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ne1 know the source for this?

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Abu Bakr As Siddiq gave a speech once and started it with a praising Allah and thanking him then said


“verily, Allah does not accept deeds except those which are performed for the sake of his face only. Therefore seek Allah’s face by your actions. Know that whatever actions you do with sincerity to Allah, is an act of obedience that you performed, a good share that earned, a duty that you fulfilled and a reserve that you keep from perishable days to everlasting days. At that time you will be most in need and in anticipations (for these good deeds)


O slave of Allah! Draw a lesson from those who died before you. Thinking about those who lived before you. Where were they yesterday? Where are they today? Where are the tyrants who were noted for the wars they waged and earned victories in battles? Time has eliminated them and they disintegrated to dust. The only thing that remain from them are their evil statements and verily evil statements are for evil people and evil people are for evil statements. Where are the kings that ruled earth and inhabited it? They have becomes a thing of the past and their memory has been forgotten. They have become nothing. Yet Allah the exalted and the most Honored has kept from them the evil burden of their deeds, but he ended their streak of lusts. They perished, but the deeds they committed remains and the world had become for others. We were created after them, so if we draw lessons from their fate and we will attain deliverances. Otherwise if we were deceived by all of this we will earn a fate similar to theirs .

Where are the bright faces of those who were deceived on account of their youth? They were turned into dust, but what they committed of shortcomings remains with them as cause of sorrow. Where are those who built cities, fortified them with walls and collected wonders? They left all this for those who came after them; there you see the remains of their cities, they have been inhabited after them. Meanwhile they are in the darkness of graves


“And how many a generation before them have we destroyed! Can you (O Muhammad SAW) find a single one of them or hear even a whisper of them?â€(19:98)


Where are those whom you knew among your forefathers and brethren? Their lifetimes came to an end and they joined their deeds and action. They are residing after they have died either resting in happiness or misery.


“Verily, Allah is one who has no partners in worship. There is no ties of kinship between him and any of his creations that warrants granting goodness or fending off evil on account of that kinship. There is only the obedience of Allah and abiding by his commandments. Know that you are subservient slaves of Allah and that what he has can only be earned through obeying him. Is it not time for one of you that the fire be taken away from him, while paradise is not made far from his reach? Tabari vol 3 pg.311

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I typed in Tabari vol.......but i got links to Shia Forums


NE1, what the source for that particular sermon is?


jzk in advance.......

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