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Is it halal to start a corporations under US law?

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Hanif walaal


Please post the contract that you have to sign, lets look at it to answer your question.



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I would rather not. Generally speaking, what are the some of the issues that a muslim should keep in mind when entering into business contracts with non-muslims under unislamic laws?


What are some places I can go for answers with regards these questions?



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Generally speaking, what are the some of the issues that a muslim should keep in mind when entering into business contracts with non-muslims under unislamic laws?




Haram business activities: the manufactor or marketing of any of these products;


- Alcohol

- Interest(riba)

- Gambling

- Pornography

- Pork

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In matters of business, the default is permission, unless you are dealing with forbidden goods, adhering to forbidden terms, or committing sins with contract. Any other form of business is halaal, unless one can show where it contradicts with Sharia.


In Contrast, issue of the faith, their default is Mutaabaca, following of the Messneger of Allah SWT, and unless a proof form the Sunnah can be found for an ibaadah, it becomes bidcah innovation.




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