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Xaaji Xunjuf

Somalilander Killed in Bossaso.

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Muwaadin U Dhashay Gobollada SSC eeh somaliiland Oo Caawa Toogasho Lagu Dilay Magaalada Boosaaso-

Lasanod Online- Friday, April 16, 2010





Laascaanood,(Lasanod Online)-Waxaa caawa lagu dilay magaalada Boosaaso muwaadin u dhashay somaliland isagoo dilkiisa ay ka danbeeyeen rag hubaysan.



Marxuumkan oo aan magiciisa naloo xaqiijin ayaa la toogtay xilli uu ku sugnaa meheradisa oo ku taal badhtamaha magaalada Boosaaso.


Dilka marxuumkan ayaan hada la ogayn cida gaysatay balse dilkani wuxuu dabada ka raacayaa dilal isdaba jooga oo dhawaanihii ugu danbeeyay loo gaysanayay dadka kasoo jeeda Gobbalada SSC eeh somaliland ee ku dhaqan magaalada Boosaaso.


Marxuumkan caawa la dilay wuxuu la hayb yahay marxuum Cabdilaahi Qudhac oo isna waqti aan sii fogayn lagu dilay magaalada Boosaaso.


Dilalka isadaba jooga ah ayaan ilaa hada aanay wax wara kasoo saarin maamulka Puntland iyo kan Boosaaso.




Wariye: Abdiqani I. Goox

Xafiiska Wararka Lasanod Online, Laascaanood.

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Xafada west london xita wa somaliland ileen dhulka somali ba daggan eh, Laakin adigu waxad kala saarta dhul somali iyo jamhuuriyada somaliland. Iyo jamhuuriyada somalia, labbada shay wa labba dall oo kalle duwan laakin Dhulka somalida Eh Ethiopia eeh jamhuuriyada Federalka Ethiopia ka mid ah waad odhan karta somali land Djibouti xita waad odhan karta Somali land. Laakin labbada faraqa u dhexeya kal saar camow.

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London is not Somaliland, you have to look at ancestry and historical facts and it is obviously not Somaliland.


Djibouti, Area's in Kenya, Ethiopia and all the other places you mentioned are all Somali land! Ethnic Somalis inhabited that land long before imperialists made their own borders there, which they referred to all of it as Somaliland! The only thing different was whether it was being controlled by the Brits or Italians!


The Middle East is Arab land or Arabian Peninsula


The point of all this is that Mogadishu, Bosasso, Hargeysa were all referred to by imperialists as Somaliland at one point! They just put their name before it i.e. (British) or (Italian) Somaliland.

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Originally posted by Xaji_Xunjuf:

The Imperialist Are gone get with the programme son , Somali is just a language its not something we can politicalize

What is NW Somalia then ? Just a region of a language. :D

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^^^I would not call the walk of a Mugged individual as "Swagger". Who can blame you, you call Faisal Warrabe Mujahid, and NSS spy, Riyaale, Mr President. :D

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