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Sheik Shariff going to Yemen

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NAIROBI, Feb 1 (Reuters) - Top Islamist leader Sheikh Sharif Ahmed -- seen by many as a key to reconciliation in post-war Somalia -- has left the custody of Kenyan intelligence and was reported by a Web site to be heading to Yemen.


"It's true that I'm heading to Yemen," he was quoted as saying on the Web site of the London-based ONKOD news agency run by a Somali journalist.


Contacted by Reuters at an undisclosed location in Nairobi, Sharif said he was in good health but declined to confirm his future plans. "I am 100 percent fine," he told Reuters.


"But there are no questions I can answer at this time."


Several Islamist leaders have taken refuge in Yemen since their movement's defeat over the New Year in an offensive by Somali government forces backed by the Ethiopian military.


Sharif, widely perceived as a moderate compared to other senior Islamists, was one of the two main leaders of the movement that took Mogadishu in June and ruled a swathe of south Somalia until the end of the year.


Sharif surrendered to Kenyan authorities on the border with Somalia about 10 days ago. Since then, he has met with the U.S. ambassador to Kenya, Michael Ranneberger.


Washington views him as a potential player in possible reconciliation between the interim government and the Islamists.

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01/02/2007, Onkod Exclusive, Gudoomiyihii Golaha Fulinta ee Midawgii Maxaakiimta Islaamka Soomaaliya Sheekh Shariif Sheekh Axmed oo Khadka taleefanka ugu waramayay Ridwaan Xaaji Cabdiwali oo ah Saxafi dagan London ayaa sheegay in uu aad u caafimaad qabo isla mar ahaantaasna aysan jirin wax dhibaato ah oo haatan uu ka cabanayo Shariifku isagoo ku sugan Hotel ku yaala Magaaladda Caasimadda ah ee Nairobi oo haatan uu dagan yahay Shariifku.


Sheekh Shariif waxaa uu sheegay in ay jirto in uu u socdaalayo Dalkaasi Yemen hase yeeshee wax faah faahin ah kama aanu bixin socdaalkiisa iyo xiliga uu tagayo dalkaasi yemen, waxaana uu ku gaabsaday '' way jirtaa in aan tagayo Yemen''


Warar sidoo kale Ridwaan Xaaji uu ka helay Dawladda Kenya ayaa sheegaya in wali Shariifku uu ka war sugayo in la fasaxo si uu dalkaasi uga guuro oo uu ugu baqoolo Dalka Yemen oo uu ka helay aqbalaad Siyaasadeed.


Wararku waxay sheegayaan in uu u tagayo dalkaasi arimo la xiriira dib u heshiinta dalka oo ay ku hawlanyihiin dawladdo badan oo caalamka ah oo ugu baaqay dawladda kumeel gaarku in ay balaariso nidaamka isla markaana xukunka laga qayb galiyo qaybaha kala duwan ee Soomaalida.


Sheekh Shariif Sheekh Axmed oo sidoo kale uu Wariye Ridwaan Waydiiyay wax ka jira in Askar Maraykan ah ay haystaan dagaalyahanada Maxaakiimta ee wali qaarkood ku jira Hawdka ayaa sheegay in wararkaasi aanu waxba kala socon.


Waxaa uu Shariifku sheegay in aanu diyaar u ahayn xiligan in uu wax waraysi ah oo faah faahsan siiyo Warbaahinta isla mar ahaantaasna waqtiga ku munaasabka ah uu ka hadli doono arimahaasi.


Sheekhu waxaa uu dalkaasi ku yimid wada hadallo kadib markii uu la yeeshay Dawladda Maraykanka iyo Dawladaha Reer-Galbeedka oo u arka Shariifku in uu yahay Hogaamiye Taageero balaraan ku leh Soomaaliya oo aan looga maarmin Xiisadaha wali ka aloosan dalkaasi Soomaaliya oo haatan ay ka jirto Dawlad wali aan awood buuxda lahayn.


Onkod News, Nairobi.

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Very good news that he is safe. I'm hoping now he will form a alternative party that will be legitamte as a party of the people with the exiled former speaker, who I believe to be in Djibouti.

The combination of both of them, would be great.

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