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The new US Strategy Behind Somaliland AFRICOM Base

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Nairobi (HAN) April 23, 2008- We know now that The current US policy in Somalia failed, particularly at a time the Islamist insurgency are battling with U.S. backed shaky transitional government and Ethiopian Forces.


The US Strategy and Somaliland port of barbara: The new U.S. military command devoted to Africa is now operational. It's called AFRICOM and its launch completes a three-year quest by the Pentagon. The Pentagon divides the world up into six regions known as "combatant commands." The most prominent is CENTCOM — the area that encompasses the Middle East and central Asia. Each command is led by a four-star general who, in turn, is responsible for all the U.S. forces operating in the area.


According to the Pentagon, AFRICOM will be different. The U.S. Africa command will focus on the humanitarian needs of Africa. Most African leaders are skeptical — or flatly opposed — to the development, which the Pentagon says is a matter of public relations. Army Gen. William Ward, the new AFRICOM commander, says most Africans don't yet understand what the command is about.


Contributing to the confusion is a debate raging between the Army and the Navy over what AFRICOM should be. According to a well-placed Pentagon source involved in the issue, the Army wants to build an AFRICOM headquarters somewhere on the continent. The Navy wants AFRICOM to be a sea-based command — operating out of carriers and large vessels moored off the coast of Africa.


That is why, the last trip of Assistant Undersecretary of State for African Affairs, Dr. Frasier to Hargiesa was excellent signal or reply to U.S commitment to build relation with Somaliland.


Because: US clearly knew that if Somaliland – recognized indirectly like Kosovo – can play vital role in easing the violence that flared in Mogadishu as result of inter-fighting between the Ethiopian Forces and the Al-shabab Islamist fighters.


The main Strategic Reason: AFRICOM, the U.S. Administration one year ago formed forces to help easing the conflicts in Africa and to eliminate the terrorism in African. AFRICOM stationed temporarily in U.S. Military Base in Germany, as well as, it has unit in Djibouti. Resources close to Whitehouse say that Washington is looking for permanent location for AFRICOM in Africa.


As analyzer, I believe the two US War Ships that had docked to Berbera Port is the first step of relocating AFRICOM from Germany to Somaliland. In other hand, U.S has forces in Djibouti, but the country is too small to host two superpower countries. Also, it will be difficult to France to welcome U.S Forces in Djibouti permanently; we can say it like "Cat and Rat". In these circumstances, U.S should look for another base that can enable them to monitor Red Sea and hunt down the Al-Qaeda fugitives from Iraq and Afghanistan.


The current Somaliland Security & the lost opportunity: The deputy speaker Said Jama Ali, was ordered to tell the local media that the term extension decision was approved by the so-called 'deputies' of Somaliland, because "there must be a six-month period between presidential and local government elections". Somalis in the breakaway pseudo-state are truly fed up with this impossible situation, and the provocative lies of the vicious thug who impersonates 'their' – unsolicited – 'president'.


The pseudo-parliament 'voted' to hold local elections in October, thus giving Mr. Riyale an additional six months in office. After some months, another comical and illegitimate vote will certainly postpone Riyale's bogus-elections for whenever it may suit the clownish president and his unashamed thugs and gangsters who terrorize the local population.


One should not forget that in 2007, Riyale supported a motion, extending the term for his pseudo-parliament's 'deputies' by an additional four years; next time he may add another forty! At this point, one should be reminiscent of the fact that Riyale was 'elected' in an infamous episode of elections in 2003, when trees, donkeys, and stones participated in the voting procedure in support of the loathed Somali thug – the servant of the Abyssinian dictator.


Following the aforementioned indescribable procedures and unacceptable developments, the marginalized opposition parties Kulmiye and UCID issued a Joint Statement condemning the term extension as "illegal", and warned that Mr. Riyale "will not be recognized as President after May 15".



Sources: Geeska Afrika Magazine, HAN Reporter In Hargeisa

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Originally posted by J.a.c.a.y.l.b.a.r.o:

Riyale was 'elected' in an infamous episode of elections in 2003, when trees, donkeys, and stones participated in the voting procedure in support of the loathed Somali thug – the servant of the Abyssinian dictator.


Sources: Geeska Afrika Magazine, HAN Reporter In Hargeisa

Miyaa Jbrow

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I don't need to read between lines when it's in my face.


Loathed Somali thug........the servant of the Abyssinian dictator. That summs up Riyaale.

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so a respectable source called Riyaale a servant of Meles, whats your opinion on that? care to comment?

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We respect the freedom of expression ..... that is what i said. They call him worse than that, and some call the opposition a similar thing.

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