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He is very, very bad. His stomach is inflated 10 centimetres - Yeey

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While he recovers, the food aid to the displaced is on hold under his orders according to his appointee Darwiish. Odaga leaves nothing unaddressed even in his sick bed.

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Maamulka Sh/Hoose oo sheegay in Cunaqabatayntii dhaqaale laga qaaday Gobolka sh/Hoose/


Beerdhiga 05.12.2007 11:43


Gudoomiyaha ugu qaabilsan DFKMG ah ee la shaqeysa gumeysiga itoobiya gobolka shabellada hoose C/Qaadir Sheekh Maxamed Nuur ayaa maanta shaaca ka qaaday in xayiraadii ay DFKMG ah ku soo rogtay gobolkaasi.


War ka soo baxay xafiiska C/Qaadir Sheekh Maxamed Nuur ayaa lagu sheegay in xayiraadii laga qaaday garoonka iyo dekada gobolka shabeellada hoose ee lagu soo rogay maalintii shalay ahayd.


Xayiraadan lagu soo rogay gobolkan ayaa timaaday ayaa la leeyahay ka dib markii Ninka ugu qaabilsan DFKMG ah ee la shaqeysa gumeysiga Itoobiya Nabad sugida (sirdoonka) Darwiish uu sheegay in cunaqabatayn dhaqaale lagu soo rogay gobolka shabeelada hoose ee k/Soomaaliya.


Maalintii shalay ahayd ayaa Laba markab oo siday in ka badan 3.50 tan oo raashin gargaar ah, oo uu markab dagaal oo Faransiis ahi soo gelbiyay ilaa dekedda Marka, waxaa is hor taagay in la dejiyo, Madaxa ciidanka sirta ee DFKMG ah ee la shaqeysa gumeysiga Itoobiya ninka lagu magacaabo Darwiish.


Darwiish ayaa shaaca ka qaaday in amarka lagu hor istaagay Maraakiibtaasi uu bixiyay Cabdullaahi Yusuf oo la sheegay in amar ku siiyay ciidamada DFKMG ah in ay xakameeyaan gabi ahaanba dhaq-dhaqaaq dhaqaale ee gobolka Sh/Hoose.


Hay’adaha Samafalka ayaa waxa lagu qasbay in ay ka soo dejiyaan mucaawinooyinkooda Garoonka iyo Dekada Muqdisho, taas oo la sheegayo in uu wali muran ka taaganyahay la xiriira dhinaca dhaqaalaha ka soo xaruunaya cidii qaadi lahayd ama ka mas’uulka ah.


Arintan ayaa ku soo beegmaysa iyada oo ciidamada Nabad sugida(Sirdoonka) DFKMG ah ee la shaqeysa gumeysiga Itoobiya xabsiga dhigeen bilo ka hor Madaxii Hay’ada WFP ee Q.M ugu qaabilsanaa dhinaca cuntada aduunka xafiiskeeda Muqdisho,iyadoo ugu dambeyntii la soo daayay iyada oo aan la sheegay sababihii loo xiray.


Ma aha markii ugu horeysay oo ay DFKMG ah ee la shaqeysa gumeysiga Itoobiya barakicin iyo cunaqabataynba ku soo rogaan dadka shacabka ah ee ku tabaalaysan geedaha hoostooda waxaana ay arintani ku soo beegmaysaa iyada oo uu Max’ed Dheere ku tilmaamay dadka ku barakacay inta u dhaxaysa Muqdisho iyo Afgoye “argagixiso Caalami ah” oo ay Beesha Caalamku quudiso.

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a 2nd night?


Somali leader still in hospital; Rice meets new PM

Wed Dec 5, 2007 12:37pm EST Email | Print | Share| Reprints | Single Page | Recommend (-) [-] Text [+]

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(Adds Rice comments, updates president's condition)


By Guled Mohamed


NAIROBI, Dec 5 (Reuters) - Somali President Abdullahi Yusuf spent a second day in hospital on Wednesday with what government sources called a minor chest problem but a diplomatic source described as a very serious condition.


In a tumultuous week for Somali politics, an exiled Islamist leader rejected a call by Somalia's new prime minister for talks to try to stem a year-long insurgency that has killed some 6,000 civilians.


And Prime Minister Nur Hassan Hussein struggled to replace five ministers after his earlier picks resigned on Sunday, saying their clan was under-represented in the government.


