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General Duke

Djibouti: Asmara group walk out , advantage TFG

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^^Adeer you can talk as much as you want about lame excuses or Asmara group. I am giving you facts. Ethiopian safiir has no place in a session that intended to heal the Somali conflict. If you, or your team for that matter, don’t mind him being there, others do. And the UN is addressing the matter.

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Saxib no body is talking, the facts are clear this was a seminar and not a negotiation session. The UN invited the rep from Ethiopia, thus why this media stunt?

The government of Somalia has no issues with Ethiopia, Djibouti or the UN. The group you support need to learn basic diplomacy 101.

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What is your source for stating the UN invited him? The two you posted?


ps In such a meeting, the parties should agree/be aware of the agenda, who will likely be present, must mutually agree to any new people joining etc etc


diplomacy 101


Quit the desperate attempts at slinging mud when all is still to be played for.

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Duke, diplomacy 101 is being taught to UN as we speak. This is elementary stuff Duke. This is a mediation effort. There are two parts to this matter. Each have a set of concerns, and the mediating part should do every think in their part to engage and accommodate all parties.


You dont need to repeat how happy you are with the relationship you have with Ethiopia. That’s fine with me. I would’ve hopped you wise up a bit and understand this is a Somali meeting, and not an Ethiopian one. UN understands that. And it will remain that way until Somali divisions are adequately bridged adeer…

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Xiin, now your group is teaching the UN. Fantastic indeed.

They made a meal of it, this was a seminar and not anything more. The talks would be between the parties concerned with the mediator.

It’s a piece of theater and nothing more, but it makes them look quite immature and not seasoned enough for such deliberations.


Northerner, the seminar was staged by the UN it invited the attendees.

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Is clear the presence of this Amaxaar was intended to disturb and spy on , the oppistion did the right thing by walking out, it sends a clear message that they are not willing to be bullied or made to follow others' agenda.

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^^There are reports that Nur Cadde is furious about what happened. If true, that shows you that this incident was a deliberate disruption of the peace effort.

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^^^lol. It was a seminar and the opposition have no legs to stand on. Even today they made another gaff by threatening the UN security council navy forces. Now what would happen if they actually attacked a Canadian, French or US vessel?


I think Xiin you need to advice these people.

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^^lol@advice these people...


Duke, al shabaabs are independent movement and you know it. The world knows it. What they say or do cant be used against Sharifs team who accepted to resolve the Somali conflict through dialogue and compromise.


I agree 100% with what they have done today. Compromising with fellow Somalis is something. Being humalitated to attend useless human rights class with the very folks who abused your innocent people is just the peak of disrespect adeer…


They did not say they will leave contrary to what clannish portals are propagating—they just objected to the presence of Ethiopian ambassador.


Ps—I think Cabdullaahi Sh. Ismacil invited the midget :D !

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Originally posted by General Duke:

Saxib no body is talking, the facts are clear this was a seminar and not a negotiation session.

Hence why is it important if one party leaves or stays, after all, as you state, it is only a seminar and not a negotiation.

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A good move by the ICU, Ethios have no reason to be there. Once again the ball is on the UN field to stop further Interruption by unwelcome parties. However the talks will continue.


Saxiibka Duke making a mountain out of nothing again.

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