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General Duke

clan courts retreat begins. after photo op, rush back to Mogadishu.

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Maleeshiyooyinka Maxaakiimta oo dib uga soo gurtay deegaano kamid ah degmada Buurhakaba

Last Updated::2006-10-24 14:49:57


Muqdisho:- Maleeshiyooyinka Maxakiimta Islaamiga ee Muqdisho oo shalay la wareegay magaalada Buurhakaba ayaa dib uga gurtay degaano dhinaca Baydhabo ah oo ay xalay gaareen.


Maleeshiyooyinka Maxaakiimta ayaa la sheegay in ay shalay iyo xalay u gudbeen dhinaca degmada Baydhabo kadib markii ay ciidamada Dowlada Federaalka soo baneeyeen magaalada Buurhakaba oo ay ku sugnaayeen labo maalmood.


Maleeshiyooyinka Maxaakiimta ayaa ayagu hada dib ugu soo noqday Buurhakaba kana soo noqday deegaanadii ay kusii dhawaadeen ee dhinaca Baydhabo.


Macada waxa keenay dib u gurashada maleeshiyooyinka Maxaakiimta ayadoo dhinaca kale ee Baydhabona ay ka socdaan abaabul ciidan oo xoogleh.


Waxaa si weyn looga cabsi qabaa in dhawaan ay isku dhacaan labada dhinac ayadoo ay muuqato in labada garab ay ku jiraan dhaq dhaqaaq xoogleh.


Maxamed Cabdi - Muqdisho

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^^^Saxib remmeber the claim beforehand that these were local millitia in Bur-Hakabo, that IndacADE was not involved, that the courts would not move into Baidoa and so on. It was all a trap.


Well now everyone has seen the mighty mouse of lower Shabbele gang and his boy Roobow, the TFG will move back in.


The question for you is what will they say when the TFG moves back into Burhakabo? That they fought locals?


As for the clan courts they are nothing more than a paper army.

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^Mr.Duke, you may go ahead and accuse me of not knowing anything about the South,but if I can recall correctly, it was just last week or so, when we were talking about the ICU forces retreating from Burhakaba,but today it seems as though they have been to a place beyond from their original point of retreat of Burxakaba,as evedinced by their "retreatment" back to Buurxakaba.Meaning that they have been passed Buurxakabe, so eitherway, they are running things.As for the TFG against what you refered as paper army, well, well, last week you were singing the same tunes and saying the courts retreated and the national army is in control of the place,so I am wondering how many trips will they make to this place,before we finally say--"no cumaamad in sight"? lol.


This kinda of tactic displayed by the ICU warriors is called in Somali: XEEL DAGAAL DIB UGARASHO,be ware of dhabarjabin, like it happened to Barre Hiiraale,which wiped them out for good.


Can we just admit,the opposing forces of the ICU have been defeated,it's really that simple,and even if let us say,they retreated,then I think it was under their own will,and not as though they have been frieghtened to retreat.


No need to speak of war no more,enough beating is enough by the ICU,they can't just keep beating these warlords.


if all that preparation by some warlords, took 26 hours to demolish,what else is left to say?


iska daaya ha iska dhuush dhuusan warlords ku yeh, ICU waxba kuma samaykaraan ileen waa LA OGAYAHAY, WAANA LA ARKAY.

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^^^Mr Red Sea, the clan courts used to claim it was the loclas who were in Bur-Hakabo. While all along they wre there. Rememebr Xoogsade and MMA saying it was the locals, who were chased out.


The TFG armed forces were there for a while and left without a fight. The courts came a few hours later. The TFG has lost not a single man or wepon, while the courts lost armour and men everytime the TFG came.


Also Bur-Hakabo is close to Balidoogle and Leego, two important bases for the clan of IndaCade these areas have been in the hands of the USC since the time of Aydeed.


Now the TFG troops are on their way in.

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Baydhabo: Kulankii Madaxweynaha iyo golaha xukuumada Soomaaliya oo gabagaboobay

Talaado, October 24, 2006


Baydhabo (AllPuntland)- Wararka ka imaanaya magaalada Baybdhabo ee xarunta gobolka Baay ayaa sheegaya inuu soo gabagaboobay kulan albaabadu u xirnaayeen oo ay maanta aqalka madaxtooyadu ku yeesheen madaxweynaha Soomaaliya Md. Cabdullaahi Yuusuf Axmed, golaha xukuumada dawladiisa iyo taliyayaasha ciidamada dalka Soomaaliya.


Kulankan oo saacado qaatay ayaa warar hor u dhac oo maanta ka soo baxay aqalka madaxtooyada Soomaaliya ee Baydhabo waxay sheegayaan in looga hadlayey xaalada amaan ee dalka Soomaaliya iyo tilaabooyinka ku aadan ee ay dawladu haatan qaadi karto.


