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Che -Guevara

Somaliland-Qabiil, Qaran iyo Conspiracy Theories

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We know that with old USP alliance now have a total of five (5) regions and the pro-SNM communities have seven (7) regions and the difference between the two groups is currently only two (2) regions. And that president Riyaale and his henchmen are counting on to close the gap in the future by recruiting some unpatriotic and corrupt parliamentary members from both Houses of Parliament (House Representative and the Guurti) who are pro-federalist or pro-unity with Somalia or Somaliweyn lackeys who may allow him to pass, for instance, a motion that either Somaliland to stand alone as it is or to unite once again with Somalia due to the circumstance or predicaments that may prevail in that planned period.

We know that with the deployment of the tribal militias in disguise of Somaliland Armed Forces in the major cities of Somaliland such as Hargeisa, Berbera, Burao, etc. is evidence that he is asking for a fight or bloodshed—one that is reminiscent of the injustice, gross violation of human rights, civil war, barbarism, massacres, mass graves, displacement of civilians particularly women, children, and the frail elderly, war crimes, and crimes against humanity, and genocidal war of the tyrannical military regime of Savage Siyad Bare, which he served locally to the very bitter end.

Overall, the people of Somaliland are not moved one bit by president Riyaale’s attempt to undermine and hijack UDUB party in his bid to resuscitate the long dead tribal alliances and the USP of the late 50s and 60s. And UDUB party must rejuvenate itself and take its rightful position in the country’s affairs. Moreover, it is clear that
president Riyaale is in cahoots with the UN Special Representative for Somalia and other foreigners such as the TFG of Somalia
in their bid to foment political turmoil and chaos,

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Article by Dr. Muhammad Megalommatis referecing an article posted on Sol by Lander


Hhhhhhhm...Is lander Farah Ali Jama ;) and more interestingly, does Megalomattis frequent these SOL pages to reference an article from 2004.


The fact that Mr. Farah Ali Jama, who lives in Ottawa, has been accused by forum members as a "die-hard Somaliland nationalist" (
) and has published repeatedly controversial texts against almost any other Somali (
) only increases the importance of his rejection of the Riyale gang.

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Che, is he quoting you or what?


I had never seen any non-Soomaali who despises the Xabashi regime as much as Mr. Megalommatis. If only an iota of this dislike to Xabashi regime majority of Soomaalis sincerely have had it, saan ma wada ahaan lahayn.

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Originally posted by Che -Guevara:

We know that with old USP alliance now have a total of five (5) regions and the pro-SNM communities have seven (7) regions and the difference between the two groups is currently only two (2) regions. And that president Riyaale and his henchmen are counting on to close the gap in the future by recruiting some unpatriotic and corrupt parliamentary members from both Houses of Parliament (House Representative and the Guurti) who are pro-federalist or pro-unity with Somalia or Somaliweyn lackeys who may allow him to pass, for instance, a motion that either Somaliland to stand alone as it is or to unite once again with Somalia due to the circumstance or predicaments that may prevail in that planned period.

USP regions were three and SNM two so, this does not help the former USP alliance.

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Booqashada Wefdiga Gobolada Sool Iyo Sanaag Bari Ee Boorama Iyo Dareenada La Xidhiidha Socdaalkooda


“Ma jiraan arrimo siyaasadeed oo booqashadani xambaarsan tahay" xubin ka tirsan guddida Jaamacadda Cammud


“Shacbiga reer Somaliland meel kastay booqan karaan ama lagu casuumi karaa" badhsaabka gobolka


Boorama, May 11, 2008 (Haatuf) – Magaalada Boorama ayaa weli waxa ku sugan wefti ka kooban siyaasiyiin ka soo jeeda degaanada Sool iyo Sanaag Bari oo u horkacayo, siyaasiga caanka ah ee reer Sool, Axmed Cabdi Xaabsade kuna weheliyeen xubno ka soo jeeda degaanada Sanaag Bari ee Somaliland.


