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Shirka Washington

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hadhwanaag 2006-11-23 (Hadhwanaagnews) Washington, USA (HWN) – Koox la baxday Ururka Somalida (reer) Waqooyi ee Nabadda iyo Midaynta ee afka qalaad loogu yeedho Northern Somalis for Peace and Unity (NSPU) ayaa waxay ku dhawaaqeen inay shir ku qabsanayaan magaalada Washington DC ee caasimadda dalka Maraykanka maalinta Jimcaha iyo Sabtida ee Bisha December 1 -2 deeda.

read article at


The upcoming conference in Washington area seems to be quite interesting, let’s see if it materializes as most of the panelist in the list is wishy washy politicians who will not want to be labeled one thing or the other. Let’s wait and see as the set day is approaching and their true colors comes out. I am for sure will be watching.

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From what I gather from the official website of the conference and the sponsoring organization (, the conference will take place on Dec. 1st and 2nd at the premises of the Centre for strategic studiesin DC. The item on Hadhwanaag seems like it is reporting from a hostile point of view. But then again isn't that what all the websites who support the secessionist point of view do. They usually act like the mouth pieces of Somaliland and are hell bent to suppress any other view.


The news article from hadhwanaag looks like it is rallying the troops of the secessionist forces in DC to open their eyes and ears and discourage the invited guests (probably those whom they think should not have s different view from theirs)not to participate.


Per the literature of this conference it seems the organizers and the sponsoring agency are trying to organize the pro union groups from the north and I believe that is a voice we need to hear even for Somaliland's own sake.



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What is the agenda, apart from seeing some draft form. I agree with you, it’s good to hear the other side of the story on Somalialnd issue but so far the conference is lacking some elements. There is no official press release until today detailing the agenda and panelist. I am still not convinced their list of participates (politicians) will show up. But let us wait and see! For Xaruuru don’t be emotional as is evident in your name, be realistic, and look at the list if there is one. I am afraid you will be disappointed when the set date comes!

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