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Senseless war with Faroole's clan might be the only option left for ONLF

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In contravention of all known norms and long-held traditions of the Somali people and in clear violation of all international legal frameworks and statutory provisions that protect refugees and asylum seekers, the Puntland administration has, on more than one occasion, arbitrarily arrested **** refugees and handed over to the enemy they escaped from –Ethiopia. The latest victims are:


1. Faseex Cateeb Cali

2. Maxamed Xassen Muuse

3. Maxamed Sheikh Batri

4. C/laahi Xassen Cali

5. Cabdi Maxamed Xassen (Cabdi Teerso)


These young men who fled the genocide against their community in Somaligalbeed are now back in the dark prison cells of Wardheer town. One can imagine the punishment they are under-going as I write this article.


The **** people are engaged in a war of necessity not choice to preserve its identity, religion and most of all its pride. As such, they would have counted on the support of their kins across the border at this difficult time. Instead, they find themselves encapsulated between the enemy who rapes their daughters and one that brings their fleeing sons back to Tigre butchery houses.


The **** Diaspora and community leaders have called for the cessation of this inhumane treatment of their sons and have on a number of occasions asked for the assistance of the Puntland administration to ensure the safety of those who fled war in Somaligalbeed.


Unfortunately, the administration is engaged in double-speak and in cover-up as if the full truth of what is happening is not clear to those who are missing their children by the day. To their credit, some prominent Puntland elders have spoken against this and the general mood of the Puntland Diaspora community is that these acts of trading in humans brings their community in disrepute and that it must stop. The regional administration President has not done any concrete actions to stop this horrific rendition of youth who are in need of humanitarian assistance and protection. On the contrary, the President has chosen to delegate the matter to the Puntland Intelligence Service (PIS), which comes under his office, but which is conveniently painted as an autonomous entity to escape accountability.


What is being repeated at grand scale by Puntland administration is a replay of what used to happen between **** merchants and their Puntland hosts at a community level. It used to be the case that when Qat traders from Somaligalbeed region get robbed of their consignment and when they take the issue to the host elders, they were often asked to describe their robbers. When they give the names and looks of the culprits, the elders who were supposed to take action would instead frieghten them more by ‘revealing’ other sides of the robbers the victims supposedly didn’t know about: “War ninka ku dhacay ma ina Libaax-sanka-taabtaa. Wuu iimaan la’yahay inkaar qabuhu. We have buried the 12th man he killed only yesterday.”With PIS this time being the man who massaged the moustach of a lion!!!!


I think that culture of dereliction of duty has gone up to the top leadership in Puntland. Unfortunetly, this time the stakes are much higher than loads of Qat merchandise. And rightly the **** community is indignant. With opinion-leaders of the community and traditional chiefs locked in frantic consultations as to how to respond to this unseemly back-stabbing from the unlikeliest of kins, shelving the whole struggle with Axmaaro for a while in preparation for a worthless (but ineluctable) bloodbath with Puntlanders is not off the table.


And this time, the sound of bullets and women wailing will not be limited to the environs of Wardheer and Bokh, but will extend to jungle of Kismaanyo. Faroole's business associates in Kenya will also feel the heat.


Many are of the feeling that ‘a wet man has no motive to hide from the rains’ and hence it will be to the disadvantage of ‘he who had peace and home’ if things fall apart.


[ October 30, 2009, 02:14 AM: Message edited by: Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar ]

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Even in war, justice must prevail. The families of the victims has to get response. They have every right to take revenge, even if ONLF doesn't assist them.

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It is really very sad to see how so called Somali Leaders in Puntland/SL became the puppets of Melez,


Nacalad baa aboohood ku taal waxi Melez u shaqeeya. :mad: :mad:

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shelving the whole struggle with Axmaaro for a while in preparation for a worthless (but ineluctable) bloodbath with Puntlanders is not off the table.


And this time, the sound of bullets and women wailing will not be limited to the environs of Wardheer and Bokh, but will extend to jungle of Kismaanyo. Faroole's business associates in Kenya will also feel the heat.

I didn't know you were a warmonger A&T :D and what makes you think a clan war will have a clear winner? didn't you learn from an 18 years of war dhaanto. Its a disgrace what P'land is doing but war will not solve anything.

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Bayd kamida gabayada qiimaha badan ee Macalin Dhoodaan ayaa ahaa :


Ka gilgila gantaal kugu dhacaa, kaaga gu'i waaye


Macalinka cimrigii ha jiree wuxuu in-badan dadkiisa hogatusaaleeyey ugana digay iney asaaggood ka hooseeyaan had iyo goorba.


