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Somali Region Of Ethiopia Clan Elders Support Puntland. Video Proof

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How sad, you have stooped down to a new low by taking the words of a few so called Elders assembled together forcefully, who are unable to speak their mind as evidence of Condemnation or support for anything. these Elders are on deathrow mate.


You should worry about Bosaso which is loosing Major business after this incident, The O folks aren't using your port and hence Berbera is back in business P: . Puntland Business Community was out Condemning faroole in Nairobi and faroole was copping it from all side's, he even asked for a meeting with the O Reps but was denied.


So Faroole's

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Jabhad, well that is O folks clan-elders, experts, business men, politicians and all their representatives condemning the onlf movement who doesn't represent O folks or Somali folks but represent a Tigray interest in asmara.


Wake up Bro, O Folks and Puntland are 1 people and we can not have these ONLF rebels start problems between us.

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Mr. Cawke, It feels sad to watch this video and its message. In fact, I am not against their message for peace, brotherhood and justice but I'm rueful of the subliminal message this video relays to the rest of concerned Somalis---that our people in that O region are forever torn apart and inimical to one common vision that decides their inalienable rights to self-determination and own posterity.

Saxib, these elders are surrounded by big brother informants, secret agents of the ruthless kind from the dictatorial regime. They can not utter a single word opposite to what you heard in this video(their categorical condemnation of the ONLF) if you can easily grasp the grave consequences of making clear the dicovery of truth in the bossom of their true feelings and hearts.


How else do I put it for you to see the bigger picture. If you had seen the Oscar winning movie Life is Beautiful in which actor Guide and his young boy end up in the Concentration Camp and how he conceals the truth from his little son that they were in active participation of a big game, of which the grand prize is the tank. Before the father is pushed to the corner to the last minute of his life with a gun on his head, he happy gestures to his son who peeks from little holes in a container that the father placed him in for the final announcement of the prize.

Somalia shall overcome its enemies.

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