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Kipiligat: Ethiopian forces should not leave Muqdisho unless........

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quote:Kiplagat urged the UN to keep pushing with the talks even though some Islamist militants have boycotted the negotiations until Ethiopian troops -- deployed late 2006 to bolster President Abdullahi Yusuf Ahmed -- withdraw.



Kiplagat said the urgent deployment of the UN peacekeepers could pave the way for the pullout of Ethiopian troops, whose presence in Somalia has spurred resentment among Somalis, who accuse them of occupation.



"Ethiopian forces should not leave Mogadishu unless there is a strong UN force. We cannot afford a vacuum there," said the envoy, who chaired two years of IGAD peace talks in Kenya that resulted to election of Yusuf as president in October 2004.


IGAD is six-nation east African group that promotes peace and development.

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Iskaashatadda Iskaa wax-u-qabso ee degmada Kombolcha ayaa maanta hanjabaad adag u diray Madaxweynaha Maraykanka Ronald Reagan, kaas ooy ku eedeeyeen in uu faraha kula jiro arimaha wadanka Itoobiya. Gudoomiyaha Iskaashatada Ibrahim Yuya oo u waramay Laanta Af-Oromada ee Idaacadda Ethiopia ayaa sheegay in Iskaashataduu ay gabagabo marinayso qorshihii looga hortagi lahaa isku-day kasta oo ka yimaada Imbiraadooriyadda Caalamiga (International Imperialism) ah ee Maraykanka; iyagoo tababar soconayey saddex cisho loogu soo xiidhay banaan ku yaala beer uu gudoomiyuhu leeyahay ilaa 46 beeraleey ah oo duruusta Marxism-Lenisism lagu siiyay. Sidoo kale waxaa tababartayaasha oo qiiro wadaninimo ka muuqatay loo qaybiyay 300 oo Xagaaf iyo manjooyin oo loogu tala galay in ay difaac adag ka galaan beerahooda.


Mid ka mid ah dadkii la tababaray oo aan waydiinay in uu ka cabsi qabo hubka iyo diyaaradaha casrigaha ah ee Maraykanka ayaa sheegay in niyad adag ay ka muhiimsan tahay hub kasta; isagoo intaa raaciyay " Miig baad sheegiyee maraakiib haday soo qaataana, koob shaaha nagama wadayaan. Waayo Xagaafyada nadaas ayaanu dabada u qaban.


Warkii waa naga intaa. Galatooma( Af-Oromo: Have a good day).


The Moral of the story: Muxuu yahay Kipligat. Waa beeralayadda hanjabaysa oo kale.Maxaan u soo joognay the irrelevant trying to be relevant!

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