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Somalia: Puntland's new leader frustrates Secessionists

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Somalia: Puntland's new leader frustrates Somaliland

11 Jan 11, 2009 - 9:47:40 AM


HARGEISA, Somalia Jan 11 (Garowe Online) - The newly elected leader of Somalia's Puntland regional government has demanded that Somaliland separatists withdraw their forces from the disputed regions, Radio Garowe reports.


Dr. Abdirahman Mohamed "Farole," the new Puntland president, told the BBC Somali Service that the people of Puntland and Somaliland are brothers.


"I especially know that the people of Puntland mourn the extra suffering inflicted upon Somaliland," President Farole said, while indirectly referring to the bombing of Hargeisa and Burao by the Gen. Barre regime in the late 1980s.


Puntland's new leader urged the Somaliland public not support separatist government's agenda to spoil the upcoming election in Somaliland.



Puntland Pres. Farole and VP Shire/GO

"I urge you [somaliland people] not to support the administration as it attempts to win the election [in March] by bringing troops and election boxes to regions where Somaliland has no support," President Farole said.


He challenged the Somaliland leadership, saying: "Where are the community and traditional leaders of the regions [sool and Sanaag]? They are all here in Garowe," he answered, referring to the capital of Puntland.


"I request the Somaliland administration to stop the hostilities and to immediately withdraw from Sool [region] and to respect good neighborliness among the brotherly peoples who will always need each other," President Farole added.


Somaliland unilaterally seceded away from the rest of Somalia in 1991 but remains international unrecognized. The separatist republic's leaders have cited the bombings in Hargeisa and Burao by Somali government warplanes as fuel for secession.

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Err Dukey, Someone already posted this. In any case, what makes him think the PUBLIC of Somaliland give a toss about him, let alone what he says?. icon_razz.gif He should be talking to and for the public of Puntiland. Attention seeker needs to do something worthwhile and spend less time worrying about SL and their issues.

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Issimo jawaab siiyay maamulka Somaliland

Monday, January 12th, 2009 at 4:54 pm

Horseed Media




Issimada maamulka Puntland oo maanta kulan ku yeeshay magaalada Garowe ayaa waxaa ay jawaab ka bixiyeen hadal ka sooyeeray maamulka Soomaaliland.


Issimadaasi waxa uu kulankoodu maanta ka dhacay xarunta madaxtooyada maamulka Puntland ee magaalada Garowe.


Waxa ay si gaar ah uga jaabeen hadal shalay ka soo yeeray wasiir ka tirsan maamulka Somaliland oo uu ku sheegtay gobollada sool iyo Sanaag.


Garaad Cabdulaahi Cali Ciid oo ka tirsan issimada ka soo jeeda gobolka Sanaag ayaa sheegay in dhulkooda iyo dalkooda aysan ahayn dhaxal Ingiriisku bixin karo.


Waxa uuna sheegay inaanu jirin meel ay Somaliland wax isugu darsadeen.


Madaxweynaha Puntland Dr. C/raxmaan Maxamed Maxamuud oo goobta shirka ka hadlay ayaa isagana sheegay in Somaliland ay jawaab ugu filan tahay shirka maanta Issimada gobollada Sool, Sanaag iyo Cayn ay ku yeesheen magaalada Garowe.


Hadal haynta deegaamada gobolada Sool iyo Sanaag ayaa soo baxday ka dib markii madaxweynaha cusub ee la doortay ee Puntland Dr. C/raxmaan Maxamed Maxamuud uu ugu baaqay Somaliland inay shidada ka dayso gobollada aan laga oggoleyn.

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Qof cuna Qaad ama Khamri caba xil uma dhiibayo sidaa waxa yiri Faroole


Shacabka Reer Puntland ayaa sugaya in ay arkaan isbedel la taaban karo oo ay sameeyaan maamulka cusub ee la doortay khamiistii la soo dhaafay,hadaba isbedelkii 3 aad ayaa la arkay uu sameeyey tan iyo intii uu xilka qabtay Madaxweynuhu cusub ee Puntland,wuxuuna maanta u dhawaaqay in qofkii Cunaa Qaad ama Cabaa Khamri aanay xil u qaban karin maamulkiisa cusub,Halka ka soo dhegeyso waraysigii uu ku sheegey in aanu xil u dhiibi doonin qof qaad cuna ama khamri caba Riix Halkan



Waxaana ka mid ahaa isbedeladii hore ee la arkay kuwan hoos ku qoran



Isbedelkii kowaad wuxuu ahaa hadalkii cadaa ee uu ku yiri maamulka Riyaale ee ku aadanaa gobolada Sanaag.Sool,Cayn,Haylaan


Isbedelkii Labaad wuxuu ahaa madaxweyne Faroole wuxuu noqday madaxweynihii ugu horeeyey ee agaasimaha madaxtooyada ka dhigay nin aanay isku jifo ahayn


Isbedelkii Sadexaad wuxuu ahaa kan uu maanta sheegey oo ah qof cunaa Qaad ama cabaa Khamri in aanu xil u dhiibayn



Hadaba marka la fiiriyo wakhtiga yar ee uu hayey xilka madaxweynenima Puntland Dr C/raxmaan Maxamed Faroole waa mid haboon in la soo dhaweeyo laguna bogaadiyo si uu u sii wado isbedelada shacabku rabaan



Dr C/raxmaan Maxamed Faroole tan iyo intuu uu xilka hayey waxaa la oran karaa wuxuu fuliyey isbedelkii ay rabeen dadku oo ahaa in la helo maamul ka shaqeeya 8 gobol ee Puntland



Siciid C/laahi

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