Kulankan oo markii uu gababoobey aan wax war ah saxaafada laga siin, markii horena albaabadu u xirnaayeen ayaa waxaa la aaminsanyahay in looga arinsanayey xaalada ka soo cusboonaatay dhawaan gobolada Jubbooyinka iyo degmada Buur-hakaba oo ay shalay ciidamada dawladu dib uga soo baxeen ka dib markii ay mudo laba maalmood ah gacanta ku hayeen degmadaasi, isla markaasn ay maxkamaduhu awooda ciida iskugu keeneen degmada Buur-hakaba, ka dib markii ay ciidamada dawladu baneeyeen.


Haddaba kulankii maanta oo u muuqday mid xasaasi ah ayaa waxa uu ahaa mid kii ugu horeeyey oo noociisa ah oo ay si wada jir ah u yeeshaan madaxweynaha Soomaaliya, golaha wasiirada iyo taliyayaasha ciidamada qalabka sida ee DFKMG ah Jamhuuriyadda Soomaaliya.


Sidoo kale kulankan maanta ayaa ahaa mid ilgaar ah ay ku eegayaan beesha Caalamaka iyo shacabka Soomaaliyeed oo welwel weyn ka qaba dagaal toos ah oo dhexmara maxkamadaha iyo dawlada Soomaaliya, ayadoo maalmo yar uun ay ka hartay xilligii loo balansanaa wareega saddexaad ee kulanka Khartuum.


AAA Gentleman


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Originally posted by General Duke:


You said:

The TFG armed forces were there for a while and left
without a fight.

okay no fighting, that is good.


then you said:


The courts came a few hours later. The TFG has lost not a single man or wepon, while the courts lost armour and men everytime the TFG came.

Okay, I am still wondering how one can lose a battle physically,mentally, I can understand,without ever engaging in any sort of battle.Because if the TFG left whenver the courts came,then that means neither side confronted the other,and no fight took place.So how?


p.s., thanks for the little geographic+ history lesson,much appriciation for real.

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^^^You are most welcome. Brother think beyond the box. The TFG came when the courts were there, who ran? Twice?


The TFG left for a number of resons, and the courts came in. Now we know the area is run by Inda Cade the next move will be huge.


I am confident that the clan courts will lose, insha Allah, they have been against ill trained groups so far, the TFG armed forces are small but experienced and like I said the battle will be in lower shabbele.

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Jananka, waala socotaa, and you also know now meeshaa ciidamo deegaan ayaa joogay, still joogo.


Ragtag militia meesha heysto waxaa xukumo nin la yiraahdo Dhuuboow Kuuloow. Even ciidamada Rooboow ma joogaan meesha.


There is a reason maxkamad laga furin Buurhakaba ilaa hada. There was also a reason why ciidamo Maxkamadaha leeyihiin joogi jirin meeshaas, because locals qilaaf weyn ayaa ka dhex jiray.


So sabata aad u leedahay so-called Maxkamadaha ciidamadooda iyo officialkooda ayaa tagay hadana kasoo cararay. Meesha inay u qudbeyaan ayee u tageen, ma u tagin wax kale.


Indhamadoowe in uu tago meeshaas, loo dulqaato oo magac Maxkamadaha ku sheega ku socdo waxaa ku kaliftay ciidama beeleedka magac "dowlad" wato iyo Amxaarada. Dadka waligooda Amxaaro arkin ayaa Amxaaro loola tagay. Shock ayaaba ku dhacay. Dowladaas iyadaa ka masuul eh maanta in uu Indhamadoowe uu ka qudbeeyo Buurhakaba, waligiis ma haweysteen.


Dowlada dad badan u dhashay reer Buurhakaba Baydhabo joogo ayee u diri kartay, xataa Xaabsade aan u dhalan ama Shaatigaduud. Dad mala waayin, markee Amxaaro soo wateen iyo ciidamo magac beeleed eh becomes an occupation.


Illaa hada locals ayaa heysto wali, perhaps few tikniko Rooboow keenay now. Rooboow, by the way, ma u dhalan Buurhakaba. It is like saying Cabdullaahi Yuusuf ayaa u dhashay Laascaanood.

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Dad mala waayin, markee Amxaaro soo wateen iyo ciidamo magac beeleed eh becomes an occupation

And this crucial reliance on Ethiopian military & political support that goes back way back in A/Y's career, will be the burial ground of his infant goverment.


Option A: Fight the Courts on his own

Option B: Fight the Courts with Ethiopian backing creating a groundswell of support for the Courts. The March uprising in Moga multiplied on a national scale.


Damned if you do, Damned if you don't.

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