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Ode to Oodweyne

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They cry about everything dadkaasi markaa ha ku taagnaato.


Even if you bring honey they will cry let alone when you karbaash them with your metal belt.


They can't proof their point then all they got is to convert the debate and talk about the language and other stuff.

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Originally posted by Ibtisam:

It is expected that
surrounds his points with his usual five star jumps from post to pillar, but at least his thread is heading somewhere, regardless of how it get there, what I object to is the trail of people following Oodweyne around threads like they are in school with their retarded two lines. Please ciyaal suuqnimaad iska taayah.

I fully agree with this. This two lines against oodweyne MUST end. The man is truly entertaining and his English is second to none. I personally like to challenge him, partly because I will learn one or more words from his reply.


I apologise if I seemed critical of his style, but my point really was to ask him to produce a treaty he claimed existed.

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^^Yes, I understand what you was asking him, and you did you own little showing off by expanding your request to page and half and then unreasonably asking for a yes and no response!. :D


Fair is fair A&T, if you want a one word answer, then ask a one word question, go on?? I dare you icon_razz.gif


They did not care about your treaty or question A&T, they are just picking up on your first comment about his lenghty responses and taking cheap shots at your expense, in your thread. Waaxas wa maaxey. :confused:

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How about you prove that Somalia exists as a nation, A&T! Show us the proof, saaxib. :D


Other than that, all this is really (with respect) stuff and nonsense.

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^ That somaliland is not recongnised by any country,because the territorial soverienty of Somalia must be respected is a GOOD ENOUGH proof of SOMALIA's existence.

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It is said: Shaadhkaaga hadii lagugu qabsadana lama xanaaqee waa laga gar baxaa.


Markaa even if someone asked you to proof the the grass is gree you should prove it without trying to hit the wall or run around naked.


What should a country have in order to be considered its existance ?? the same question but from another angle.

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What if the one who wants to be convinced is blind, like in this case.


On the second question, Somalia exists, because it has two of the three things it needs to be considered 'alive'.

- Defined territory

- people


What is missing is a Government. Mind you, I don't want to hypocratically suggest TFG is a governemnt just for the sake of this argument.


If you are thinking about its state, then you can say it is in bad shape. By the way, in terms of deaths and destruction (minus Mogdishu) Somalia is still better than many countries.

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^^ You want proof of an extradition treaty, you mad man. What proof can he bring you (being a civilian and all that) other than point to the various exchanges between the two countries? NOW, shush and keep afkaga shut for a second; I know you are dying to argue that Somaliland is NOT a country and, technically, I agree. But that also renders your demand for proof pointless. Marka why don't you let this one die and pick on a point worth arguing over. I shudder to think how my guru is letting himself get dragged into all this.

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