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Xaaji AbukarXabashida wadanka xooga ku qabsatay halayska kor qaado.

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Xaaji Abukar Cumar Caddan oo maanta war ka soo

saaray Magaalada Nairobi


Ganacsade Xaaji Abukar Cumar Caddaan oo maalin ka hor laga sii daayay Xabsi ku yaala Magaalada Nairobi oo uu muddo ku xirnaa Xabsi ayaa markii ugu horeysay waxaa uu maanta sheegay in dalka Soomaaliya xoog ku haystaan Ciidamada waddanka Itoobiya kadib war saxaafadeed uu ka soo saaray Magaalada Nairobi.


Abuukar Cumar Caddaan waxaa weeye mid ka mid ah Ganacsatadii taageeri jirtay Maxkamadihii Islaamiga ee laga adkaaday, waxaa uu sheegay in uu u mahad celinayo dhamaan shacabka Soomaaliyed iyo intii Mas’uuliyiin ahayd ee ka qeyb qaatay sii deyntiisa,wuxuuna sheegay in mowqifkiisa ee nacaybka Itoobiya waxba iska bedelin.


Wuxuu ugu baaqay Abukar Cumar Caddan in shacabka Soomaaliyed iska kor qaadan cadawga waddanka oo uu sheegay in Itoobiya ay ka mid tahay, cadawga Soomaaliyed, waana in la iska caabiyaa ayuu yiri Abukar Ciidamada Itoobiya.


Abukar Cumar Caddan oo 10-kii sano ugu dambeysay Maamulayay Dekedda Ceel Macaan, waxaa uu dul saran yahay Gaari yar oo ay ku socdaan dadka Naafada ah, waana nin caan ah kuna caan baxay Samafalka iyo Ganacsiga.


Sii deynta Abukar Cumar Caddan waxaa soo dhaweeyay taageeriyaashiisa iyo kuwii Maxkamadaha Islaamiga ee ku sugan Magaalada Muqdisho.


Nuuradin Macalin Mukhtaar (Dinow)

Xafiiska Midnimo ee Muqdisho Soomaaliya

Midnimo Information Center

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waxaa uu sheegay in uu u mahad celinayo dhamaan shacabka Soomaaliyed iyo intii Mas’uuliyiin ahayd ee ka qeyb qaatay sii deyntiisa,wuxuuna sheegay in mowqifkiisa ee nacaybka Itoobiya waxba iska bedelin.



True Wadani. True Muslim. True proud Somali.

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Freed Somali wealthy man urges Somalis to evict Ethiopian troops


Aweys Osman Yusuf

Mogadishu 17, Feb.07 ( Sh.M.Network) - Haji Abukar Omar Adan, whom Kenyan authorities have discharged from prison on 15 February, has released a press statement in Nairobi on Saturday.


In his press release, Mr. Adan said that he is not related to any particular religious group, but that he is someone who was devoted to his religion and country. He called on the Ethiopian government to withdraw its troops from Somalia.


Mr. Adan and his son were arrested by Kenyan authorities on the border between Kenya and Somalia. He pled guilty for being in Kenya illegally. He was not charged with terrorism.


The wheelchair-bound Aden is believed to have been a major source of financing for Somalia’s routed Islamists.


Urging the Somali transitional government, Adan said the government has to establish peaceful dialog among all Somalis.


He said national dialog is the only way out of misery in Somalia where the government senior officials ruled out several times in the past having talks with the defunct Union of Islamic Courts.


Kenyan government arrested a large number of people, it said, were linked to Somalia’s Islamists. Most of the defendants still remain in Kenyan custody while some were deported to Somalia.


He said the international community and the United States should do whatever it takes to avert Somalia from slipping back into the anarchy of 1991, encouraging the Somali population to evict the Ethiopian troops from their territory.



Shabelle Media Network Somalia

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May Allah bless him in death and alive, aamiin!


My latest Duco for the great Sh. Abukar X. Cadaani, indeed!


He is a true Muslim, with Soomaalinimo ornamented and hallmarked all over him!


One event he greatly took part: The rescue of Thousands of Gaalgale people during the civil war. Thanks to him, indeed!

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