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General Duke

arms embargo latest: 15 security council nations agree..

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At this point, It doesn't even matter when such a thing is passed. The news that US, Egypt and Djibuti are in a mad dash to reconcile and negotiate with TFG has done wonders and magic of diplomacy work out for SICU.

Djibuti and Egypt are now doing a lot of coaching in short order.


I still hate to be France at this moment. Even with thousands of soldiers right there is considered so insignificant.

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Originally posted by General Duke:



Listening to the Interview, the deputy ambasador said that resolution was braught forward IGAD, EU and AU and they agreed to send peacekeeping troops to Somalia. African troups would probably be sent from Congo, Tanzania, Ghana in the initial phase, and then IGAD countries. This resolution was the initial proposal of IGAD


Security Council , under the auspices of Qatar, reached on the decision to send the peace keeping troops.


The interviewer asked a much-needed question about the demonstration that took place Mogadisho. His response was that demonstrations didn't take place, Bosaaso, Gedo, Kismayo, Baidabo, Galkacyo, etc.



54 African presidents agreed to send troops. Final decision is yet to be reached but it is more likely that they will.

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Thank you for the information.

When one sees Egypt scrumbling to rescue itself and in doing so, has to depend on Yemen and Djibuti, its a clear indication that something has gone terribly wrong for the supreme leaders in Mugadishu.


Now there is news that Shiek Ahmed wants to meet Prime minister Ghedi and is hoping to do this through some embassies that are not Arab. Its very telling of strange developments.


Some ICU media in the past were against Sudan and were spreading rumour that Sudan is only sending the flag and emblem pined on a Tigray soldier. (eritreans were main peddlers of this inuendo, when at the time they didn't even have diplomatic relations with Sudan) Expect more of it to come. They might even say that, this is Puntland state militia flying a Ghanian or South African flag.


Actually all the peacekeeping forces are destined to the places the ambassador mentioned. They will assist states in establishing themselves according to the TFG plan.

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Quote:The U.S. draft bans the countries neighboring Somalia from sending soldiers. It also warns that the council would consider taking measures against those who prevent or block a peace process, overthrow the transitional government by force, or take action that would further threaten regional stability.

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