says..


So when we talk on facts, we can come to the truth..and like i said i am looking further into the issue of idps and piracy..

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Originally posted by osman_nz:

I think we need some puntlander input regarding this bbc investigative report. It is very serious as this puts idp's who are behind the piracy..pls comment puntlanders

But the reports coming out from the UN says that puntland leaders are who is behind the pirate game/

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Africaown, the united nation says that their are some puntland officials in the government who are involved in it at the business end. I mean they don't go out do the dirty work, but administer it.


Every government system has it's rogue corrupt member, and puntland is not exception to that rule. My argument is not about who is involved here, my argument is that the ppl who are on the high seas actually doing this hijacking are idp's whilst the puntlanders are just sitting back and planning it.

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Besides even if the piracy ends in puntland, what about 60% of the piracy that is occuring the south? will that end? the ones happening in harardheere, hobyo, and mogadishu?


Seriously when figures are stated the piracy that is occuring puntland is responsible for 40% whilst the overwhelming piracy in the south goes unchecked.


Now puntland recieves more attention because it actually has a system to deal with it, where-as the south doesn't and probably why it's ignored.


Puntland officials well not all but a few are involved but they are not going on the boat and hijacking these ships physically themselves. They are planning for them to be hijacked by little thugs from idp camps.


So at the end of day, my whole thread is about idp's doing the hijacking on the seas, whilst the puntlanders are providing the strategy on how to do it. The bbc article is clear idp camp is recruitment area and infact recruitments have occured there. How much? i don't know yet i am looking further into it.

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