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Oog attacked by SSC?

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Africa inadeer sure there are some security problems that need to be resolved . The sirdoon guy needs to be Sacked ASAP Col xudhuun guy is allready sacked By Siilaanyo. because of his inability to perform . So the government is taking measurements when it comes to security.Just give it time

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Originally posted by Xaji_Xunjuf:

^^ talks about what , the time of talking and using diplomacy is over no more gudi only guns can solve this issue.

The SSC fought the Ethiopian army, which is one of Africa's biggest. Do you think they are concerned with your enclaves "guns." They are completely aware that Buhoodle has nothing to fear from your side! It looks like they are picking and choosing their battles as they wish to minimize deaths amoung their brothers in Habsaades militia.


It's quite clear there is nothing your admin can do to the SSC through violence. Ngogne knows this and that's why he is calling for dialogue.

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^^ Twist my point, why don't you. :D


I would have a serious discussion with you if I thought you were the kind that can conduct such a discussion, saaxib. But we already done this in our Faroole arguments and you revealed yourself to be nothing but Duke-light. Iska wado adeer.

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I am just giving you my opinion, dont take things personal. You are calling for dialogue despite the numerous attacks, in the forms of road side bombs, assasinations, deaths of (s)election workers, yesterdays attack and many more.


I believe you are the only rational one among the secessionists because you are not calling for violence and are aware that even if you did, you do not have the capabilities to do so or you guys would have a long time ago.

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Thankful ssc didn't fight any one let alone Ethiopian army a section of the Liyu police from danod district Entered Buhoodle after a qad incident. That took place outside the Somaliland border. That was about it , ssc rebbels can't face the somaliland army they know it two hence the hit and run tactics from the khusuusi.

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Thankful, what's puntland role? Why are they sitting back in garowe? I thought they were also claiming Sool? Your vice President is the most pathetic for not attempting to do something.

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Xaaji, don't disrespect the dead and try and falsify the news.


Do you think if these tough guys are willing to take up arms against a well funded foreign army they would have any problems with your enclave?

Buhoodle vs Ethiopia - VOA


Dagaallo ka dhacay Degmada Buuhoodle

Dagaallo dhexmaray ciidamo Ethiopian ah iyo dadka degan Buuhoodle oo maanta dhacay ayaa la sheegaya inay ku dhinteen in kabadan 10 qof.


Ali Haraare | Washington, DC Jimco, 21 May 2010


Dagaalkani oo galabnimadii maanta bilaabmay ayaa waxa uu u dhexeeyey ciidamo Ethiopian ah oo iyagu in muddo ahba joogay Buuhoodle iyo agagaarkeeda iyo dadka shacabka ah ee reer Buuhoodle .


Ciidamada Ethiopiaanka ee Buhoodle yimid ayaa sida dadka deegaanku ku warramayaa waxay qabsadeen baabuurtii dadweynaha ,waxana ay isku dayeen inay hubka ka dhigaan dadka hubeysan ee Buuhoodle ku sugan.


Sidoo kale waxaa la sheegayaa in dagaalku bilowday kadib makrii ay ciidamada Ethiopia xidheen xuduudda iyadoo sida dad goobjoogayaasha ah ay idaacaddan VOA u sheegeen ay ciidamada Ethiopian ay hakiyeen baabuurta gaadiidka ah ee gelaya iyo kuwa ka soo baxaya gobolka ismaamulka Soomaalida ah ee dalka Ethiopia.


Wararku waxay sheegayaan in tirada dadka ku dhintay Buuhoodle ay gaadhayso in ka badan 10 qof, iyadoo ilaa haatan aan la hayn tirada dadka ku dhaawacmay. Warar kale ayaa iyaguna xaqiijiyay inay jirto askar Ethiopian ah oo dagaalkaasi ku dhimatay.

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Africaown the Vp of the pirate state even stooped so low when he said he would teach his grandchilderen about the legacy of the great Tigray people of Ethiopia for loving puntland :D

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Originally posted by AfricaOwn:

Thankful, what's puntland role? Why are they sitting back in garowe? I thought they were also claiming Sool? Your vice President is the most pathetic for not attempting to do something.

Somalia claims Sool, not Puntland. The situation cannot be solved through armed conflict. The SSC is proving this with their constant attacks. Just like Habsaade was convinced to switch sides, so did Lascaanod.


There has nothing to "do" with Puntland that is why the SSC never targets Puntland. We are not viewed as the aggressors. They have specifically said on foreign media outlets they will engage in fighting until you vacate their land and that is what they are doing.


Puntland position is very wise, stay clear of this internal issue and focus on the rest of state, because at the end of the day the SSC wants to be part of Somalia and so does Puntland.

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Lol, Atam is someone you can consider scared, since you refuses to show his face. The SSC has proven that your enclave is nothing to be scared of. Forget about the numerous attacks I mentioned earlier, these guys even do interviews with foreign media.

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Originally posted by Xaji_Xunjuf:

^^ Dude you and your Little Militia will be exterminated before they even know it , this is Not Booto it was just a few months back when we captured widhwidh and took 12 Prisoners of war to maandhera No hit and run cowardly attacks will liberate Laaska for you try harder.

as for faisal he is just sending a clear message to the nabbadids.

:rolleyes: :rolleyes:


Geed baa horay u yiri, “Gudiney hadaan badhkay kugu jirin imaad gooyseen”.. You and Libaahe are clueless about what really is happening in in that part of the region.. So keep continue with your hallucination from the marqaan. You always bring here the marfish booto and faan stories, we did this, we capture there…

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Originally posted by Xaji_Xunjuf:

^^ talks about what , the time of talking and using diplomacy is over no more gudi only guns can solve this issue.

Odayga watch your blood presure, if you have the balls, isgee meesha nooh..

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