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Somaliland Government Shuts down the Horn Cable TV

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Ciidamada amniga Somaliland ayaa galabta abaara 6:30 galabnimo albaabada u laabay Telefiishanka madaxabanaan ee Horn Cable TV Xaruntiisa Hargeysa.

Ciidamadan ayaa iyagu hore u soo xidhay xafiiska iibka iyo suuq-gaynta Telefiishanka.


Waxa kale oo ay ciidamadani ay tageen xaruntii baahinta ee Telefiishanka oo isagu ku yaala duleedka magaalada, kuwaasoo sheegay in lagu soo amray inay albaabada u soo xidhaan, hase yeeshee, dood iyo hadal badan oo dhex-maray Madaxa wararka iyo hawl-wadeenadii telefiishanka joogay ee goobtaa ku sugnaa, ka dib, ayaa waxay khasab ku kaxeeyeen madaxa wararka ee HCTV, Mr, Maxamed Cabdi (Ilig).


Inkasta oo ay wateen Hal baabuur oo kuwa booliska ah, isla-markaana ay ahaayeen tiro kooban, ayaa hadana waxay is-gaadhsiinta ay haysteen kaga dalbanayeen saraakiisha sare ee Booliska ee iyagu soo diray in loo keeno ciidamo dheeraad ah, si loo joojiyo hawl-maalmeedka warbaahineed ee ka socotay xaruntaas.


Inkasta oo aanay sidan ciidankani qoraalo cadaynaya xayiraada TV-ga, balse Askartan Booliska ah waxa ka muuqatay cadho badan, una muuqday rag soo balamiyay, ayaa ku dhawaaqayay inay ka go’an tahay inay albaabada u xidhaan xaruntan TV-ga caalamig ah ee Horn Cable TV.


Dhinaca Warbaahinta, Waxa wakhtigaas xarunta HCTV, goob joog ku ahaa weriyeyaasha Jamhuuriya, Maxamed-Cirro, Togdheernews, Keyse Axmed Digaale iyo Somalilandpress Cabdiqani Xuseen Baynax.

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I liked Horncable Tv. Gabar isku dhaceyso, very stylish ah kasoo gali jirtay during the evening times. Labiskeeda aadi ugu heli jiray iyo see u suurooneyso. Waxee host ka ahayd show magaciis ii gooye, ku saabsanaa salaamaha iyo heesaha dadweynaha soo diraayeen, dalbanaayeen.


Jacbaro, qoftaa ka hadlaayo ma fahantay. War igu salaan haddaa aragtid qoftaas. :D

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There goes Riyaale-Election- Allergic jailing any journalist who is not blowing his horn. Could it be that there is an election coming closer!! i betchya its.

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Originally posted by Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiy aar:

I liked Horncable Tv. Gabar isku dhaceyso, very stylish ah kasoo gali jirtay during the evening times. Labiskeeda aadi ugu heli jiray iyo see u suurooneyso. Waxee host ka ahayd show magaciis ii gooye, ku saabsanaa salaamaha iyo heesaha dadweynaha soo diraayeen, dalbanaayeen.


Jacbaro, qoftaa ka hadlaayo ma fahantay. War igu salaan haddaa aragtid qoftaas.




Anigu maba daawado Horn Cable lakin some of the management team are my friends and classmates ... Qoftaas waa la soo helaa nooh ,, diyaar ma tahay ? :D

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New leadership is the only hope Somaliland has. These ragtag ex facist regime members are holding Maandeeq back.

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Originally posted by xiinfaniin:

^^Ahmed Godane for president

Maalintaa Ictiraafkii Ilaahay ayaa iman lahaa. Kan gaalada meel dhaw weeye. :cool:

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I think you have a tendency to blow things out of proportion. Exaggeration-ka yaree ninyahow--If anything abaayo Godane will be first lady in hell. :D

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