Sida uu ku soo waramay weriyaha Haatuf ee gobolka Awdal, Maxamed Cumar Sheekh, booqashadan oo la filayey maalintii Khamiistii oo dib uga dhacday ilaa habeenkii, ayaa sida la sheegeyo dareenno kala duwan ka dhex abuurtay qaybaha dadweynaha Boorama, balse sida uu Haatuf u sheegay xubin ka tirsan Guddida Jaamacadda Cammuud, lana yidhaahdo Xaaji Axmed Miisaan, ayaa la sheegayaa inay booqashada weftigani la xidhiidho iskaashi la xidhiidha dhinaca waayo aragnimada maamul, iyo horumarineed ee ka dhaxayn kara gobolada dalka isagoo xaajigu arrintaasi ka warramayana waxa uu yidhi "Weftigani waa siyaasiyiin reer Somaliland ah, waxayna noogu yimaaddeen markii ay naga codsadeen inaan ka caawinno waayo aragnimada reer Boorama ku dhisteen jaamacadaha, jidadka iyo horumarinta maamulka Biyaha. Waxaan maanta geynay Jaamacadda Cammuud, shirkadda Biyaha ee SHABA iyo meelo kale oo ay is leeyihiin waxbay dadkooda ku nool gobolada ay ka yimaaddeen uga faa’iideyn karaan. Waxay nooga warrameen baahiyahooda dhinaca qalabka waxbarashada iyo maamulada horumarinta, waxan saaka [shalay] u dirray buugaag iyo agab kale oo waxbarasho oo Jaamacadda Cammuud u dirtay goboladaasi, annagoo ugu dhiibnay siyaasiyiintoodan, mana jiraan arrimo siyaasadeed oo ay nagu soo hadal qaadeen, annaguna shaqoba kuma lihin siyaasad."


Guddoomiyaha gobolka Awdal, Maxamuud Sheekh C/Laahi oo qaddar kaddib markii uu ka soo baxay shir xogwaraysi ah oo ay wada yeesheen isaga, masuuliyiintaa ka socotay gobolada Sool iyo Sanaag bari, iyo madaxdhaqameedyo reer Boorama ah, oo aan kulankoodaa saxaafadda waxba looga sheegin wixii ka soo baxay, ayaa yidhi "Waa shay iska caadi ah in dadka reer Somaliland aanay kala qo-qobnayn, qofka Sool joogaana iman karo Boorama. Annagu ka dawlad ahaan, uma yeedhin, balse dhinaca ururada rayidka ah, oo ay jaamacaddu ka mid tahay way isdhaafsan karaan booqashooyin, mana aha in laga sameeyo wax aan jirin."


Inkastoo aanay weftiga reer barigu booqashadoodan Boorama waxba uga sheegin saxaafadda, isla markaana aad moodeysay inay iska dhawrayeen dareenno badan oo sababay inaanay ka muuqan goobaha martidu ku soo degto, sida Rays Huteel laguna martigeliyey guryaha rayidka, balse qaar ka mid ah dadweynaha ayaa booqashoodan u haysta inay tahay mid siyaasadeed oo ay labadaa gobol ee darafyadu ku doonayaan inay iska bahaystaan beelaha dhexe ee Somaliland, maadaama wakhtigan xasaasiga ah ee dalka uu ka taaganyahay muran siyaasadeed reer Awdal goboladaasi uga baahan yihiin taageero siyaasadeed oo la mid ah tii looga bartay dawladdii 1960kii . Dhinaca kale qaar ka mid ah dadweynaha ayaa sheegay inaanay weftigan iyo reer Sool toona ku saamaxayn wixii ay ku sameeyeen Madaxweyne Rayaale wakhtigii uu booqashada ku tegay goboladooda, kuwaas oo xabbad kala hor yimi weftigii Rayaale ee booqashada ugu tegay shan ama lix sano ka hor. Sidaa darteedna ay weftigani Boorama u yimaaddeen sidii ay reer Boorama uga raalligelin lahaayeen wixii waagaa dhacay, bog cusubna loo furo xidhiidhkooda horumarineed.

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Boorama: Booqashada Xaabsade, Tuhunka USP iyo Dareennada ku Xeeran

May 13th, 2008


Boorama (Jam)- Xubno wafti ah oo ka socday gobollada bariga oo uu hoggaaminayay Axmed Cabdi Xaabsade oo ah siyaasi miisaan weyn ku leh Gobolka Sool, ayaa habeennimadii Isniintii ka soo laabtay socdaal toddobaad qaatay oo uu ku joogay magaalada Boorama, xarunta Gobolka Awdal.

Xubnaha waftiga uu hoggaaminayo Xaabsade ayaa sida ay wararku sheegayaan waxaa magaalada Boorama ku martiqaaday qaar ka mid ah duqayda magaalada Gobolka Awdal, waxaanay watiga wada qaateen aad looga adkeeyay inay saxaafadda wax xog ah ka hesho, lamana garanayo waxyaabaha ay ka wadahadleen labada dhinacna wax war ahi kama soo bixin, marka laga reebo booqashooyin ay ku tageen Jaamacadda Cammuud, cusbitaallada, shirkdadda biyaha magaalada maamusha iyo goobo kale.