Saas ay tahay hadal badan haan ma buuxshee waxaan anu qabaa in dib turubka loo baandheeyo, wax badanna la darsaa, marki 10 nin nalaga dhiibana 20 loo dila illeen ninki xumaan kaa raadiya xumaan buu mudan yahay in lagu abaalmariyee. Sidi dhacdadi ka kala dhacday Afmadow iyo Boosaaso ee aheyd in **** ah ay nin **** ah, **** ah, ku afduubteen Boosaaso 1996-kii ayna ku hanjabeen iney dilayaan, reer Afmadowna ay mid M'ajeerteen ah ku qabteen Afmadow taarkana kaga sheegeen in aarihii ninka diyaar yahay sidaas darteedna **** ninki **** ku badbaadiyeen koodiina ku nabadgalay.


Baaq iyo hadal meesha ha laga saaro, Abtigiis & Tolka.


Xaalkuna wuxuu marayaa Ka gilgila gantaal kugu dhacaa, kaaga gu'i waaye.


[ October 30, 2009, 02:15 AM: Message edited by: Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar ]

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this is naked propaganda, no reliable news sites have reported this so far and puntland authority strongly denied this allegations so why you're scapegoating puntland government while we all know the real culprits who daily kill and imprison your people they are no one else but your own Lugbuur, Iley Daud mohamed , you need to focus this people and wage war against them because they are your own worst enemy. in Puntland people from *** region live peacefully as business persons, students , teachers and workers and they not have any complaints what so ever they are treated as citizens because they are Somalis whose country is occupied by enemy.


[ October 30, 2009, 02:16 AM: Message edited by: Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar ]

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**** haduu hiilan iyo heli walaalkiise


