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Puntland's new flag should include a crescent moon and star

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Apart from the character analysis, let us really dwell on the real issue of whether one needs to envy Puntland. I don't think the inflated self-presentation of the region- both in terms of what it has as a natural beauty or human capital is correct. A fact I highlight when some throw Puntland-the-Taiwan mantra onto our faces. The nationalist contribution of the region to the somali cause is also grossly exaggerated. Add the Yey antics and Faroole's new 'national-cake" preoccupation, and you will see this entity is more of a negative force than positive to the somali cause.


There is nothing wrong about seeking attention. it is a human propensity. whether I get it or not, i will continue to try to get one. In case, you think that is a bad thing.


As to what you think about me, it is like the fart a dog breaks out to put off a furnace. Does it really matter at all? To be judged by someone who breaks hell for a rinji lamarmariyey white background using a key board as if his atomic secrets of a century is stolen? I mean, is the pettiness not showing? :D:D




But we are not talking of Dhagaxbuur as if it is Paris! We are not talking of the same stream that passes through it as the Thames river! All I am asking of you is to not say a frog is an elephant. :D

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If you feel a grieved or humiliated by Puntland's presence or being than just say so but don't hide in saying 'Puntland is a desert, its worth nothing and its flag is cloth that is wasted etc' whilst at the same time camplaining day and night in and out about Puntland having done something to you and the rest of Somalia, these are contrary to one another but what would I expect from a mildly but nevertheless schizophrenic guy of your calibre.

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But we are not talking of Dhagaxbuur as if it is Paris! We are not talking of the same stream that passes through it as the Thames river! All I am asking of you is to not say a frog is an elephant

Again all you do is highlight your inferiority complex, must be all the years of being prisoners to the Habashi, it has taken its toll on you. As freemen we see our land as beautiful as Paris, with the long coastline a land which has borne Sultans and kings and which today represents the hope of all Somali’s. You need to get out of prison and become free then you might appreciate what god gave you as we do our land. :D

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whilst it is quite clear that A&T enjoys jumping in front of blazing clanist firing line. The fair guy in me can not stand the fact another clanist would join and enjoying shooting this suicidal man.


Marka - here my is advice - take the guy on basis of; one on one and don't gang on him - otherwise you'll make martyr out of him. :D

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aha, the same way you think the dark folks who threaten the mother of all wars in the 5:00 pm BBC only to declare a strategic retreat in the night programme are equal in number to all dark-headed creatures on earth??!! There is no law that bans one from being delusional.


So, Garowe is Oslo. Perhaps, you should organize the world Ski-ing tournaments in the coming years!


You see delusion is not to be patriotic, for it will result in shame. Like when you say we are going to capture so and so, and actually believe it, only to run like a herd of goats spooked by a ravenous hyena. Or whether it is to declare you will throw much more mightier people to the oceans, only to seek refugee asylum in Yemen!


But I admire the skin one gets to cope with being nothing good at anything. :D




Dear Sayid, why don't you join them adeer si badheedh ah intaad talo aan micno lahayn meel danbe ka soo tuurayso. :D

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SSyou are making a monkey out of yourself. Obviously you are not a clanist yet you are a sub-sub-sub clanist who would insult the Galkacyu in favour of Qardo [did I spell it correctly].. :D

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So, Garowe is Oslo. Perhaps, you should organize the world Ski-ing tournaments in the coming years!

No adeer Garowe to me is better than Oslo, I am a free Somali from Puntland and not Norwegian. Again you are not making any sense. Like I said you need to get out of this inferiority complex, you need to stop hating on Puntland, it is not good for your health. Envy is a terrible thing, our land is beautiful, we are content and insha Allah will build it into a comfortable state for our children. I wish freedom and prosperity for you my cousin, but first you must get out of the prison mentality, free your mind and the rest will follow.


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It suits you Sayid. You dared to challenge one of the most cherished norms of the Punties: is garab yaac.


Duke, you don't have to tell me what I know. Of course, you are not a Norwegian. You are a dreaded Piratelander. :D

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Originally posted by General Duke:

you are making a monkey out of yourself. Obviously you are not a clanist yet you are a sub-sub-sub clanist who would insult the Galkacyu in favour of Qardo [did I spell it correctly]..

anigu qabiil ma lihi - qardhan leeyahay. taasna cidnah igulama haysato.

but i don't expect clanist to understand that. :D



P.S. try again sxb - you couldn't even spell the alleged town you hail from - let alone a city you only heard of yesterday - you problem get mixed up between Mugdi iyo Mudug too :D

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Dear Sayid, why don't you join them adeer si badheedh ah intaad talo aan micno lahayn meel danbe ka soo tuurayso.


It suits you Sayid. You dared to challenge one of the most cherished norms of the Punties: is garab yaac.

Soomaalidu wexey tidhahdaa: doqon Nebi Muse (CW) habbaaray. :D - i guess they were right.

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anigu qabiil ma lihi - qardhan leeyahay. taasna cidnah igulama haysato.

but i don't expect clanist to understand that.

Aside from your sub-clan allegiance to that town who gave you the rights to the city?

Spare us the nonsense you’re by far one of the worst clanists in SOL, because you divide families and not clans.

I hail from Puntland and as its citizen don’t care for Qardo [again check the spelling] or any other town or village. You care about that Qardo more than any other town because its your sub,sub,sub clans abode, and that’s the problem.


Also stop trying to impress people these ONLF lads loath you more than anyone else, get a backbone cousin then we can talk.


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Duke, you don't have to tell me what I know. Of course, you are not a Norwegian. You are a dreaded Piratelander.

A Pirate is better than a prisoner of Amhara, Kenyans and Al Shabaab, for he is free to roam the high seas.. :D


A Pirate is better than a Mugged one[sNM] for he takes what is his and makes headlines, while the Mugged one is always begging for scraps. :D

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He is still your president he is the one farooles is begging we don’t get our aid . yaa sheikh dalxiis wax noogu dhibay , wakan hadh iyo jeer voa ka calacalaya. And out of frustration puntland is making flags :D

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