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Senseless war with Faroole's clan might be the only option left for ONLF

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A&T wax ba'ay weeyye, nimankii la degenaa ee markuu Boosaaso ariga keensado makhaayadaha wax laga cuno tusi jirey buu hadda leeyahay hala laayyo

Xiin alla yacizak :D lol, war nimankan ku baaqaya dagaal qabiil, ee hadana westren country ku nool walaahi ma gaarnayo, I wonder if A&T ever heard a gunshot. These guys think if they declare war on Faroole's tribe **** will become independent.


[ October 30, 2009, 02:23 AM: Message edited by: Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar ]

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^^Today Boosaaso has become the center of ******’s merchants, intellectuals, Muslim scholars. Dalka wax dhaqan ba iyagaa jooga, ilaa Gaalkacyo gabdhaha iyagaa guursada


And the good news is ya Moon A&T has no say in the affairs of the large clan. Puntland waa xero ******, hadda waxaba laga hadlaayey in cabinet ka lagu dar

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Kacdoonka ka dhashay fadeexadii Abu Ghraib ee ka dhacay xabsiga Magaalada Boosaaso ma ahan wax cidina joojin karto.


Rag meel kadheshay ayaa laqaawiyey oo lasawirey oo cadow loo dhiibey oo soomalinimadiina lagasaarey O'gaaden marka xigana muxuu filan waa su aal?


Anigu waxaan qabaa hadaan leyka celin nimanka waxaas ku dhaqaaqay iney wax kadaran sameyn.


Anigu taa ayaan idiin sheegi.

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Jafe01, A&T, and Jabhad calm down guys. Meles wants to divert ONLF's attention and put emnity between us and other somalis. We should never fall into his trap!!


Jigjiga, Bosaso, and Hargeysa are all under Meles' rules. I personally see it pointless to talk to these communities about this issues be it here at the diasporas or back home because they are occupied as we are and their leaders are not accountable to them

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Haadaan arko inta aan dunida ku nolahay nin sheganayo Putland & ama u shaqeeya maamulka Faroole oonan ku jano tagin Jafe ma ihi ;)icon_razz.gif

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Originally posted by Che -Guevara:

A&T such drama queen, get grip.

I agree with Che,

What a drama queen!

A&T & Jafe, waryaada bal is qaboojiya. All Somalis feel your pain but calling for a clan war is sheer *********. Listen to brother Abdiladiif and take his advice.

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