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Presidential press officer Mudane Xuseen Xuubsireed back at work

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Afhayeenka Madaxweynaha Somaaliya oo Dib u bilaabay Hawlihiisi Shaqo

Last Updated::2007-07-12 17:44:48


Nairobi:-Afhayeenka Madaxweynaha Dawlada Somaaliya Mudane Xuseen Maxamed Maxmuud Xuubsireed ayaa Maanta dib ubilaabay Hawlihiisi Shaqo --

ee uu uhayey Shacabka Somaaliyeed Mudanaha ayaa waxa uu kasoo kabsaday sihab samileh Dhawaac yar oo Kooxo hubeysan ugu geysteen isgoys ka Howl wadaag ee Magaallada Muqdisho taariikhdu markay aheyd 18/06,07 isagoona lagu daweeyey Isbitaal kuyaala Magaalada Nairobi ee Dalka Kenya.


Afhayeen Xuubsireed ayaa Waxa uu Wariyayaasha usheegay in uu Hawshii qaran ee uu hayey uu dib ubilaabayo isagoona ku laabanaya Caasimada Dalka Somaaliya ee Muqdisho isagoona mudanuhu uu sheegay in uu u adeegayo Shacabka Somaaliyeed Madaama uu yahay Masuul katirsan Dawlada Dalka Somaaliya ka Arimisa.

Mudane Xuubsireed ayaa Maanta waxa uu shirkiisi Siyaasadeed ee ugu horeeyey Safaarada Somaaliya ee Magaalada Nairobi kula yeeshay Guddoomiyaha Jaaliyadda SSCH Mr,Ahmed Abdisamad iyagoona ay labada Masuul kawada hadleen Arimo badan oo quseeya Dalka xaaladiisu ay Gadalaadhacayso ee Somaaliya iyadoona labada msuul shirkoodi uu socday mudo Saacadaa.


Gudoomiye Ahmed Abdisamad waxaa uu sheegay in Kulankooda ay iskula soo qaadeen Xaalada uu Dalka Somalia iminka Marayo,waxaana uu Afhayeenka Madaxweynaha u sheegay Guddoomiyaha in Dalka Somalia iminka xaaladiisu degan tahay,waxaana uu dhinaca kale Sheegay in Haatan ka socoto Muqdisho qaban qaabada Shirka Dib u hishiisiinta Somalia oo lagu wado in 15 ka bishan uu Muqdisho ka furmo.



Guddoomiyaha Jaaliyadda SSCH ee Dalka Kenya Mudane,Ahmed Abdisamad ayaa waxaa uu ku dheeraaday in Somalia haatan ku jirto xillligii ugu rajada rooneed,isagoona ku booriyey Afhayeenka iyo Dowlada Ku meel gaarka ahba inaysan ka joogsan wado kasta oo lagu helo karo sidii dib loogu soo celin lahaa Nabadii iyo kala danbeyntii Somalia ka jirtay.

Mr,Ahmed waxaa kale oo uu sheegay inuu Fariin Nabadeed uu Afhayeenka ugu dhiibay Madaxweynaha Somalia Mudane,C/laahi Yusuf Ahmed taasi oo ku aadan sidii uu Madaxweynaha uga shaqeyn lahaa isku soo dumida Qeybaha Somaliyeed ee kala irdhoobay 17 sano ka hor,waxaana uu intaasi ugu darey in Dhamaan Jaaliyadaha Somaliyeed ee ku nool Dalka Kenya isaga oo afkooda ku hadlaya inay diyaar u yihiin Taageeridada Dowlada Somalia iminka u dhisan.


Gaba gabadii ayaa Labada Mas’uul waxay Saxaafada u sheegeen in Somalida waajib ku tahay inay u istaagaan sidii loo taabo gelin lahaa Dowlada Ku meel gaar ka ah ee Somalia,taasi oo iminka ka howlgasha gudaha Somalia ahna Miraha ka dhashay shir ay Somalida In badan ku lahaayeen Dalkan Kenya.



Jamaal Mohamuud Ahmed


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Markuu hadlayo wuxuu u hadlayaa sidii nin cunaha lagu dhegan yahay, hadalkiisu clear ma ahan sidii awal lagu yaqiinay umahadlayo hence an indication of seriousness of his wellbeing.

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Adeer Xubsireed,


You being the TFG media go-to-guy, perchance you have come across SOL's award-winning Politics section, yes ? I'm writing this letter to you to explain two things a) Your shooting was not personal. Seriously. b) If you do indeed recover(you are in our prayers. Seriously), why you shouldn't resume your mouthpiece duties.


But before that, we'd appreciate if you could tell us how you felt during the shooting process. What was your reaction ? Here's how Tupac felt right after he got capped 5 times in the fall of '94:


I didn't know I was shot in the head yet. I didn't feel nothing. I opened my pants, and I could see the gunpowder and the hole in my Karl Kani drawers. I didn't want to pull them down to see if my dick was still there. I just saw a hole and went, "Oh sh*t. Roll me some weed." I called my girlfriend and I was, like, "Yo, I just got shot. Call my mother and tell her."

So his reaction could best be summed up as: " Oh shit, I just got shot" followed by "roll me some weed, my nigga" and finally "call my mother"


What would best describe your feelings and reaction when you first got shot ?



Good to hear that you're feeling better. Seriously. I'm not sure what kinda psychological/physiological effects 6 bullets in the cranium and upper&lower mandibles have, but I wish you a speedy and umcomplicated recovery. Seriously. Any jubilation you may have heard wasn't directed towards you personally but was caused by the thick irony inherent in your Grace getting shot. Like six times. In the face. Seriously.


I mean, here in the ghetto, offenses like 'talkin' shit', 'runnin' his mouf, and especially, "tryna talk to ma gurl" can get one shot, maybe 3 times at the max. But six times ? Dag yo, your Grace, I don't know what you did, but you musta pissed somebody off big time. Like maybe you badmouthed a brother to his girl thinkin you're game was so tight she wouldn't snitch on you. Well, it looks like she just did. Hence, the six shots heard throughout cyberdom.




a) It wasn't personal, adeer. It was business. And in business, you gotsa pay what you owe. If you run up your tab, you can't expect to walk around scot-free, now can you ? It's just bad for business. If your boss-man starts sellin on my corner, and you still rollin with him..Bof y'all a legit target, on General Principles(GP). If you got an key from me yesterday, turn around, cut it up, and make a quick buck, without coughing up what's mine....That's also bad for business. In effect, anything you do that pisses me off is bad for business. So from what I'm hearin', whoever did you, had legitimate beef. And the G-Code gives him uncontested authority to deal with you, and I quote, how he sees fit. Now when you combine bad business practices with stuff like "talkin shit behind my back, callin' me Al-Quaida, poppin' at the mouth for too long". Well, that makes for one heated brothaman, ready for payback. And for the record, he got paid. There's also the not-so-small word on the block that says you'sa Snitch. As you well know, Snitch + Bad business = short life expectancy.


b) Now, personally, I really don't think it's smart to court death...if you're not ready to die. Making the same moves guarantees the same results, expedited entry to the next world, fast-track to hellfire, in your case. So...why bait the brothers ? The more you talk crap about Al-Quaida, the more you big up your man, who everybody knows is the biggest snitch in the whole of ghetto-dom, the jucier target you present yourself to be. So, Adeer, quit while you're still ahead.


Tupac didn't*, and he got had for good the 2nd time around. Thing's like a Boomerang...miss ya the first time, getcha on the way back.


*Major distinction: Tupac wasn't a snitch and he died with his boots on.

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