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Kampala: Puntland to recieve $7 million to combat pirates

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^^^This is good news, Puntland needs to get its share of development funds. As for corruption, its a long term struggle. But I agree its something that has to be tackled, insha Allah it will.

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7 million only? This is peanuts mate--Our "coast guard" alone collects ten times as much every month. I think President Faroole ought to ask them for more dough. :D



Whenever I read Horseed articles, I like to pay attention to the feedback and comments that these articles garner from the general readership. I saw one comment in particular, which I found to be of the same opinion... ;)





good news. the anti puntland crowd must be trembling. oh no, those MJs are organizing, regaining momentum, and boom, mogadishu falls into the hands of its rightful leaders again.


it has been proven, beyond a reasonable doubt, that those in somaliland are similar to confused teenagers, rebelling without a cause, and that those in mogadishu are paying for yesteryear's crime until they admit, and ask for forgiveness from ALLAH and the Somali people.


a federal system. every man build your region, feed your family, bring innovation and keep an open Somali society always. that's puntland - the rebirth site of the future Somali state.


:cool: :D

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Coast Guard = The branch of Puntland's security forces that is responsible for the defense of our coastal waters, protection of the wealth and resources of our sea, and the enforcement of all customs, immigration, and navigation laws vis-à-vis ALL foreign owned vessels. :cool:

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