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General Duke

Damn the secessionists their lies: a few questions lads

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^^^Farax Brown, you have no legg in this argument, and you have not added a single new idea.

The secessionsist hold a much better political position that you, and thats not saying much.

I am waiting on the Mujahid's to comment.

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Originally posted by AYOUB:





lol@ the qarxis, liar liar Hot Ethiopian Canjeero on fire :D ,miya:



quote General Duke: The TFG is led by Geedi and Jurile who truly piss me of, what on earth do we need to fear from ourselfs that we need Ethiopia to come to our rescue?

I understood the argument for peace keepers but a full invasion by Ethiopia is nonsical, who will get them out? I fear these Ethioians much more than any Somali, warlord or wadaad..


Dhubad, I think Geedi spoke the same line as the Ethiopians.. Its tragic the TFG is openly courting the Ethiopians, not in my name..

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Originally posted by General Duke:


First of all you are confusing yourself saxib. You say Somaliland has a diplomatic relations with Ethiopia, how can it when Ethiopia does not recognize Somaliland, has no embassay in Somaliland?


Then you say Ethiopia is using another region as a launching pad. However does Ethiopia not have a military presence in Berbera.
For over 6 years has the junta in Hargaysa not been given ONLF activists to Ethiopia
some even born in the North West, where have you been all this time “Mujahid” ?

Wrong. Ethiopia doesn't have base in Berbera.I'd like a proof of where you got that idea.


True. Somaliland has handed over ONLF members over to Ethiopia, but where do regular somalilanders stand in that is important here. I think it's sickening to do such thing, and that is why I many others have said it's terrible move by the current somaliland adminstration . I havne't gone silent about that. Not only do we believe it's wrong, but we support the ONLF struggle. If they win, and Ethiopia loses that battle, we wouldnt' have anything to loose because remember Somaliland doesn't rely on Ethiopia, unlike the entity you support. :D



Look at your avatar, “support the MAQWAMA” that means support the bombings, killings, maimings in the south. Why not start a “muqawama” in Berbera take out the Ethiopian targets, or execute other actions against collaborator Riyaale, kill his police, and bomb Hargaysa market full of people? For their collaboration with Ethiopia by giving your fellow Muslims to them?

Why are you inciting violence in the south, who’s civilians want as much as any other region of Somalia?


Is it not clannish for you to make excuses for Riyaale and condemn Yusuf and his regime to execution?


Now Mujahid answer the questions.

Adeer Hargeysa is run by its people. The markets, the police, and everyone is a somali land owners. In Muqdisho and the Muqawama which not only I, but majority of somalis support is an act against the invasion. Isn't it wonderful how you compare Hargeysa not occupied city by foreign forces to Muqdisho which has been reduced to rubbles and almost all of its citizens forced out by invading forces.


Your reasoning is an absulate idiocy. Somaliland is not occupied and southern somalia is.


ps. WE are comparing an occupied territory to non occupied territory? how desperate are we getting here Dukey? ;)

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Originally posted by Baashi:

I can't help but agree with General Duke on this one. The conflict of interest is difficult one to explain away.

That is because you and Duke are on the same boat. It's an obvious one sxb.

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Originally posted by Ceyrow jr.:



Between the TFG/Ethiopians vs. The Al shabaab/the People, most of somali folks with exception of few from Mudug and Bosaaso are with the Somali people.

Tolow, did you a census or a finger count? :D

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Oh trust me I live in Minnesota. I know few from Mudug who support the resistance and those mostly happen to be folks like Xiin (Educated or religious) and then there are those who support the TFG, because of the old man regardless of he has done, and those are seemingly the majority.

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Why are you denying the facts. IT'S TRUE MOST THAT SUPPORT THE TFG ARE FROM MUDUG/BOSAASO? What is so secretive about that. Mise been inaan sheego ayaad rabtaa.

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Originally posted by General Duke:

Mr Castro, you are a Riyaale supporter and a secessionist sympathizer.

Oye Vey!®


In your world, Duke, everyone must support their "atheer", rightly or wrongly. Fortunately, I don't live in your world. In fact, I'm donating my atheer to you. You can now have two dab0dh!li!f atheers.


This is lively conversation. Do go on lads. A little bit of Mira would have made it even more interesting.

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Originally posted by Castro:

Northerner, yes it is a question saaxib. Collaborators want Ethiopia to reward them with power over all Somalis. Secessionists need recognition from Ethiopia to separate them from other Somalis.


Denouncing Ethiopia and its plans for the Horn and simultaneously needing it for secession cannot coexist.


Both groups need Ethiopia for slightly different and completely selfish reasons. Neither can speak on behalf of the greater good for Somalis. I'd say this is a clear case of same shit, different rear end.


Well said,

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Originally posted by Ceyrow jr.:

Why are you denying the facts. IT'S TRUE MOST THAT SUPPORT THE TFG ARE FROM MUDUG/BOSAASO? What is so secretive about that. Mise been inaan sheego ayaad rabtaa.

Am not denying any facts; I just can't see any! firstly, you said that most of the Somali folks with the exception of those from the areas you mentioned are with " the Somalia People". Then you said: Most TFG supporters are from that area. The first suggestion is just purely- poorly constructed tribal hearsay and not fact. I wouldn't have expected a man like as you to swoop to such a level of argument. The second might be true, but then it again it could be coincidental or not greatly important in the bigger scheme of things.

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Planders who are guilty of letting EThiopia into the country.


I guess Xiin and Co. are also hypocrits. I mean why shoutout peace when PL (the place he is from)has troops in the south doing the killing?


I will let Baashi CLEARLY state how he agrees with Duke before I put this thing to bed ;)


In the meantime Duke, post more questions. Adeero will be proud :D

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Originally posted by General Duke:

^^^Farax Brown, you have no legg in this argument, and you have not added a single new idea.

The secessionsist hold a much better political position that you, and thats not saying much.

I am waiting on the Mujahid's to comment.

If i have no leg to stand on,Then you have no mouth to speak with. Dude,rather Duke You have flipped and flopped on every single issue in the past years.


Let me remind you,this is a quote from you:


The TFG is led by Geedi and Jurile who truly piss me of, what on earth do we need to fear from ourselfs that we need Ethiopia to come to our rescue?

I understood the argument for peace keepers but a full invasion by Ethiopia is nonsical, who will get them out? I fear these Ethioians much more than any Somali, warlord or wadaad

Who are you to question anyone? You have no morals,Matterr of fact,this is an insult coming from you. Of course this is usual of you, everytime the TFG & the Habashis kill somalis,you start a side show to distract people from pointing out these atrocities. Classic diversion tactic. I could understand you,but am even shocked that veteran sensible SOL posters(Castro,Xiin & Baashi) are actually giving you airtime. Not me,My BS radar is on 24/7...



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