Waxyar ka hor intii aanay Xaabsade iyo xubnaha weheliyaa ka ambabixin magaalada Boorama oo ay saxaafaddu isku dayday inay wax ka weydiiyaan ujeeddada socdaalkooda ayaanay suurtogalin, balse mid ka mid ah xubnaha reer Awdal ee martiqaaday, ayaa qaar ka mid ah warbaahinta u sheegay in socdaalka waftiga barigu uu la xidhiidho sidii wax uga korodhsan lahaayeen horumarka ay gaadheen adeegyada bulshada ee Awdal, maadaama dib-u-dhac weyn ku yimi Gobolka Sool oo ah deegaanka salka u ah waftiga Xaabsade si warbixin iyo xogo uga helaan ama ugaga dayan lahaayeen.




Haseyeeshee, marka la eego waftigan iyo wakhtiga uu ku soo beegmay ayay dad badani u sawirteen inuu yahay mid dib loogu soo noolaynayo ururkii isu-boodada iyo is-gaashaan buuraysiga ee USP oo aasaasmay sannadkii 1960, waxana arrimahaa sii badhitaaray xubnaha reer Awdal ee waftiga casuumay oo ay ka dhex muuqdeen rag ama siyaasiyiin ka mid ah xubnihii xilligaa aasaasay ururka USP oo ujeeddadiisu ahayd isgaashaan-buuraysi looga gol-lahaa beelaha dhexe ee Somaliland oo xilligaa isku arkayay inaanay jirin cid kale oo kula tartami karta hoggaaminta .




Waxa kale oo loo badinayaa inuu tuhunka xiligan ee dib u soo cusboonaysiinta keeni karo, maadama uu hadda dalka madaxweyne ka yahay Daahir Rayaale oo reer Awdal ah, isla markaana u arka inay gobolada dhexe intooda badani xukuumadiisa mucaarid ku yihiin, waxa kaliya ee uu isaga joojin karaana yahay inuu saaxiibkii Xaabsade oo u arko siyaasi ay hadda aad isugu dhow yihiin, Gobolka Soolna ku soo celiyay Somaliland ay markale dib u wadaagi karaan ururkii USP si uu doorashada cod uu ku guulaysto uga helo labada deegaan ee darifyada.




Si kastaba ha ahaatee, weli ma cadda ujeeddada dhabta ah ee ay salka ku haysay booqashada iyo kulamada badan ee uu Boorama muddada intaa le’eg u joogay siyaasiga Xaabsade.

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You gotta love Somali 'politics' supposedly Xaabsade and Riyaale renewing an old alliance to undermine Beelaha Gobolla dhexe.Interesting to see what happens or doesn't happen on the 15th.

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I don’t think anything significant will happen on the 15th. Despite all the loud noises from the opposition groups the fundamentals remain the same! Somalia as a country is a failed state, and Somaliland is relatively very stable pocket of Somalia. Siilaanyo would be wise to put that into consideration…

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Originally posted by Che -Guevara:

Article by Dr. Muhammad Megalommatis referecing an article posted on Sol by Lander


Hhhhhhhm...Is lander Farah Ali Jama
and more interestingly, does Megalomattis frequent these SOL pages to reference an article from 2004.



The fact that Mr. Farah Ali Jama, who lives in Ottawa, has been accused by forum members as a "die-hard Somaliland nationalist" (
) and has published repeatedly controversial texts against almost any other Somali (
) only increases the importance of his rejection of the Riyale gang.

lol. No I am not the person above, who can possibly take pride in being a University of Ottawa alumni anyway? bunch somali youngins flirting with each other all day errday pssst..that school is for chumps :D lol (I'm only kidding, don't send your alumni association after me folks)so what article was it that I posted? I don't remember. Unless your referring to another lander that is. What I do remember posting about this prof however,is that he resided in Alexandria if I remember correctly. Very outspoken about many issues in the world, with the exception of a few of course. The most odd one is to do with Egypt; no criticism what so ever of the police state of Hosni Mubarak given that those events probably unfold right in front of his eyes.

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Still doesn’t make any sense ina rayaale reerkiisa ayaa labba gobbol uu sameyee awdal iyo salal right And sallal is not only exclusive Beesha Madaxweynuhu uu dhashay. Beesha Djbouti ugu baddan xata wax wa ku leeyahay and you know How close they are related to The s n m

Gobolka gabiley s n m

Gobolka maroodiijeex capital hargeysa s n m

Gobolka saaxil s n m

Gobolka sanaag s n m

Gobolka sarrar s n m

Gobolka togdheer s n m

Gobolka oodweyne s n m


Just check the population if in hargeysa are 1.2 milion people what makes you think about the other six provinces ta labaad No usp is pro somaliweyn maybe xaabsade and co people but not rayaale beeska hu ka soo jeedo

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^I assume SNM is Qabiil now



Lander....Saaxib, you didn't have to do to Mr the Point.He loves his Uni of Ottawo. This is article you posted web page


P.S. Farah fella is seriously disturbing!

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