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Senseless war with Faroole's clan might be the only option left for ONLF

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Waryee war ileyn badaw baad aheyd bartay sida wax loogu upload gareeyo SOL, it reminds me the maahmaah (dhar magaalo xiratay, dhal magaalose kaafog) This clan, That clan, un baad ku haysaa maantoo idil, don't you know a clan can be 1000s or millions of ppl and to put every one of them in one basket is dispicable, faroole does not represent his tribe neither the PIS, do you think if an **** guy slaps me while I am walking on the street you'll share the blame for it just because he is your clan brother, come on guy, grow up, this is what distroyed somalia, the generalisation of whole groups of people.


[ October 30, 2009, 02:21 AM: Message edited by: Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar ]

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Originally posted by Jabhad_no1:

A&T ninka maxaad ooga gabanaysaa, i can see your having mercy on him...kkk...but i think its time you stripped him naked.


Kid is a propoganda machine.

My question to you is who runs jigjiga, thus start with and deal with local issues before you come up to the big boys. :D

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This matter requires urgent clarification rather than exchanging words over the media.


Ha la kala gar baxo. Oo warka ha la caddeeyo. This is a serious allegation oo ninkii gob ah uu ka dhiidhiyaa - eeddana waxay ku dhawdahay in naloo simo.


Odayada on both sides must get to the bottom of this ASAP.

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^^^Nothing to clarify adeer, these men propogate nonsense to cover up their weaknesses. How many of this clan live and reside in Puntland? Why are they not targeted?


Thus if lies would disturb our peace then their previous ones would have.

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Mr.duke it seems in your attempts to save face you have narrowed down to insults in the past few days.


Dont you think its a bit ironic you mention Cumar jess..kkk :D have you forgetten where you stand on the moral.


And isnt it a bit ironic you mention jigjiga, where Puntland's order's are sent from.


Isnt it a bit ironic you mention ONLF as a failure, but the ethiopian goverment consider;s it, its most fearsome rival, the most dangerous to its survival and currently the biggest opposition.


Isnt it a bit ironic you mention a failure in leadership, how can you measure this, cite your source's, but am pretty sure you cant...would you like me to show you the progress made by our leader's just this year?



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Originally posted by Jabhad_no1:



Dont you think its a bit ironic


And isnt it a bit ironic you mention jigjiga,


Isnt it a bit ironic you mention ONLF


Isnt it a bit ironic



Its indeed, that you have yet to undertsand what that means. :D

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Sidaa ka daa, Duke. Waxay tahayba arrinta in laga sal gaaro weeye. If its true la xaliyyo if its as you think hal mar la beeneeyo. Saaseey ku habboon tahay or else is heysashada iyo eedda dhamaan meyso.

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again, you are living in denial. Denial doesn't make you more civilized. You can feel good about youself for uttering wonderful sermons, but the situation on the ground still has tribal connotations.


What you think and what I think are not so relevant when it comes to what the grassroots think. So, denial is not going to stop what could turn out to be a senseless conflict between brotherly somali clans.

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Originally posted by MoonLight1:

quote: PIS iyo beelalaha cadaystay cadawada ay u hayaan Ummada ku nool Gobalka **** in badan wey ka shalayn.

I see some very backword mentalities here, but never expected it from A&T, war heedhe maamulka P'land iyo PIS aan la dirirno waa wax la gartay, but to say we will wage war against the
* tribe who's name was mentioned by Jaffe is utterly madness and senseless.I have many friends from the
tribe who are disgusted and hate the PIS and the damage they are cousing to P'lands image.
What are you telling us? That PL or the PIS is not run by the sublans of *** tribe? That is more backward mentality and senseless.


To attack itself is not bad, so why a person, a group or a clan is attacked is the key.


You may try again, Moonlight!


[ October 30, 2009, 02:22 AM: Message edited by: Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar ]

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Waryaa bootaale AT&T, nimanka Walwaal, Geladi, Wardheer, Bookh, Qaloocan, Caado, Maaneed, iyo Mirafadle dega oo dhibta badan bal marka hore iyaga soo baabi'i iyagaa ZONE 5 dega oo kuu dhow eh, Nugaal intaad u dhaadicin. Waxaan u malaynayaa nimankaas ayaadanba soo dhaafayn marka hore. :D:D:D


On a serious note, I feel your pain, but let us not revile a whole community as Jafe01 has been doing in the last few days. This exploit, if confirmed, is a catastrophic new low for Puntland. Citizens fleeing Habasha cruelty whose desire to find liberty takes them to Puntland should not be handed over to Meles. I am optimistic Faroole will speak on this in the future, but let the entire facts surface. There is scores of suspicion that this latest indictment from the ONLF is based on nothing more than mere half truths.

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A&T wax ba'ay weeyye, nimankii la degenaa ee markuu Boosaaso ariga keensado makhaayadaha wax laga cuno tusi jirey buu hadda leeyahay hala laayyo :D


Kani Dhagax Buur kama immaan,

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