1. Hada maanso hooyaale gabay heelo iyo dhaanto

2. Hal abuurka suugaanta iyo tumashadii haanta

3. Hoolebenta iyo jiibta iyo sacab hanaankiiba


4. Hawraarta waataan bartoo aan higaad qabaye

5. Waataan hormuudka u ahaa taniyo haabiile

6. Maantana hirdooglay bixiyo heego iyo roobe

7. Hiyigaygu tuu maagay baad iga helaysaane


8. Haraad iyo hamuun baan uqabay geesi haaribahe

9. Halyeey yaa ukacay reer kayaga loo han weynyahye

10. Hadeeruu garaad haybadliyo hoobal soo baxaye

11. Hadii aan hogaankii qabsadaan cidina ii haynin


12. Hadeeraan habaaskiyo kakaci hagidi aan iille

13. Hadeeruu hugii ii qalalay igu hulaabnaaye

14. Herdankiyo hadaan qayb kanoqon hadafka soomale

15. Hamigiyo wareerkii haduu iga hadhaysaaye


16. Hadeeraan hir doogliyo caleen halaha daaq siine

17. Horweyn dhalay hadaan malayaa oo haleela ahe

18. Hadeeraan hashaydii luntiyo baadidii heliye

19. Hantidii tasowdiyo hadaan haybin maqantiiye


20. Habiskii isaaraa ilaah haatan iga qaadye

21. Heeryadi hadaan tuuray iyo habac sanaantiiye

22. Mar hadaan dantaydii hantoo hagayo liishaanka

23. Hanfigiyo kulaylaha hadaan ka hadhsan doonaaye


24. Haasaawii haduu ii furmiyo inan hawoodaaye

25. Haldhaa garay sidiisaan hadeer socodka haashayne

26. Hadeeraan sidii halable aar u higan doonaaye

27. Hagoogtiyo hadeeraan shulaha hoos udhigaayaaye


28. Hadreenaan hurdada jiifayaa badi habeenkiiye

29. Hadeeray bar baartii fardaha halbsan leylkiiye

30. Hadeeraan hareeraha u diri heegan fara weyne


31. Hadaan ninman ku hayl haylayaa hiirta waaberiye

32. Hadaan cadowgi heeryada xumaa haanka jarayaaye

33. Hadaan hawsarkiyo jiibta iyo holaca leefsiine


34. Hayinkii hadaan fuulayaa waa lahayn jiraye

35. Halowlaha baroor iyo hadaan xamarki heensayne

36. Habaaskiyo bulaaluhu haduu hiija kugu layne

37. Ashkir halabli hiirtiyo haduu socon habeenkiiye


38. Hardafkiyo hadeeraan kadlaha kugu hareerayne

39. Hilqadlaha hadaan sudhanayaa heetiyow farase

40. Hadii uu ilaahay idmoo la'i haleel siiyo

41. Hawd iyo nugaal iyo sanaag waa hantiyayaaye


42. Hadhuub raaca nimankii labaray loona gacan haadshey

43. Hungurigoodu nimankuu kariday taniyo hayhaato

44. Hadal xumada nimankii qabaan loo hamrana haynin


45. Hilaacyada galbeed inamadii ugu hayaamaayey

46. Habuurkiyo kuwii shuuxa iyo beenta ku habsaamay

47. Hoosiiska nimankii hadhkiyo dhedada hoosmoodey


48. Habawgiyo hadaan doonayaa hadafki reeraa'e

49. Hadaan haydhafkiyo soo helheli habaq lohoodiiye

50. Hindidii hargeysiyo berbera shaqada loo haystey

51. Hadhaagiyo haday imanayaan kii habeen sadaye


52. Haaddiyo dhurwaagay sidiis waxu hilaad shaane

53. Hadaan Haramcadadi bari fadhiyey hallu qalaayaaye

54. Hilaaca iyo dhiigay hadeer soo hinqana yaane

55. Hubaal iyo ogaalkay iyana waa ina hayaane


56. **** haduu hiilan iyo heli walaalkiise

57. Hadeeruu halbawluhu bogsoon dhiiga habayaaye

58. Hadaa dhaawacoodii hadhiyo dhayma loohelye

59. Haweenka iyo maatada haday meel u helayaane


60. Haday dawlad hanaqaada iyo heetis noo curane

61. Hadeeraan horseedka u ahaan oo hor kacayaaye

62. Hadaan wada heshiisiinayaa higilka d'aaroode

63. **** iyo hadaan dhawrayaa haybihii kale'e


[ October 30, 2009, 02:17 AM: Message edited by: Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar ]

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Originally posted by MoonLight1:

I didn't know you were a warmonger A&T
and what makes you think a clan war will have a clear winner? didn't you learn from an 18 years of war dhaanto. Its a disgrace what P'land is doing but war will not solve anything. [/QB]

I didn't say we will win. But mothers will cry from all sides. Right now, only one side is wailing.

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Originally posted by UZTAAD:

this is naked propaganda, no reliable news sites have reported this so far and puntland authority strongly denied this allegations so why you're scapegoating puntland government while we all know the real culprits who daily kill and imprison your people they are no one else but your own Lugbuur, Iley Daud mohamed , you need to focus this people and wage war against them because they are your own worst enemy. in Puntland people from O region live peacefully as business persons, students , teachers and workers and they not have any complaints what so ever they are treated as citizens because they are Somalis whose country is occupied by enemy.

No reliable news source? I know Garoweonline didn't tell it yet.


Check, a known anti-ONLF site.


Anyway, this joke fits your wilful ignorance of the matter.


A watchman in a Hospital in Addis is told not to allow any women enter the hospital premise unless they have PROOF in the form of papers proving they are pregnant. Because that date was for pregnant women. Two month, three month pregnant women came and were let in as they produced papers. A women in labour with her stomach bulging was brought by relatives who shouted at the watchman to let her in.


The watchman said " No. I want proof."


Perhaps he wanted to see evidence of the mating with the husband produced in Audiovisual! Don't ask me.

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The PIS you want to talk about live in fear in Puntland and under constant monitoring and bodyguards. I actually met the head of the PIS Osman diyaano children in Dubai not long ago and they were being protected by CIA agents that came from Djibouti and their father lives under the same sort of protection. If they were so loved by the people they wouldn't need to go such extreme.


These people are not beloved at all by their own local populace, therefore to seek revenge against innocent populace is ridiculous. If they really wanted to seek revenge they know where they can in areas like Geladi and Bokh but I think the cooler heads among the onlf do realize that the puntland clan elders, religious clerics, and over-all populace are pro onlf and have no blame whatsoever.


However like I said this story is being reported by several media sources, however the key allegation is against Puntland GOVT therefore untill we hear their response their is no need to jump to conclusions. The Puntland admin has denied these allegations as fruitless and it's not like the Puntland admin has lied before regarding sending onlf rebels to Ethiopia before, why you think they would now?


Like I said this allegation is against Puntland Govt, until we hear it from the horses mouth affirming the charge or refuting the charge we just need to keep it zipped.

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War nimankaan PIS layiraahdo iska celiya. Tit for tat ma maqashay! Waxay ka buuxaan Nairobi oo CIA-da u jaa juusaan, waa caan waa layaqaanaa.

Markay qof amxaarada u gudbiyaanba, sadex ayaka ka mid ah qafaashaa. Nimankaan inuu waran kaa caliyo ma ahane wacad kaama reebo.


Gabay iyo calaacal toona wax tari maayo!

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PIS iyo beelalaha cadaystay cadawada ay u hayaan Ummada ku nool Gobalka **** in badan wey ka shalayn.


Awoowe nin qoyani biyo iskama dhawro.


[ October 30, 2009, 02:19 AM: Message edited by: Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar ]

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