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The End Is Nigh!

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(This is as optimistic as I can get). :D


With the current credit crunch and the huge amounts of money governments are throwing at this financial inferno, it is quite possible that the end is nigh for capitalism (in fact, some people argue that it is already dead).


If you open any paper or watch any news report these days all you will be confronted with are news of approaching doom and gloom. Many commentators argue that if Obama's (and other European countries) economic stimuli do not work, the world as we know it shall end!


Some also contend that the consequences of failure are very dire. They point to riots in Eastern Europe, Iceland and Greece. They argue that the fate of the Icelandic government (which was recently overthrown because of Iceland's economic collapse) shall become the fate of ALL western governments should they not arrest the economic breakdown!


Now imagine if these images of doom and gloom should come true! This would truly create massive social unrest in Western countries. There will be endless job losses. Governments will fail. People will suffer. Jealously will increase. Discrimination and racist incidents will become rife. The genie will well and truly be out of the bottle!


In addition, many analysts and political commentators have observed that most economic downturns have usually been followed by wars (a case in point is the great depression and the Second World War). But where would such a war take place? America against Europe? NATO versus Russia? Nah! It is more likely that such a war may involve places like India, China, Japan or the Middle East. The West will probably attempt to stimulate its own economy by providing the warring parties with weapons, logistical equipment and expert help. This in turn will allow it (the west) to create more job opportunities and revive several sectors of the industry.


On the other hand, which places shall escape this unfortunate domino effect? What parts of the world are not likely to suffer from the credit crunch, the social unrest and the overthrown governments? Why, who else but those that are suffering from all these problems already!


Now the wiseman's choice is to invest in such countries and keep a few eggs out of the sight of prying eyes. So, if you happen to have some spare cash on you now you will be better off investing it in Somalia (assuming that the wretched Caravan is for real) or in Somaliland and Puntland. Go there and build yourself a house, start a business or invest in an already lucrative company. With the caravan or without it, things are not likely to get worse than they are there. On the contrary, they are more likely to get BETTER. Whilst here in the West and as Dad's Army's Private James Frazer used to memorablly say: "we're doomed!"


So what will it be? One Jago or two? :D

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LOOL@ this being optimistic!


But I do agree, the big bad CC is having little effect in Africa and business opportunities are still high!


Wait why is this in politics?

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It is not optimism that you are selling, you are just reinvigorate a concept in order for it to fit your bill shall it ever materialise...You are just selling air much like the ones who got us in the credit....This is what speculators do?

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^^Developmental assistance has been going down for years anyway, with or with out CC.


Sending money to Somali is beyond expensive, I knew I should've got $$ saved up, £75 for $100 :eek: Long gone are the days when just over £50 was $100, ya noo soo ceeliyah :D

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Interesting post!


The West (and the United States in particular) has this great fear of the Rising 'East'. It's a strong possibility that WWIII could erupt in the east through the clever manipulation of the west. India and Pakistan were set to nuke eachother to oblivion sometime back because they almost 'mistook' an earthquake for a nuclear attack.


Imagine Western Intelligence agents entering either one of those countries with actual nuclear suitcases(i saw them on 24 :D ) and detonating them. The two aforementioned countries because of their sheer paranoia of one another would rampage each other. This could draw in China since she shares borders with both and has fought previous wars with India.


There are countless other potential 'triggers' such as PRC China conquering Russia's Siberian region and the nuclear war that follows or N-Korea vs Japan(who could produce nukes in less than a year, which is why Japan is called a De-facto Nuclear State) or PRC China vs US backed ROC China. not to forget Iran and her new friend Mother Russia vs Israel/US

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Heh@Che! You think I am opposed to peace in Somalia, saaxib? Surely nobody is that evil ninyaho.


Ibti, the post has a mention of war and social unrest. It is politics. :D


Guru, true but what is the worst that could happen to Somalia (Somaliland) that has not happened before, saaxib? The chances of things getting worse here (in the west) are much much worse.

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I have to agree with NG, Somalia is better place to invest at this time and even ten years ago. People who invested in the NY stock market lost all the gains they made for the past ten years and it is still going down.


The kind of returns for telecom companies, constuction import companies and buildings in Somalia and in Puntland in particular (which I was an early investor) have been fantastic. IF I had known the collapse of the investiment market in the USA, I could have taken a chance in Somalia. But who knew? As they say don't put all your eggs i one basket and one should always diversify investment, after we live in a global village.

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Joesph Alois Schumpeter wrote a century ago (in response to Marx's lament that capitalism will succumb to an inevitable death) that the strength of capitalism lies in its ability to creative destruction; renewal.


People are celebrating the death of capitalism prematurely.


There is a problem though in the events unfolding; there are no losers, the bailout means that if everyone is rescued.

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Is it not what is happening in Somalia just how Capitalism began in the west all thoe years ago.


And Islam encrouches responsible Capitalism anayway.

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