Hussein was urged by U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, who he met with in Ethiopia on Wednesday, to be "inclusive" in forming his new government.


"I think everyone understands the difficulty of the job ahead of you but also that you are a respected leader, and the importance of broadening the political basis for reconciliation in Somalia," Rice said.


Somalia's 14th attempt at government since 1991 has been beset by a raging insurgency, political infighting that has crippled the transitional government, a humanitarian crisis the United Nations says is the worst in Africa, and uncertainty.


At Nairobi Hospital, Somali Ambassador to Kenya Mohamed Ali Nur said President Yusuf -- who gives his age as 72 but is said by some to be nearer 80 -- was having a routine check-up before seeing doctors in London where he had a liver transplant.


Three sources close to the president said Yusuf had a chest complaint that was being treated prior to the stress of intercontinental travel, which was likely to happen on Thursday.


Having lived with a transplanted liver for nearly 13 years, Yusuf routinely flies abroad for check-ups and what might be a normal malady in others his age must be closely watched.


"We don't like the allegations ( his condition is worse)," the Somali ambassador said.


"I can tell you that he is OK, he was actually exercising."





But a diplomat tracking Somalia said officials were hiding the truth after Yusuf was flown into Nairobi on Tuesday.


"He is very, very bad. His stomach is inflated 10 centimetres and he is permanently on an oxygen mask," he said, citing conversations with Somali officials on Wednesday.


If anything were to happen to Yusuf, Somali parliamentary speaker Sheikh Adan Madobe would take over for 30 days while a successor was found, according to the government's charter.


In Eritrea, Sheikh Sharif Ahmed, chairman of the opposition Alliance For the Re-Liberation of Somalia (ARS) and considered a relative moderate among the Islamist movement, scoffed at the new prime minister's call for dialogue.


"Our problem is not with the old prime minister or the new prime minister. Our problem is Ethiopia's occupation," he said.


Ahmed's Islamist courts' movement ruled Mogadishu for six months last year, until it was routed by Ethiopia's army backing forces from the interim Somali government.


Hardline Islamists have led an insurgency against the government and Ethiopian troops throughout 2007.


Rice said she would push for more peacekeepers to help Uganda, the only country that has contributed to an African Union mission there. U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon has said a U.N. peacekeeping mission is not feasible.


"We appreciate very much Ugandan forces that are there, but they need to be joined soon by other forces. I look forward to the deployment of these forces," Rice told reporters.


"We do believe the Ethiopian forces should not have to stay in Somalia past a certain point," she said, adding she had spoken to the U.N. chief about the need for a robust force. (Additional reporting by Aweys Yusuf in Mogadishu, Guled Mohamed, Bryson Hull and Andrew Cawthorne in Nairobi, Sue Pleming in Addis Ababa, Jack Kimball in Asmara, Mohammed Abbas and Louis Charbonneau in Berlin; Editing by Bryson Hull and Mary Gabriel)

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^Read Xoogsade's post just over your one, that may answer your question in the other thread... see reading the news from different perspectives may help...

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^^Dint read it. Thought it was related to Yey's deteriorating condition (hence why no read).


So you read from all perpectives do you??

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^Depends, If I have time and intrested in knowing the best out of something, why not?


And I was refering to the Aid question... not the President's health.

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Emperor haduuba ogol yahay in odaga jiran yahay, waa nin rag ah. Hala daayo.


Maantay I run into an old friend of my mom's. Islaantu waa reer addeer, so after aan isa salaanay cabaar, I deliberately said: eedo odaygii waa sakaraad baan maqlay! She didn't get mad like I thought. She got quiet..I didn't see her boil or cry or shout but I could hear all three in her voice when she said, cadawgiisa baa warkaas wad-wada, asagana maaha qofka jiran..[naming some other dude]. Waan ka naxay runtii qof waayn oo waayeel ah oo beenta ilaa intaa la'eg la soo indho-cad. Subxaanallaah.

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^Odaga for the past 40 years wuu jiranaa ina Abti, ceeb ma ahan jirada cid beeen kasheegtay ama diidan jiradiisa majirto, Insaanka oo dhan waa jiradaan.., Though on the downside dad baa lahaa wuu dhintay for years, every other health problem he goes through or even health check the old man goes for, waxay ku wardiyaan wuu dhintay :D , Odaga ma saas ayaa looga baqaa...

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